
Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

author:Sauce anime set

Text: Pour sauce anime set / pour light snow original, infringement must be investigated!

Hi, dear comic friends, pour sauce is once again updated from time to time, live up to the original intention, always love anime, come and pour sauce together, continue to roam the two-dimensional world!

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

After learning about the national and international chapters about "Zi Rat" and "Ugly Cow" before, and the national comic chapter of "Yin Hu", this issue continues to learn about five anime works about foreign tigers, so come and pay attention to it together!

First of all, the title of this issue: five foreign anime works about tigers, tiggers, humming tigers, and kusama yarns Come and learn about it!

One: Winnie the Pooh and Tigger

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

Disney's classic animated character Tigger, is a good friend of Winnie the Pooh, and especially likes bouncing and being a detective, because this is what Tigger is best at!

One of the things that makes Tigger the happiest is "He's the only Tigger!" Do you remember this bouncing tigger?

Two: Daniel the Tiger, Daniel

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

This animation work, from Canada, the protagonist of this preschool animation Daniel, only four years old, lives on dream come true island.

This animation work of the early education genre grows from Daniel's daily life, getting along with family and friends, and learning life when he first entered school.

Three: "Kung Fu Panda" Hu Jiaohu

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

In "Kung Fu Panda", although the Chinese elements run through all, they still do not change the essence of American animated films, as well as the essence of American action comedy films, our national treasure Panda Ah Bao, originally nothing, but with the essence of the cute world, easily get the protagonist aura.

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

In the "Valley of Peace", a group of animal masters, based on the South China Tiger, she is the most powerful, courageous and stable member of the Five Heroes of the Gestapo, cold and strong on the outside, gentle and fragile in the heart, because she grew up in an orphanage when she was a child, because she was rejected and isolated by everyone because of her fierceness and difficulty, and was later raised by her master and brought back to the Emerald Palace as a disciple.

Four: The Lion King

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

The main villain of the Italian version of The Lion King, not Scar but Sheli, is a very cunning tiger in the African savannah who kills Simba's mother and dreams of becoming the king of the forest.

On Simba Jr.'s path to revenge, he repeatedly sent his men to fight with Simba's troops and lost, and finally lost to Simba in the decisive battle, and was killed.

Five: "Fruit Basket" grass moqi yarn

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

The first grade of junior high school is a cute and a little shy girl who is possessed by the "tiger" in the zodiac. I like grass mo lamp road, and I rely on Honda thoroughly every day.

Once autistic because of being bullied, and later encouraged by Xiao Toru and Yuki, he is now positive and sunny, taking a new step.

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

Well, that's all for this issue, Tigger in Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, Daniel in Daniel the Tiger, Tiger Tiger in Kung Fu Panda, Shirley in The Lion King, Grass Mo Qi yarn in Fruit Basket... What other animations do you know about tigers in addition to national cartoons? Let's discuss it with the sauce in the comments section!

Five foreign anime about "Tiger", Tigger, Hun Jiao, and Kusama Berry Come and learn

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Text: This article pours sauce anime set / pour light snow original debut, infringement must be investigated!