
Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

author:Queen Lolo

The flood disaster in Henan has touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, and the stars as public figures have also borne the brunt of their own strength.

Huang Zitao, who was recently in the "fox stink storm", donated 3 million yuan and used all the inventory worth more than 5 million yuan in his brand clothing store to help Henan. Unexpectedly, Huang Zitao, who has always been grumpy and speaks wildly, actually became famous with this goodness.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

From the tens of thousands of people stepping on when he first returned to China, to the tens of thousands of people today, everyone has only seen the transformation of Huang Zitao, but they do not know that he has always had the support of capital behind him, the assistance of nobles, and the company of good people.

And this person who is so great that he can do almost everything is his father, Huang Zhongdong.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first, the family is prominent</h1>

Huang Zitao is a veritable rich second generation, the kind of artist who will go home to inherit 20 billion family properties as long as he can't mix in the entertainment industry.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Huang Zitao's father, Huang Zhongdong, was admitted to the Qingdao Military Academy at the age of 16 and has since taken root in this beautiful coastal city.

In 1995, Huang Zhongdong took the 40,000 yuan of entrepreneurial funds accumulated over the years and turned to business, and some people poured cold water on him, saying that he was not self-sufficient.

Huang Zhongdong replied in a firm tone: "As long as people work hard, there is nothing that cannot be done!" ”

It turns out that he did it, and two years after starting his business, he climbed to the 7th place in Qingdao's rich list, lived in a big house, drove a luxury car, married a beautiful wife, gave birth to a lovely son, and entered the peak of his life.

However, everyone sees his achievements and brilliance now, but few people really understand the hardships and bitterness he has come through.

And the only belief that supports him has always been those four words--heaven rewards diligence.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Therefore, this "four-character proverb" also ran through his entire educational career for his son Huang Zitao.

In order not to let his son become a rich second generation who only cares about pleasure and has an arrogant temperament, Huang Zhongdong has always told Huang Zitao that his family is very poor, and when his classmates have 100 yuan of pocket money, Huang Zitao only has 1 yuan in his pocket.

Huang Zitao's poverty is well known to everyone, so that later he invited his classmates to come to his home to play, and when he saw a house of more than one hundred and thirty square meters, his friends were shocked: "You live in such a big house, you are not poor at all, you are a liar!" ”

Huang Zitao was very aggrieved after hearing it, and tearfully looked for his father to cry, and Huang Zhongdong calmly lied to him: "This is the house we rented!" ”

When Huang Zitao was in high school, because of his poor grades in cultural classes and his dislike of reading, he dropped out of school to find a job distributing leaflets on the street.

Father said, "This is the path you have chosen for yourself, just think about it!" ”

But what he didn't know was that the place where the leaflets were distributed was near his father's company, and his father was the president of that company, and only he had been imprisoned in the lie that "the family was poor".

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Huang Zitao had to work until ten o'clock every night, when the weather was cold, he was frozen on the ground and stomped his feet, and he had to accompany the smiling face to stuff the leaflets into the hands of passers-by, and finally trotted all the way to catch the last bus home.

Huang Zhongdong, who was hiding in the car next to him, saw this scene and his tears of heartache rained down. He used his connections to contact Huang Zitao's leader: "At the end of the month, give him more bonuses, I will give this money!" ”

After receiving the prize money, Huang Zitao danced happily, because it proved that he was better than the rest of the company. So, with his self-confidence, he wrote a long letter to his father: "I like music, I want to be a star!" ”

After Huang Zhongdong received the letter, he gave his son the words that he had originally encouraged: "As long as people work hard, there is nothing that cannot be done!" Whatever dad you want to be supports you! ”

Later, Huang Zitao really became a star in the spotlight, he proudly said: "The results I have achieved today are all achieved by my own efforts, and I have never relied on my family!" ”

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

However, he did not expect that behind this confidence and determination, it was his father's decades of dedicated protection.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the father is superhuman</h1>

When Huang Zitao was 1 year old, he had a high fever late at night, and after being rushed to the hospital, there was no doctor to receive him, which could scare Huang Zhongdong a lot.

After this thrilling incident, Huang Zhongdong was determined to master the relevant first aid knowledge, so he studied hard for 5 years and obtained a doctor's qualification certificate to escort Huang Zitao's healthy growth.

Therefore, in Huang Zitao's heart, Huang Zhongdong is like a superman, omnipotent.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

That year, Huang Zitao received an invitation from SM and went home to ask Huang Zhongdong's suggestions. He said to Huang Zitao: "SM is the largest star-making factory in Asia, but the training conditions are very bitter, you have to weigh it yourself!" ”

Huang Zitao just heard the first half of the sentence and made up his mind: "Such a powerful place, then I must go!" ”

Seeing that his son had made up his mind, Huang Zhongdong packed up his luggage without saying a word, and followed his son on the road to South Korea to pursue his dreams.

Of course, Huang Zitao can feel this strong father's love, but what he doesn't know is that his father, who saddles up for him, is far away from not only the affectionate homeland of his hometown, but also the 20 billion business.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

When he first arrived at SM, Huang Zitao was shocked by the handsome men in front of him, in order to stand out as soon as possible, he could only uphold his father's teaching of "Heavenly Reward for Diligence", practice at less than 10 o'clock every day, and did not return home until four or five o'clock in the morning.

Later, EXO became popular, and Huang Zitao finally had his own fan group, because he had a bit of martial arts skills since he was a child, Huang Zitao was labeled "Kung Fu Star" by the company, and also arranged for him to participate in recording various outdoor programs with high difficulty and danger coefficients.

Therefore, Huang Zitao's waist injury, leg injury, foot injury... All kinds of injuries did not fall, just after the ligament strain, still required by the company to insist on recording the program, the old injury added to the new injury Huang Zitao, because he missed the best treatment time, leaving serious sequelae.

But even so, the company also claimed to the outside world: "Tao's injury is not serious!" ”

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

SM's understatement of Huang Zitao's injury angered Huang Zhongdong, and in anger, he fought a transnational lawsuit with SM on behalf of Huang Zitao, and was bound to terminate the contract with this impersonal company.

After Huang Zitao returned to China, Huang Zhongdong told him: "I would rather you be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!" Therefore, he directly funded the acquisition of an agency company and renamed it "Longtao Entertainment", and only signed one artist, Huang Zitao, and he was the boss of his son.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Huang Zhongdong said: "With my current assets, I don't know how many brokerage companies I can buy, do I still need my son to make money?" But I would never tell him about it! ”

At the beginning, Huang Zitao was always criticized by public opinion because of his temper and impulsive words and deeds, Huang Zhongdong had to help him clean up the mess behind his back, and even helped him set up a fan support group, maintain a new media account, and from time to time invite his old comrades in Beijing to have a meal, if nothing else, I hope that when his son pokes out the basket, these uncles and uncles can pull him.

It is precisely because of the backing of his father behind him that Huang Zitao never despises pleasing anyone, and when he is unhappy, he will reply in public, and even dare to push Jackie Chan's meal when he is not interested.

He is one of the few stars who dares to express his true feelings at any time, and he is also one of the few idols who dare to clamor with black fans on social platforms.

Some people think that he is straightforward and honest, and some people think that he has no one in sight, and his highlights and black spots have always been shadowy.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Therefore, every time there is a star rollover, he is always the one who "lies on the gun".

After Luo Zhixiang became a "time management master", the black circles became the best evidence of his night and night songs, so netizens used the same method to conclude that Huang Zitao's private life with black circles was also improper, which scared Huang Zitao's fans into sending pictures overnight to prove that Huang Zitao had dark circles since he was a child.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Later, Wu Yifan's "strength pet powder" was exposed that he complained that his returned teammates had fox odor, so netizens used the exclusion method to conclude that Zhang Yixing did not interact with Wu Yifan, it should not be him; if Lu Han had it, Guan Xiaotong would definitely not want him; so it could only be Huang Zitao.

For these innocuous "slanders", Huang Zitao can sometimes laugh at them, and sometimes he can't control his rude words.

Under his arrogance, there have been many times the experience of being depowdered on a large scale, but Huang Zitao is very optimistic, netizens joked: "The average fan has been scolded by Huang Zitao and run away, leaving behind true love powder!" ”

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

As an artist, Huang Zitao constantly caused trouble, but his father Huang Zhongdong never criticized him, he said: "If I change him from personality, then he is not Huang Zitao!" ”

Has been trying to enlarge the strengths of the son, but also choose to respect the shortcomings of the son, Huang Zhongdong's rational education, so that many parents are ashamed.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three, one night to grow up</h1>

If his father has been there, then Huang Zitao can always be that big boy who is open-mouthed and arrogant!

Unfortunately, in September 2020, the 52-year-old father left him forever, leaving him with 12 companies and a family training of "Heavenly Reward", and Huang Zitao was forced to grow up overnight.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Once, my father let out a bold statement: "In three years, I will let the scale of Longtao Entertainment surpass that of Huayi Brothers!" "However, I didn't expect the accident to come sooner than tomorrow."

After his father died, Huang Zitao rested for half a month before adjusting his mentality and returning to work, he said: "I will not fall, Longtao Entertainment is the hard work left to me by my father, I will not let him down for the rest of my life!" ”

Today's Huang Zitao, an artist with the light of idols, is also a boss who carries thousands of hopes, under the tempering of this dual identity, he is becoming more and more mature and more responsible.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Henan flood, he bore the brunt of the donation of 3 million, and removed all the clothing of the store to help Henan, for these payments, he only said lightly: "At this time, don't be stingy, you can help!" ”

For his employees, he never asks how much benefit the other party can bring for himself, but hopes that they can become a person of integrity, kindness and benefiting society under his influence.

Why did Huang Zitao's reputation turn against the wind? The capital behind it finally surfaced one, the family was prominent two, the father was superman three, and grew up overnight

Huang Zitao has changed from a boy with a small wayward nature to a company leader with great love, and his father Huang Zhongdong has begun to produce results in his education.

Recalling his father's life before his death, Huang Zitao always cried, he said: "I used to think that I was very good at expressing love, and I would often tell my parents that I loved you, but I never really understood what they wanted." ”

Presumably, what parents want is nothing more than today's open-minded, hard-working, sincere and kind him!

I am @Lolo Queen

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