
The minimum 20 yuan opens the door of summer art for Changsha Mengwa

author:Wah Seng Online
The minimum 20 yuan opens the door of summer art for Changsha Mengwa

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, July 8 (Reporter Xiong Yuanfan Correspondent Tao Xuanning) Last night, in the classic music of "Happy Doraemon" performed by the Hunan Provincial Song and Dance Theater Chinese Orchestra, the Changsha Concert Hall "Open the Door to Art • Summer Art Festival" was officially opened, and a group of local artistic forces will bring music shows belonging to Changsha this summer.

In the opening performance, the Hunan Provincial Song and Dance Theater Chinese Orchestra made a youthful appearance, and the classic excerpts took turns to appear, from the theme song "Happy Doraemon" to "Flowing Water" to "Fishing Boat Singing Evening", and performed the classic excerpts of national music such as "Spring River Flower Moon Night" and "Happy Encounter". This national concert is specially designed for children, so that children can enjoy the endless changes of music in blowing, pulling, playing and playing, and enjoy the rich and colorful Chinese culture in the melody full of national characteristics.

Changsha Concert Hall "Eight Joys • Open the Door to Art" 2019 Summer Art Festival, from July 7 to August 29, the past 60 days will stage 18 wonderful performances, 5 special art summer camps, a number of famous lecture halls. This year, the ticket price of all performances remains at 20 to 100 yuan.

Next, on July 10, 18 performances will be held in turn, including "Carnival Dance : British Merah Guitar Quartet Concert", July 16 , Beijing Peking Opera House Classic Duan Evening ", July 17 "Wu Yuxia Pipa Famous Music Appreciation Concert", July 24 "Hal's Moving Castle • World Classic Song Concert".

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[Editor-in-Charge: Feng Hao]