
Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

author:Now I'm going to think about it

1 Spring

【Teaching Objectives】

1.Read texts fluently and emotionally, mastering the skills of accented and stopped reading.

2.Learn the method of this article to grasp the characteristics of the scene and use metaphor and anthropomorphic rhetoric to describe the scene, and taste the beautiful language of this article.

3.Perceive the content of the text, stimulate association and imagination, and experience the beautiful situation of the text.

【Teaching Hours】

2 lessons

Lesson 1

【Teaching Process】

1. Introduce new lessons

Teacher: What is displayed on the screen is a seal character, who knows?

Courseware Presentation:

Seal font

Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

The premise this word is "spring", and its glyph is composed of three parts: the upper "艸" is overgrown with green grass; the middle "Tun" is like a seed, the upper part sprouts, and the lower part takes root; and the "sun" below is the warm sun. Taken together, it means that after the winter when everything has withered, the sun has returned, the earth has warmed up, the seeds in the ground have awakened and broken their shells, taken root and grown, and the vast forest is full of new greens.


Teacher: After understanding the composition of the character "chun" in the seal body, how will you feel when you mention this word again?

Presets are vibrant, vibrant, etc.

Teacher: Yes, people who have suffered from the harsh winter are most eager to return to the earth in spring, because spring makes nature full of vitality, gives people warmth, gives people hope, and gives people strength. When returning to the earth in spring, people often can't help but chant poems. The Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu wrote "Spring Night Happy Rain", Han Yu wrote "Early Spring Presents the Water Department Zhang Eighteen Members Outside", Du Mu wrote "Jiangnan Spring", Song Dynasty poet Zhu Xi wrote "Spring Day", Qing Dynasty Gao Ding wrote "Village Residence"... These verses are the ancients' descriptions and praises of spring. Today, let's enjoy a piece of prose that praises the spring of this day.

Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

Second, read the text for the first time, the overall perception

1. Get to know the author

Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), zi peixian, a native of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. Essayist, poet, scholar, and democracy fighter. Zhu Ziqing was one of the early main members of the Literary Research Association, and was diligent all his life, with more than 20 kinds of poetry, prose, criticism, and academic research works, with more than 2 million words. Representative prose works include "Back Shadow", "Green", "Lotus Pond Moonlight" and so on.

2.Read the perceptual text for the first time

Teacher: This article is Zhu Ziqing's famous prose, and the above evaluation is well reflected in the text. Listen to the recording fan to read the text, please take the three tasks on the big screen to listen attentively.

(1) Circle the four-character words and words that are easy to make mistakes, and note pinyin for the words that are easy to misread.

(2) Try to divide the structure of this article and summarize the meaning of each part.

(3) Thinking: Is this prose like a lyric poem, like a landscape painting, or like a hymn of spring?

(Students communicate freely and complete tasks)


(1) Tip: Four-word words and error-prone words can be written on the blackboard, and the whole class can be revised and studied by the whole class.

(2) Part I (Paragraph 1): Pan Chun.

Part II (Paragraphs 2-7): Painting Spring.

Part III (Paragraphs 8-10): Ode to Spring.

(3) The author grasps the main characteristics of spring and uses the tone of the poem to depict the scene of the rejuvenation of the earth, the revival of all things, the vitality, and the glory of flowers and trees. This article is a lyric poem, but also a landscape painting, more like a spring hymn.

3. Experience the beauty of spring

Teacher: Speed reading the text, using the sentence pattern of "spring beauty is in __________

(1) The beauty of spring is in the grass, you see, tender, green. In the garden, in the field, lo and behold, a large field full of people. (Board Book: Spring Sketch)

(2) Spring beauty in the colorful flowers, you see, red like fire, pink like Kasumi, white like snow. (Board Book: Spring Flower Diagram)

(3) The beauty of spring is in the spring wind, you smell, the wind is still mixed with the smell of freshly turned earth, mixed with the smell of grass, brewing in the slightly moist air. (Board Book: Spring Wind Diagram)

(4) The beauty of spring is in the rain, you see, like cow hair, like flower needles, like filaments, densely woven obliquely, and a thin layer of smoke is caged on the roof of people' homes. The leaves are green and shiny, and the grass is so green that it pushes your eyes. In the evening, the lights are on, and a little yellow halo light sets off a quiet and peaceful night. (Board Book: Spring Rain Diagram)

(5) Spring beauty in the spirit of people, you see, the city and the countryside, every household, old and young, also rushed to the children, one by one out. Relax and rejuvenate your bones, shake your spirit, and do your own thing. (Board Book: Spring Festival)

4.Grasp the content of the text

Teacher: There are a total of five spring scenes written in the text, in addition to the paragraphs just mentioned, which paragraphs in the text have not been mentioned just now? What are written in each of these paragraphs? What do they do?

Preset paragraphs 1, 2 and the last three.

The first paragraph of The Spring Festival, the point of the question, sets the emotional tone of joy for the whole text.

The second paragraph draws a large number of spring mountains, spring waters, and spring days, outlining the overall outline of spring, paving the way for the five spring scenes depicted below.

The last three paragraphs praise spring, emphasizing the three characteristics of spring newness, beauty and strength, summarizing the whole text, and pointing out the main theme.

Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

Third, read the text again and guide the reading

Teacher: The author uses his heart to feel the scenery of spring, pours his emotions into it, and shows the author's true feeling of yearning for spring, loving life, and full of hope. Let us follow the author's train of thought, feel the author's emotional pulse, and mobilize our love for spring to read the whole text.

1. Read excerpts aloud by name

2. Guide reading skills

According to the student's reading situation, the stress and stopping techniques are appropriately introduced.

Courseware presentation: (There are hints under the annotations under the language book class)

(1) Stress is the repetition of words that need to be emphasized in a sentence to attract the attention of the listener. Usually use the emphasis sign "·" Indicate below the word. For example:

The mountains rose, the water rose, and the sun's face blushed.

Spring was like a strong young man, with iron arms and waists, and he led us forward.

(2) Stop, refers to the pause and connection of the reading stream. Pauses, marked above words with "", are not limited to punctuation, and sometimes there are small pauses in sentences; connections, marked with "" above words, indicate that in order to express the need, it is necessary to read it here in one breath, without pausing. For example:

Sit, lie down, play two rolls, kick a few balls, race a few runs, catch a few times to hide.

The wind is gentle and the grass is soft.

3.Free recitation of texts

Choose your favorite paragraphs, read them aloud with emotion, and with the help of certain reading skills, experience the mood and style of the work, and read out the heartfelt praise for spring.

Tip: You can run a reading contest in small groups or have students evaluate each other.

Conclusion: This article revolves around a "spring" word, and writes three parts: Panchun, Painted Spring, and Songchun, and the order of these three parts is consistent with the development of the author's thoughts and feelings. Spring has not yet come, eagerly await its arrival; when it comes, enjoy the beautiful scene of the rejuvenation of the earth; and finally conclude with praise, praising spring with three figurative sentences, deepening the main idea.

Fourth, arrange homework

Outside the classroom, we collected famous sentences about ancient poems about "spring" and copied them in the homework book.

Transcribe the words twice after class.

Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

Lesson 2

First, exchange and display

It means that students read aloud the ancient poems about "spring" on their reading notebooks, and teachers and students concentrate on commenting.

Second, read the texts intensively and analyze the language

Teacher: Yu Dafu said that Zhu Ziqing's prose is "full of poetry" and "poetry". In this lesson, we focus on appreciating the "poetic beauty" of "Spring".

(1) Study the first part of the text

Read paragraph 1 by name

Consider the following questions:

(1) In what mood does the author welcome the arrival of spring? Which word explicitly tells us that spring has not yet arrived?

Preset Eagerness, joy. Near.

(2) In this sentence, the two "looking forward" express the author's mood?

The anticipation of the eagerness to come in anticipation of the arrival of spring.

(3) What is the structural role of paragraph 1?

The preset point question, the general lead of the whole article, caused the following, and laid the emotional tone of the whole text to love spring.

2. Read paragraph 1 in unison with the whole class

Requirements: When reading aloud, carefully experience the eagerness and joy of looking forward to the arrival of spring between the lines.

Teacher's Summary: This paragraph, which seems simple, is actually intriguing. Although there is only one sentence, the author conveys to us his eagerness for spring, as well as his affinity for spring and his feelings of liking for spring through lyrical techniques and the use of repetitive, anthropomorphic rhetorical techniques.

Excellent teaching design of the seventh grade book "Spring"

(2) Study the second part of the text

Read paragraph 2 by name

(1) Thinking: How many layers is this paragraph divided into? What are the characteristics of the structure? What is the role of paragraph 2 in the whole text?

Preset two layers. Total-point structure. First always write "everything", and then write mountains, water, and days. Function: In terms of content, it outlines the overall outline of the return of spring to the earth and the recovery of all things; structurally, it paves the way for the following painting of spring and sets the emotional tone; in terms of writing, it is written from a large place, and the outline of spring is outlined with white strokes.

(2) Talk about your understanding of paragraph 2 with the sentence "I like '____ (words and sentences in the text), because __ (the characteristics of the filling method and the object of description), I think I should read __

I like the premise that "everything is like just waking up, happily opening my eyes", because this sentence uses anthropomorphic rhetorical techniques, comparing spring to a person who has just woken up, vividly and vividly writing out the full spirit and happy mood when spring sleeps full and wakes up, and I think it should be read out of the feelings of gentleness and joy.

I like that "the mountains are moist, the water is rising, and the sun's face is blushing", because this sentence uses the rhetorical technique of comparison, from the mountains, water, sun and other places, vividly and vividly writes the new atmosphere of spring returning to the earth, the revival of all things, and the renewal of vientiane, and I think it should be read more and more joyful feelings.

2. The whole class read paragraph 3 together

(1) What characteristics of spring grass is written in this text?

Preset Tender, Green, And Many.

(2) In what order was this text written?

Presets From point to surface, near and far, from front to side.

(3) What are the characteristics of this paragraph in terms of word use and rhetoric?

Preset Word use: "drill" and "steal" two verbs to write the grass out of the soil squeezed out of the earth and its tenacious vitality, write the scene of the inadvertent spring grass quietly out of the scene and the author's surprise feeling.

Rhetorical: Using anthropomorphic and comparative rhetorical techniques, the image reproduces the cheerful mood brought by the spring grass.

(4) What kind of emotion does this paragraph express the author?

The preset author combines the picture of the growth of the grass and the picture of the child playing in the grass, that is, the two most vital scenes are combined and reflected together, so that the whole spring sketch shows a vibrant scene and reveals the author's love for the spring grass.

Tip: Try to read out this feeling through the tone, accent, and rhythm change.

3. Recite paragraphs 4-7

(1) Students freely recite paragraphs 4-7 to discuss how to read to express feelings, pay attention to rhythm, stress, and depression.

(2) Combined with the method of learning the "Spring Sketch" in paragraph 3, students work together in groups to learn the corresponding paragraphs of several pictures such as "Spring Flower", "Spring Wind", "Spring Rain" and "Welcoming Spring", and complete the table below.



Scene writing method

Spring flower diagram

Spring Breeze Chart

Spring rain chart

Spring Chart


From top to bottom, from real to virtual, from front to side

From touch to smell to hearing

From near and far, from the scenery and people

From point to surface

Language (rhetorical techniques, wording)

Anthropomorphism, metaphor, comparison; "noisy", "flying", "blinking", etc. (taste the appeal of vivid images of language)

Quotes, parables, anthropomorphisms; "touches", etc

Metaphor, anthropomorphism; "cage", "forced", etc

Quote "The plan of the year lies in the spring"; use overlapping words


A hundred flowers bloom, bright and fragrant, many and shining

Soft, aromatic and pleasant to the ear

Fine, gentle and long




(3) Focus on reading the exquisite and vivid language in each paragraph.

Find out what you think is the most wonderful sentence, and use the sentence "I like ________

Tip: From the perspective of words, sentences, rhetoric, etc., analyze and evaluate points from the aspects of writing and structure.

(3) Study part III of the text

1. The whole class reads the last three paragraphs together

(1) In these last three paragraphs, what rhetorical techniques did the author use?

Preset Metaphor, ranking.

(2) The author compares spring to dolls, little girls, and healthy youth who have just landed, and which three stages of development of spring are written? What are the characteristics of the spring in these three stages of development?

The preset early spring - "new" (all things revived, new life begins); mid-spring - "beautiful" (a hundred flowers, beautiful scenery); late spring - "force" (full of vitality).

2.Read the text aloud with emotion

Read these three paragraphs by name, group reading, and read together.

Requirements: (1) reasonable use of accent and stopping techniques; (2) read out the heartfelt praise for spring, and the emotional waves gradually rise.

Teacher's Summary: These three sentences form a group of comparative sentences, which are exquisite metaphors and far-reaching meanings. From "doll" to "little girl" to "youth", it not only vividly writes the process of spring to grandeur, but also summarizes the meaning of the five spring pictures, pointing out the center of the whole text. In particular, the final saying "lead us forward" expresses the author's strong feelings for the pursuit of a better future. The article ends with the word "go", which echoes the word "come" at the beginning of "The east wind is coming". The beginning is to come in the hope of spring, and finally to enter the ranks of spring to go forward, one to come and go, one to echo, to form a perfect whole.

Conclusion: The article begins with "the footsteps are near", ends with "leading us forward", starts from anthropomorphism, and finally anthropomorphizes, reflecting the rigor and beauty of the structure. The author uses his heart to feel the scenery of spring, pouring his emotions into it, and the spring grass, spring flowers, spring wind, and spring rain in his pen are like meticulous brush strokes, focusing on depicting the spring of nature; and the spring map is a concentrated pen and ink depicting the spring of people's diligent spring and early spring. In the tone of poetry, the prose depicts the picture of the flowers competing for glory and vitality of spring, praising and praising the creativity of spring and the infinite hope brought to people, thus inspiring people to work hard in the good spring light and forge ahead. The end of the classroom language teaching activities is also the beginning of students' independent language learning after class. After students have an overall understanding of the analysis of the text, students are required to choose to read and analyze Zhu Ziqing's prose, which is conducive to students consolidating their skills in comparative reading; let students conduct simulated compositions to promote reading and writing, and the combination of reading and writing can not only deepen the understanding of the content of the text, but also exercise students' writing ability.

【Design Intent】The design of the whole link is based on reading throughout, respecting the students' personalized reading experience, understanding in reading, and understanding in reading. Since this article is a classic American article, there are many points for learning, when teaching, according to the actual situation of seventh-grade freshmen, choose to start with language, appreciate the beauty of the author's pen, learn the skills of expression, and feel the author's feelings.

3. Arrange homework

1. Selected reading and analysis after class: Paragraphs 4-6 of Lotus Pond Moon Color (Zhu Ziqing).

2. Imitate the way this article is written, observe carefully, and write a short essay with the title of "Autumn is coming".

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