
Save | 19 Best Children's Films with watch links!

author:Yingpu Education
Save | 19 Best Children's Films with watch links!

The audiovisual experience provided by the film, the learning retention rate is 10% higher than that of reading. If the teacher can discuss the movies and original works with the child in depth, the learning retention rate can be as high as 50%.

Today, Xiaobian has selected 19 film works to help you and your child spend a fun and beneficial film lesson.


The Karate Kid

"Dragon Boy"

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Genre: Drama, Family, Action

Recommended age: 11 years +

"Dragon Boy" tells the story of Daniel, a boy who has just moved to California with his mother, who is bullied and follows Mr. Miyagi to learn karate and defend himself.

The key word in this film is "inspirational", which is not "chicken soup for the soul", but really makes people feel hot and burning.

But this film is not advocating violence against violence, just like Mr. Miyagi told Daniel what the purpose of the fight was to never have to fight.

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The Sandlot

Legend of the Sand

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Genre: Family/Comedy

Recommended age: 8 years +

Legends of the Sand tells the story of Scotty, a boy who moves with his family to a strange town, and with the help of Benny, he integrates into a baseball group and establishes a brotherly friendship.

Summer, baseball, childhood... "Legend of the Sand" presents the audience with a grand memory of a good time. The plot is not complicated, but it is this simplicity that is filled with happiness.


Homeward Bound:

The Incredible Journey

"Watch the Dog Talk"

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Genre: Comedy/Drama/Adventure

"Watching the Dog Talk" tells the story of the retriever Shadow, the cat Sassy, and the puppy Chance, who are full of anxiety after being fostered to the farm by their owners, and decide to embark on an adventure home.

"Watch the Dog Talk" collects the two most difficult elements of animals and children. The point is, it was quite interesting. A very warm film that tells children that family love can overcome everything!



The Newsboy Legend

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Genre: Drama/Song and Dance

"The Legend of the Newsboy" tells the story of the boy Jack who leads the newsboys to protest against the newspaper tycoons and fight for his faith.

Who would have thought that "Batman" Christian Bale would have played such a cute role? "The Legend of the Newsboy" is Christian Bale's first film in Hollywood, and parents who like him can watch it with their children.


Curious George

Curious George

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Genre: Animation/Comedy

Recommended age: 3 years +

"Curious George" is adapted from the fairy tale book "Curious Little Monkey George", which tells the story of a series of adventures that occur when the museum guide encounters George the monkey on the way to find the god statue and save the museum.

"Curious George" is loved by many children because of its simplicity and beauty. Coupled with the soundtrack of musician Jack Johnson, it was a heartfelt joy after watching it

Children can also learn a lot from George the Monkey, such as curiosity, enthusiasm and kindness.


The Nutty Professor

"Professor Crazy"

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Genre: Sci-fi, Comedy

"Professor Crazy" is about a college professor concocting a potion that turns him into the coolest person in town in order to capture the girl's heart. But potions often lose their effect at critical moments, and a series of ironic stories occur...

Although "Professor Crazy" is a lighthearted comedy, it expresses an important idea: to be yourself. And, because of its cultural significance, the film is now in the collection of the United States National Film Registry.


October Sky

"October Sky"

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Genre: Drama

"October Sky" tells the story of Homer, an ordinary high school student in the mine town, who came up with the idea of making rockets. With the support of teachers and friends, Homer devoted himself to research. However, his father obstructed Homer in every way, and the police terminated his research due to the fire in the forest. Can Homer still achieve his dreams?

Based on Homer's memoirs, this one is a glimpse into the spirit of old-fashioned DIY. If your child is a science lover, show him this inspirational film


The Addams Family

The Adams

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Genre: Fantasy/Comedy

"The Adams Family" is about Gomez living with his wife and children in Adams Manor, but in his heart he can't let go of his long-missing brother Feist. One day, Feist appeared at Adams Manor, but was this Feist really Feist?

The Adams family has a Gothic style, but in terms of themes and settings, it is not too scary. Parents and children who like farce and dark comedy, recommend to see ~


Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

《Qibao Captures Soldiers》

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Genre: Action/Adventure

During World War II, Dr. Indiana Jones found the Ark of the Covenant with extraordinary wisdom and guts in order to disilluse Hitler's plans. But the fruits of victory were swallowed up by the Nazis, can Dr. Indiana Jones fight back?

Although "Raiders of the Shell" is a typical Hollywood film with a weak plot, it can trigger children's thinking about world history and interest in real archaeologists.


How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon

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Genre: Animation/Adventure/Fantasy

"How to Train Your Dragon" tells the story of Hiccup, a teenager in the Virgin Island nation, who very much wants to slay the dragon with his own hands like his father. In one battle, Hiccup injured a dragon with a dragon archer and secretly bred and tamed the dragon behind his people's back. Just as he was about to tell the truth to his people, but it was self-defeating, a disaster was coming...

The special effects technology of "How to Train Your Dragon" ensures the viewing of this film. Although the film expresses the clichéd themes: communication and understanding, love and peace, it does not make people tired, and this is the great thing.




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Genre: Drama/Fantasy

"Hugo" tells the story of a young boy Hugo who goes to a toy store to steal parts to repair the robot left by his deceased father, but is caught on the spot by the shopkeeper George. As George takes the mechanical manual his father left for him, Hugo follows George and meets George's adopted daughter Isabella, and a fantastic adventure begins...

Based on Brian Selznick's bestseller The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Hugo is also director Martin Scorser's tribute to George Mérière, the "father of theatrical cinema.". Enjoying this well-crafted film is like reading a good book.


The Mighty Ducks

"Wild Duck Becomes Phoenix"

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Genre: Drama/Adventure/Comedy

"Wild Ducks Become Phoenix" is about because of a court decision. Arrogant lawyer Gordon Bombay was forced to coach the children's ice hockey team. In the process of training the children, he reformed and led the children to victory.

Although the plot of "Wild Duck Becomes Phoenix" is a bit old-fashioned, it is humorous and is also a film that teachers and parents can teach their children to work together.


Searching for Bobby Fischer

Journey of the King

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Recommended age: 6 years +

"Journey of the King" tells the story of the little boy Josh, who showed amazing talent when playing chess, so his parents invited a chess expert to train Josh to become a chess master. But Josh didn't like the chess expert very much, preferring the guy he met in the park who taught him how to win his way and loved to play.

"Journey of the King" is adapted from the true story of chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin, if the child is interested in chess, you can accompany the child to watch this film, but also can tell the child whether morality is important, or win or lose is important.


School of Rock

Rock School

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Genre: Comedy/Music

"Rock School" tells the story of Dewey Finn, a musician who embraces the original intention of rock and roll, enters a well-known secondary school by stealing beams and changing pillars, and leads the children who only know how to read into a new rock world...

The core element of "Rock Campus" is rock, and rock is blood, that is, burning and exploding. But this film not only brings enthusiasm to children, but also the courage to face the world!


Pete's Dragon

《Myo Miao Dragon》

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"Myo Myo Long" tells the story of Pete, a 9-year-old orphan, and his only friend, Myo Myo Lung Elliott, who escape from a cruel foster home, but a doctor prepares to harm Elliott. Pete must quickly find a way to save his only friend...

Elliott in "Miaomiao Dragon" is cute, not to mention that children will like it, even adults can't resist. And this film has also been nominated for the Oscar for Best Original Song, and the music is very beautiful

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The Indian in the Cupboard

Magic Cabinet Raiders

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Genre: Drama/Fantasy/Adventure

"Magic Cabinet Soldier" tells the story of the little boy Omri, who received a small wooden cabinet gift from his brother on his 9th birthday. Surprisingly, when he put the Indian warrior doll into the small wooden cabinet, the Indian warrior doll turned out to be alive. In the process of getting along, the little boy Omri and the Indian samurai slowly became friends.

The plot of toys coming alive in "Magic Cabinet Stranger" should not be able to resist by children. Parents can also take the opportunity to talk to their children about how to build trust between people


Little Giants

"Brave Little Giant"

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Genre: Comedy/Adventure

"Brave Little Giants" is about the brothers Danny and Kevin, who are the coaches of different football teams. As the tournament approaches, the competition between the two men becomes more and more dilated. The people in the town even bet on "who is the championship team", so who won the game in the end?

"Brave Little Giant" is a typical inspirational film, hot blood! burn! If your parents' child loves the sport of soccer, watch this film with him!


Easter Parade

"Flowers bloom and butterflies are full of branches"

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Genre: Song and dance

"Flowers and Butterflies" tells the story of Hewes and his dance partner, who were originally good partners, but the dance partner decided to leave him to develop alone. To stimulate his dance partner, Hewes found another girl, Hannah, to accompany him. At first, Hannah & Hewes's performances were in a variety of ways, but gradually they got better...

"Flowers and Butterflies" won the Academy Award for Best Soundtrack, which is an excellent audition feast~


Bedknobs and Broomsticks

The Flying Universal Bed

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Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Fantasy

"The Flying Universal Bed" tells the story of the second world war, the apprentice wizard Price from the attack on London, received 3 orphans. The 3 orphans used Price's brass bed and flew to London and beyond in search of spells that could help the war...

"Flying Universal Bed" is a combination of live-action and animation, known as "a milestone in the history of animation", and won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects, which is worth watching!