
"Conduct Zero Points" after viewing

author:Shen Xiaoge said movies
"Conduct Zero Points" after viewing

"Conduct Zero" is a comedy / short film / drama genre directed by Jean Vigo and starring Jean Dusty / Robert le Flon / Du Verron, which has carefully sorted out some of the audience's after-effects from the Internet, hoping to help everyone.

  "Zero Points of Conduct" After-Effects (1): The Film That Criticizes the Originator of Youth

  A 40-minute short film that later influenced many filmmakers, including Truffaut's Four Hundred Blows. Although the theme is more serious, criticizing the decaying and backward education system, the style of the whole film is more relaxed and funny, and the clip that is often mentioned is the scene of children playing in the dormitory, and it is poetic to show the duck feathers floating in the air in slow motion. The character design inside is also more exaggerated, such as the words of early love that jumped out of the mouth of the dwarf principal, and the school supervisor who stole the children's snacks, and the young school supervisor who learned Chaplin to walk, which is basically a big child who has not grown up, and the indulgent fart protection of the child is visible

  "Zero Points of Conduct" After-Effects (II): Poetic Counterattack

  "Conduct Zero Points" (French, Jean Viggo), a classic of children's films, a representative work of the French poetic realism period. With the rebellion of students imprisoned by the feudal campus, it directly hits the darkness of reality. What the film shows is a reality between poetry and nature, with rich metaphors and refractions inside. At the beginning of the film, the two boys play magically on the train, fully systemizing the child's "playful" nature, and there is an insurmountable gap between the feudal school and the feudal school. The dwarf headmaster and the top hat, which is placed in a glass cover to symbolize power and order, are Vigo's satires of it. In slow motion, children travel through slowly flying feathers, with sacred and poetic sleepwalking colors. Films such as "Four Hundred Blows" and "Death Poetry Society" have their shadows, and scenes of feathers flying are more common.

  "Zero Points in Conduct" After-Effects (3): Zero Points 1

  The story is very touching, has a strong watchability, and when I watched the movie, I was completely immersed in the storyline

  The joy and sorrow in the movie is the most moving, because the movie has to produce good results in a short period of time, and the power of love is also great.

  The film's framing is great, especially its close-ups, which show everyone's inner world vividly.

  This movie is full of betrayal and pain, but in the face of love, these are small. Only love is great, and love can help us overcome everything.

  This movie makes me feel a lot, especially the ending, which is always unexpected, but I think that there is an unexpected ending that everyone can reflect the ability of the screenwriter.

  It feels like the tones of this movie look very comfortable, not fancy at all, particularly calm and soothing.

  "Zero Points of Conduct" After-View (4): Say a few more words

  This surreal subject matter is slightly deviant. It is not my exaggeration not to refer to something that innuendos the whole society. Like the French people who occupied the Bastille, how long can the victory of these children last, and who defines justice? It can't help but make people worry more.

  The director knows the ugliness of this society and amplifies his own experience in boarding school, how much children do not like to attend classes. The school leaders crowned Tang Tangtang and let the children completely understand and could not listen to the words. That's it, you can't resist, like when I was a student myself. Just as we lack courage and wisdom.

  After the struggle, the children occupied this high ground, and the director did not continue, because the road seemed to be broken, and where would the children's victory end? Society is as it has always been, a pool of stagnant water, and perhaps these children will be numb. Numbness is good, no pain.

  And the guest you, you, you, what can you do. No solution.

  "Conduct Zero Points" After-Effects (5): The Little Fighter on the Roof...

  I heard the big name of this movie a long time ago.

  After watching it, it still felt different from what I expected, and I thought it was a film that was directly critical and profoundly exposed. Unexpectedly, the film is lighthearted, funny, poetic, especially a slow-motion scene of playing in the dormitory, with inexplicable, and strong charm, reminiscent of Tarkovsky's films.

  This technique has already begun to emerge in Jean Viggo's first film Impression of Nice, and perhaps it is this stylized imagery (in addition to some exaggerated techniques, the principal played by the child, the interspersed animation, etc.) that lays the foundation for the director and forms a poetic reality.

  Of course, the theme of the film is still serious, against the decadent and backward education system, and finally the children's rebellion on the roof is imitated by Lindsey's "If" 36 years later. The children happily abandon the school on the roof, and suddenly feel that there is a release, a release of freedom in Jean Vigo's heart.

  Although due to the problem of age, the film is still a bit rough in dubbing technology or editing, and the narrative is a bit scattered, but due to the status and role of the pioneers, and the strong style, it is inevitable that the classroom films of later generations will be difficult to enlighten.

  "Conduct Zero Points" After-View (6): Film Study Notes

  I like a scene: in the narrow dormitory space where white feathers flutter, students fall back on their stools and are surrounded by other students like the Pope, and the music is very poetic.

  33 years, do not consider the equipment, the concept is very light and novel, the story is told with taste, and it is not very boring to watch. Characters with "starkness" add a lot to the story, and the silent film-style performance amplifies this witty tone.

  I have always felt that both the student and the teacher have the "fascist" color I understand, and the chaplin-like teacher reconciles the contrast between the two, which is very useful. Because of the education system, students stand up and push down teachers, if in the follow-up development story will become China's Cultural Revolution era. In the same way, fascism, in a backward system, rose up to overthrow this system, and the subsequent development was World War II. In terms of big thematic ideas, this movie is not what I like. Because there is a technical component, a poetic component, and the director's ability to tell a story, give it 4 stars.

  "Conduct Zero Points" Perception (VII): Let Wei Guo only live for 29 years

  French children's films represent classics, whether it is Truffaut's "Four Hundred Blows" or Pierre Boutron's "Anibal", or "Butterfly", or "Spring of the Cattle Herding Class", from the spirit of freedom inherited by Jean Vigo to influence many generations of French filmmakers.

  How meaningful is it to let Vigo's "Conduct Zero Points" really mean. We can take a good look at history. In 1933, whether it was Chaplin's comedy films or Soviet films, or European avant-garde films in France or documentary films that emerged at the time, they were in an experimental and extreme stage. But "Zero Points" is different, and his film style has a modern film style. In Atlanta after Vigo, this style is perfectly harmonious.

  Jean Viggo was a genius, but unfortunately died young. He predicted what future movies would look like in Atlanta, letting Vigo own and now have it.

  Viggo is a straightforward director who is sensual and imaginative. His debut work "Impressions of Nice" can be seen that the turbulent picture, different perspectives, give people a fresh impression of youth.

  Since the film's appearance in 1985, no director has been able to perfectly blend realism and poetry. I think that's why he's on par with the Renoirs with just the 150-foot film of Conduct Zero. Like Truffaut, you can see his humanity and his naïve personality through his films. In Truffaut's view, Viggo resonated with him, and it was only then that he made "Four Hundred Blows", which was deeply influenced by Viggo.

  "Conduct Zero Points" After-View (VIII): Little P Child Rebellion - French Film "Conduct Zero Points"

  Before watching it, I thought it was a silent film, because the 1933 film was basically still at that level, but this "Conduct Zero" is not, there are still a lot of lines coming out of the mouths of the protagonists, who are still a lot of small P-children who are still in school.

  These children are not honest when they first start school, especially the three children of Bruel, Conan, and Xhosa, which can be said to be the head of the class. It's not good to go to class, it's not good to run around, it's not good to sleep at night, and it's a bunch of kids to make a fuss. So their "conduct" column is always scored zero by the teacher. The newly hired teachers were also a bit unprofessional, showing the students the ability to write while standing upside down, resulting in a chaotic class atmosphere. The director of teaching also always plays tricks and moves students' things casually. Some teachers are still old sex wolves, insulting girls. The principal is even more desperate, the height is estimated to be less than one meter two, like a small pot friend, he insists that ** and ** engage in early love, but also have a lot of persuasion. How can this group of children withstand such discipline? On the eve of the opening ceremony, the poles were unveiled, first making the dormitories a chicken feather, and then making a fuss at the opening ceremony attended by the mayor. In fact, watching this movie is very enjoyable, because when I was a child, many people's dream was to kill all the schools like them, and it can be said that this group of children is still quite powerful. And those teachers and principals are exaggerated, and their obscene performance is three points into the wood, and they are clear from the scene at once. So the audience doesn't think it's too much to see the children rebelling.

  However, the film caused many people to be dissatisfied at the time, believing that it was offensive and banned, and it was not released until 1945. The theme of "Conduct Zero Points" has influenced many filmmakers, such as Truffaut's influence on "Four Hundred Times" later. This film is the third of Jean Vigo's four films, and the most widely disseminated, the whole 40 minutes of the film is composed of many life scenes, although there are not many lines, but the sentences are incisive. Among them, the passage of the children making a big fuss about the dormitory is a classic, they get the duck feathers in the pillows, then the director uses slow motion, and the duck feathers floating in the air appear very crystalline, and an exciting and tragic atmosphere is highlighted.

  "Zero Points in Conduct" After-View (9): Conduct is meaningless, so why not zero points?

  I inadvertently turned over what I wrote three years ago, so simple and serious!

  In the lazy afternoon, I turned out the disc of "Zero Points of Conduct" to commemorate the boring life of recent days. Jean Viggo, as a director in French poetic realism who pays more attention to the lives of the people at the bottom, in this film is an autobiographical lyric of rebellion, and expresses the preference for youth vitality and the yearning and pursuit of freedom with the courage to brave the world.

  The 42-minute film of 1933 came to an end in the blink of an eye, and for me, it was inevitable that it would be incomplete. It is only in the process of watching the film that you will unconsciously connect your childhood life, smoking and climbing the roof and climbing the wall to play pranks and staying on the way out of school, etc. The experience seems to have been superimposed with the film, and it is your side to sing and I appear. Conduct zero points, if rebellious, I think it makes more sense. Remembering the awards of the outstanding Young Pioneers of the Three Good Students in kindergarten and elementary school, I gradually felt that it was a catalyst for cannon fodder, imprisoning my thoughts and my behavior. I still remember the winter vacation in kindergarten, from the teacher to receive a certificate and a piece of chocolate as a prize back to watch the hit "Good Daddy, Bad Daddy" (should be called this name), now think about it, the most realistic encouragement at that time was only that piece of chocolate, so that I reached the perfect unity of material and spiritual when watching the TV series!

  Gradually feel that in the education of children to blow the beard and stare is a manifestation of incompetence, if you want children to obey the rules and regulations, then it is better to vigorously support the country's scientific and technological development to develop robots with this characteristic as soon as possible. A person is mischievous in childhood, and when he grows up, he is more creative and knows more about life than those screws, although it has caused adults to feel distressed at that time. Unfortunately, despite my belief in freedom and vitality, I still inevitably have a small number of screw marks, which I think are some of the limitations of our birth in the 80s, so I try to abandon it.

  The scene of the chicken feathers in the film is said to have been imitated to the point of flooding in the future, flooding it, at least I saw romance in it, in the hearts of children. Children can twist into a rope to express their dissatisfaction in order to resist repression, and the miscellaneous objects such as books and shoes thrown on the roof condense the children's spiritual appeals and smash hard into the "important person" who is sitting on the front, and the teacher who communicates with the child's heart is even more cute. However, such unity is only the unity of children, because you can imagine what happens when a group of adults get together? It is worth pondering whether individual vested interests have been cultivated or a large amount of cannon fodder has been produced. Luckily, this film is about kids!

  "Conduct Zero Points" After-Effects (10): Life is far more rocky than the movie

  The director of New Semester, Zero Points is really deviant, think of people in the 1930s had such a rock spirit, it is really awesome! At that time, if this movie was not banned, it would really be unreasonable.

  I was impressed by several of the characters portrayed in the film. When the principal appeared, I always suspected that some naughty student had stolen the adult's costume and dressed as the principal. The headmaster's voice was too childish, and his stature was too short! The way he struggled to tiptoe up and put his hat on the table was really funny. Although he could not judge people by their appearance, it did make people wonder whether he could easily manage them above the bright and clever students.

  The director of education is relatively normal in height, he appears in a serious and stereotypical image, but no one will think of the gentleman-looking gentleman who secretly ate the students' drawers and school bags one by one after the snacks were hidden. The worst thing is that even the students know of his special hobby, so after the students have lost their snacks, they do not hesitate to say, Ah, it must be the director of teaching!

  The new teacher named Ulrich is a bastard who will throw aside a bunch of students when he is traveling with a large group of students and go into the roadside shop to do his own thing; he will follow and talk to a beautiful woman in front of the students on the road; he will let the students go when they are in violation of discipline and gather to plan riots... The students did not buy his account, and they continued to cause him trouble.

  The appearance of these teachers is a subversion of the traditional teacher image, but is this not the epitome of the various teacher roles in life? The anarchy during the student rebellion reminded me of my freshman year of high school. At that time, my class teacher was called Mao Kefeng, a fledgling Yunnan young man. He managed our class with a high-pressure policy and a strict dogmatic points deduction system. His fierce and serious attitude and the measures he implemented were very effective, and the first (3) class I was in at the time gradually became the best class in the whole grade. Unfortunately, he ignored the factors of humanized management, even if the grades of the class reached new highs, but no one in the class took his affection. It was also that we did not do more, but that year we did have a rather depressed life, and everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Later, we waited until the last day of our first year of high school, and we, who were usually very quiet, actually set off an unprecedented riot climax.

  I distinctly remember that day, we frantically tore up a lot of homework books and books, destroyed a lot of boxes of chalk, knocked on tables and chairs with brooms and other objects, and then pushed them in. Eventually the classroom was filled with confetti more than an inch thick, and our revelry culminated after a few boys climbed up to the third floor of the opposite building and slammed the tape recorder off the class.

  Think about it, our spirit was also quite rock and roll at that time, but unfortunately, with the buddies in the movie "New Semester, Zero Points", our riot actually had a bit of a charm of Dong Shi Gong. In fact, I think our riots are more powerful than in the movies, but our deviance is overwhelmed by the overwhelming details of life that people either forget or forgive us. Only by cutting these pieces out like the director of the film and infinitely enlarging them in the movie will make people feel a sudden panic.

  Through the movie "New Semester, Zero Points in Conduct", Shang Weiguo's stubbornness and uninhibitedness can be seen. After watching the film, I felt some sighs and some emotions about the untimely death of Shang Weiguo. However, looking back at our lives, don't you think that our lives, our youth, are actually far more deviant than the films that have not yet borne fruit? The flesh dies and the spirit does not die, and it turns out that one Shangweiguo fell, and thousands of Shangweiguo stood up... Each of us is our own Shangweiguo.

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