
Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

author:Film Magazine

Before recommending the movie, the film sir first gives you the meaning of cult films.

Cult film refers to a kind of movie that is loved and respected by supporters in a small circle.

The shooting method is unique, the subject matter is strange, the sword is biased, the style is abnormal, with a strong personal point of view, and it is controversial.

It is usually a low-budget production, not a market-oriented film.

Someone once said that no matter what type of movie you like, there will always be one or two cult films hidden in your hard drive for a long time.

Today bring you an absurd comedy known as the ancestor of Thai cult,

"Big Dog People"

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Douban score 8.0

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

To talk about cult films, the most difficult to introduce is the plot.

The first cult film of the year was Nolan's "Fragments of Memory".

To put it bluntly, a very simple story is torn apart and reassembled by the director, and the wonderful viewing experience generated by that directly leads to the unacceptable presence of some viewers.

"@#¥&*%¥, what the hell did I just see!?"

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

For "Big Dog People", the two words with the highest appearance rate on the bullet screen of Station B, the sleeping groove, probably illustrate this feeling.

The film uses the form of a split-scene curtain to introduce the protagonist of the film, Bang.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

The story takes place in a surreal context.

In the golden rice paddies, Bang decided to go to Bangkok to work, and before leaving, his grandmother told him that when he found a job, he would grow a tail.

So in Bangkok, Bang went to a canning factory and became a fish cutter in the assembly line.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

The boring workers made his life feel boring.

However, during one operation, Bang bu carefully cut off his left index finger.

Because the assembly line worked too fast, Bang had not yet eased up, and the index finger had been sealed with the canned fish and was packed into boxes and shipped to the supermarket shelves.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

In order to find his index finger, he had to go to the supermarket every day to buy a box of canned fish.

Seeing this, the audience should be very confused, what is the significance of finding it?

Can it still be put back in?

When the blind man came, Bang really put his finger back on.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

But after a long time, Bang still found the problem, and the index finger was not his.

It turned out that it was not only one person who cut off his finger at that time, but also another co-worker.

Two people because of this "do not know each other" to support the friendship boat.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Bon realized that the job of cutting fish was too dangerous, so he jumped ship and went to work as a security guard for a building.

But the men and women of the elevator people made him feel inexplicable pressure.

Except for one girl, Crystal.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Jing is a cleaner in the building and has an obsessive-compulsive disorder that ordinary people cannot understand.

And as long as she is idle, she will pick up a white paper and read it in front of her eyes.

The book was picked up by Jing near an air disaster in the countryside.

It was all English letters, and for her, who had no foreign language skills at all, it was a wordless book.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

But she just liked it, and understanding the contents of the book became her dream.

For this reason, she has asked many people, even foreigners at the top of the company, but everyone's reply is only shaking their heads.

Bang fell in love with this weird and innocent girl.

In order to help her get rid of the rash caused by squeezing the bus, Bang quit his job and became a taxi driver to pick her up and commute every day.

But Jing's attention will always be only on that white paper.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

By chance, Jing finds a foreigner on the side of the road who is distributing leaflets, Pete.

To her disbelief, Pete had the same white paper in his hand.

Before Jing could ask, several police officers came to arrest Pete.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Later, Jing saw the news of a foreigner being arrested by the police for an environmental protection parade on TV.

The man was very much like Pete, and Jing misunderstood.

In order to support Pete, she joined the anti-plastic alliance without hesitation.

The work is gone, and the daily work is to pick up the waste plastic bottles that people have discarded.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Bang watched Jing change from an orderly girl to a radical who didn't care about anything but picked up bottles.

He couldn't change, so he expressed his feelings to Jing.

But Jing refused Bang.

— We can't give a child a tail.

— I can't stand life without dreams.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

In this story, everyone grows a tail like a puppy.

The director once explained the tail like this:

Most of the people in the city are like dogs, wagging their tails and being filled with desire, but in fact they live an empty and boring life.

Jing, like everyone else, went from the countryside to the big cities, just to grow a proud tail.

At first, she thought she could have a dream, but in fact she couldn't read the book on her own.

Later, in order to support Pete to join the parade, she gradually picked up the plastic bottles and piled them up into a mountain.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

I'm afraid that everyone can't see clearly, so I will give you a long-range picture.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Of course, the above confusing settings are nothing at all.

The traceless stitching fingers at the beginning are just movie-style appetizers.

Keywords, odd.

For the old strategist who is obsessed with color, "Hero" is just a pure color of big red and green.

But in "Big Dog People", red and green are matched together. (Red with green Sai Na What ~)

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Because of her buddhist belief in reincarnation, Bang's grandmother was reincarnated as a gecko after her death.

belch...... A gecko with a human face.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

There is also a driver of a motorcycle who is said to have been killed by a "helmet rain" that fell from the sky.

That's right, even if you die, you can continue to solicit customers on the street.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

A little girl who loves to smoke and a teddy bear who can talk.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

The brightest blind man's eyeball is still this, an amnesiac who likes to lick things.

In a taxi is caught who licks whom.

His presence also had the advantage that since Bang had brought the man home, he hadn't had to clean up anymore.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

At this point, I can't help but remind the shadow sir of the blind masterpiece "Wife Killing Story" that was recommended to everyone before.

Every day, the husband has to go to great lengths to kill his wife and bury her in the woods, but every time she comes home, she will stand still and repeat.


Sorry, no.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

It's ridiculous, Shadow Sir admits.

But when you look at it patiently, you will find that behind these absurdities is the problems that cannot be shaken off in people's lives.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

Jing liked the book to the place of madness, and she firmly believed that understanding the contents of the book was her dream in this life.

To this end she rejects Bang's love, and at the same time misses the scenery when it stops.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

When the dream has become a plastic mountain because of her pursuit, Pete appears on the street again.

It turned out that he was not dead, it turned out that he was not called Pete at all, and it turned out that the white paper did not contain any profound philosophy.

The truth is that it was just an Italian gay pornographic novel.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

The little sister, who had been clamoring to throw away the teddy bear, picked it up from the trash on a rainy day after countless dislikes.

Then two people got married, yes, married.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

What you love may make you ignore the love of those around you, and what you dislike may never leave you.

At the end of the film, everyone living in Bangkok grows a tail, and Bang becomes an internet celebrity.

Because he was the only one in the whole city who didn't have a long tail.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

When I had a small gathering with my co-workers, my co-workers actually said that they missed those days without tails.

Jing is also ashamed to see the state because she has a tail.

What you used to desperately want, only to find out after you got it.

And in this process, I have sacrificed too much.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

At the beginning of the film, the director answers this question with a paragraph.

Some things, the more painstakingly they are searched for, the more wasted effort they are.

But when we stop looking for it, it will be sent and automatically delivered to the door.

Its absurdity forced me to explode, but its delicacy brought me to tears

As Bang said at the end of the movie when he confessed to Jing,

I have been thinking that there are too many unsatisfactory things in life, too many sorrows and sorrows, so that we become numb and cannot see the good side of life.

Happiness has always been around you, the key lies in whether you believe it or not, and what is in front of you is happiness.

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