
Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

author:Ngawang said


Plastic surgery has always been very hot, and after fine-tuning, the face is pretty.

False advertisements are everywhere, be careful not to be caught.

Tooth brother

Tooth sister, last time you told me "how to judge the beauty of the face", I want to ask you if you are not beautiful enough to be born and want to become beautiful the day after tomorrow, is it okay? Ha ha

Tooth Sister

How to change the law?

Like what...... Such as a facelift!

Oh, I don't reject plastic surgery, we know that some celebrities also admit that they have done it, and the effect is acceptable. But everything must be measured, otherwise the price paid will be painful.


You don't know! Take a look at the top ten cosmetic failure cases---- shocking.

1. Han Miaoke: A Korean plastic surgery addict who injects cooking oil into his face. She obsessively injected cooking oil into her face, eventually making her face unrecognizable. Her first cosmetic surgery was when she was 28 years old. After repeated surgeries, her face eventually became large and unrecognizable. She went to see the surgeon, but the doctor refused to do any surgery on her face. A doctor told her that her obsessive-compulsive disorder was a psychological disorder, so Han Miao could inject cooking oil into her face. Her face became unusually large, and her neighbor's children called her a "floor fan"—because she had a big face and a small body. Han Miaoke's notoriety spread throughout south Korean television, and viewers who watched the report sympathized with her and sent her donations so that she could undergo surgery to reduce the area of her face. During the first surgery, the surgeon removed 60 grams of impurities from her face and 200 grams from her neck. After many surgeries, her face area was greatly reduced, but it was still terrible and ugly. This is a real challenge for cosmetic surgery in Korea.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

2. Jocelyn Wildenstein: A $4 million monster. Known to the media for her nickname "Wildstein's Bride" — quoted from Frankstein's bride — Jocelyn Wiltonstein is said to have spent nearly $4 million on cosmetic surgery over the years. It ended up being one of the most failed and famous cases of cosmetic surgery addiction.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

3. Michael Jackson: More than 10 nose surgeries. Before becoming the deformed form it is today, it's hard to forget how normal and even charming Michael Jackson looked in the '70s and '80s. Legend has it that in his lifetime, he underwent more than 10 nose plastic surgeries.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

4. Pete Burns: Famous singer who spent almost all of his savings on plastic surgery. Pete Burns, former lead singer of the British band Dead or Alive, is best known for the single "You Spin Me Round". He had a large amount of polyacrylamide injected into his lips, implanted his chin, straightened his nose many times and had many tattoos on his body. In early 2006, after his lips had gone wrong after an operation, he revealed that he had spent almost his life savings on 18 months of plastic surgery.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

5. Dennis Avner: Tiger Man. Dennis Avner, also known for "Tiger Man" or his native American name "Sneaking Cat," underwent a lot of incredible cosmetic surgery to make him look like his totem animal tiger. Cosmetic modifications include: a large number of tattoos, percutaneous implants to insert beards, subcutaneous implants to change the shape of the face, and filing and shaping of teeth to make them look more like tigers.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

6. Eric Spuriger: Lizard man. Eric Sprugg, born in 1972 and known as the "Lizard Man," was one of the first people to perform tongue-splitting plastic surgery, a procedure that was once popular in some circles. The 37-year-old spent 700 hours getting tattoos to make himself look more reptile-like. He also implanted 5 "horns" of Teflon material above his eyebrows and sharpened his teeth, making his tongue fork and stretching the diaphragm and earlobes.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

7 Donatella Versace: Her own comic book image.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

8. Jackie Stallone: Skinlift, Forehead Lift, Cheek Filling, Nose Reshaping. The mother of famous actor Sylvester Stallone, Jackie is also famous for claiming that she can talk to dogs about the future. She once set up a psychological hotline to advise callers. Now she's become more famous for looking like she's had multiple cosmetic surgeries, and she's tried almost all of them: a facelift, a foreheadlift, a face filler, a nose reshaping, and, of course, lip surgery.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

9 Amanda Leporé: The most famous transgender person in the world. Once a slum boy, Amanda After countless cosmetic surgeries, Leporé became one of the most famous transgender people in the world. She underwent her first facelift at the age of 15, her gender shift in her final year of high school, and numerous more cosmetic surgeries since then.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

10. Miqueira Romanini: Italian socialite known for the abuse of collagen. Last but not least is Italian socialite Mikaela Romanini, another case of cosmetic surgery failure, the lip-abusing collagen abuser who is only 40 years old. Became famous after multiple surgeries.

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

This also... That's scary, isn't it?

In the upsurge of plastic surgery in South Korea a few years ago, there were also many people who failed to make plastic surgery, and they wanted to take up the weapon of the law to protect themselves, but in the end they could not do it.

Yes, I know this. By the way, I've heard of a surgery called "orthognathic", what's going on?

The purpose of orthognathic surgery is to adjust the uncoordinated arch-jaw relationship with the tooth and jaw, eliminate the interference of the tooth and jaw, and eliminate the compensatory tilt of the tooth, so that the position of the upper and lower jaws can be smoothly adjusted during the operation, a good tooth-jaw relationship can be established, and the facial shape can be adjusted. Orthognathic surgery is a relatively large surgery, but the operation has developed very maturely, as long as the patient does not have serious diseases, serious allergies, etc. do not have to worry about the safety of the operation.

Will it look beautiful when you're done?

Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...
Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...
Casual facelifts, never! Otherwise it could turn out like this...

Now many patients come to the doctor with pictures of celebrities, and the requirements are simple--- "I want to become like this." It seems that orthognathic surgery is like a "face washing" technique, which can change the shape of the face at will.

I feel the same way.

This kind of surgery is suitable for patients with bone reversal (ground cover), severe bimaxillary protrusion, facial jaw development abnormalities, deformities, not cosmetic surgery, for people with normal facial development, even if surgery is done, there is no guarantee that it will be "beautiful" than before surgery.


Therefore, if you want to do facial plastic surgery, you must go to a regular, qualified maxillofacial plastic surgery and beauty institution to perform surgery. Don't be tempted by some exaggerated propaganda to accept illegal plastic and aesthetic surgery treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to fully communicate with the doctor and respect the doctor's advice. Everyone's face shape is very different, suitable for others is not necessarily suitable for themselves, choose the most suitable treatment plan for yourself, do not pursue perfection too much. Experienced doctors often analyze the patient's wishes in a scientific manner, give a most reasonable treatment plan on the basis of following medical principles, and finally correctly understand the risks of maxillofacial plastic surgery. As long as it is surgery, there will be risks, and the preoperative doctor will inform the patient in writing of the indications, contraindications, medical risks and precautions for treatment, etc., and the patient should fully communicate with the doctor and fully understand it.

Okay Tooth Girl, I get it.

Author: Wang Xiao