
Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

author:Sunshine Shadow Talk

Each of us has a dream of adventure in our hearts, and adventure travel is a dream that everyone has ever had. And when we can't use our own practical actions to realize that treasure hunting dream, a good-looking adventure treasure hunting movie relies on its own unique fantasy colors and romantic feelings to achieve the beautiful and brilliant wish in our hearts. Today we will take stock of some of the treasure hunting movies that are worth watching the collection of boutique adventure treasure hunting.

———— the Raiders of the Lost Ark series

Raiders of the Lost Ark is an adventurous action film series starring Harrison Ford from 1981 to 2008. The story describes the fantastic adventures of archaeology professor Indiana Jones in search of legendary treasures. A total of four films were made.

Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

The poster for Raiders of the Lost Ark 1 was released in 1981

Raiders of the Lost Ark 1 is an action film produced by Lucasfilm and Paramount, written by George Lucas, directed by Steven Spielberg, and starring Harrison Ford, Karen Alan, and Paul Freeman. The film tells the story of Indiana Jones, a professor of archaeology, who was entrusted by the U.S. military to go to Egypt to find the "Ark of the Covenant" and wrestle with the minions of Nazi Germany. Released in 1981, the film received multiple nominations at the 54th Academy Awards, including Best Visual Effects, Best Art Direction, Best Editing, best sound, and more.

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Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 1

Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 1

In 1981, Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark came out, ushering in a new era of adventure cinema. As a Hollywood blockbuster, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" can be said to be a model. From 1981 to the present, a classic that spans decades is still dazzling.

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Legend of the Demon Palace 2 poster

Raiders of the Lost Ark 2 Is an action drama film co-produced by LucasFilm and Paramount Pictures, directed by Stephen Spielberg, written by George Lucas, and starring Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, and Guan Jiwei. The film premiered in May 1984. The film tells the story of Dr. Indiana Jones, a nightclub singer and a twelve-year-old child, who risked their lives to save hundreds of children enslaved by mysterious worship rituals and to find out the secrets of the Sacred Stone of Ankara.

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Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 2 Legends of the Demon Palace

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Although raiders of the lost 2 Legends of the Devil's Palace is not as thrilling as Raiders of the Lost Ark, the tight pace, spectacular opening scenes, and visual effects that won the 1984 Academy Award are all highlights.

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Looter 3 Holy Warriors poster

Raiders of the Lost Ark 3: The Mujahideen is an adventurous action film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. Mainly about the Nazis and Turkey joining forces to create secret weapons in an attempt to disrupt the international balance of force, whale swallowing up the world, the U.S. government sent Indiana Jones to find the legendary "Holy Grail" to resist the forces of evil. The film was released in the United States on May 24, 1989.

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Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 Holy Warriors

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 Holy Warrior Cavalry

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"Raiders of the Lost Ark 3" has a lot of humor, and the action scenes are the same, which is another style different from the previous two films.

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Poster of Raiders of the Lost Ark 4 Crystal Skull Nation

The film "Raiders of the Lost Ark 4: Crystal Skull Country" is directed by director Steven Spielberg and co-starred Harrison Ford, Kate Blanchett, Karen Alan, Ray Winston, John Hurt, Jim Browder Bent, Igo Kikikeller, Andia LaBeouf. The film was released in the United States on May 22, 2008.

The film focuses on the cold Soviet army and Dr. Jones searching for a crystal skull in the pristine jungles of South America. In order to intimidate Dr. Jones into helping them find the skull, the Soviets threaten the life of his old love, Marianne, and the villain played by Kate Blanchett is a Soviet officer who is responsible for torturing and holding Dr. Jones hostage.

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Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 4 Crystal Skull Nation

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Stills from Raiders of the Lost Ark 4 Crystal Skull Nation

In order to be able to re-play the role of Indiana Jones, 65-year-old Harrison Ford has to work out in the gym for 3 hours a day, eat high-protein fish and vegetables according to the regulations to reserve his physical strength, and personally fight as much as possible during filming to complete some dangerous stunts. Even Steven Spielberg was surprised by this, thinking that Ford was in such good shape that he couldn't even see how different he looked in Jihad

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———— the National Treasure series

National Treasure I is a 2004 action-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Films, directed by Joe Det Duba and co-starring Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Barca and Sean Bing. The film was released in the United States on November 19, 2004.

The film mainly tells the story of Ben Gates, an adventurer who loves archaeology. As a child, his grandfather John Adams Gates told him a shocking secret, the founding fathers of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin once buried a huge amount of wealth as a war savings, and the secret of the treasure was hidden in the Declaration of Independence, so he embarked on a thrilling treasure hunt. Ⅱ

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National Treasure I poster

The film mainly tells the story of Ben Gates, an adventurer who loves archaeology. As a child, his grandfather John Adams Gates told him a shocking secret, the founding fathers of the United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin once buried a huge amount of wealth as a war savings, and the secret of the treasure was hidden in the Declaration of Independence, so he embarked on a thrilling treasure hunt.

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Stills from National Treasure I

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here
Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

In fact, the back of the Declaration of Independence does read: "Original Declaration of Independence dat."

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Poster of National Treasure II: Treasure Hunt

National Treasure II was directed by Joe Det Duba and co-starring Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, John Walter and Harvey Keitel, and was released in the United States on December 21, 2007. The film tells the story of Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage), the world's most famous treasure hunter after discovering the wealth of the Knights Templar, and his father, Patrick Gates (John Walter), a university professor, who discovers a page of the diary of john Wilkes Booth, the assassin who assassinated Lincoln, and embarks on another adventure.

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Stills from National Treasure II

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Like National Treasure, National Treasure: Treasure Hunt is not a simple action movie, but a challenge to the audience's intelligence. The process of the protagonist's search for treasure is also a process of constantly finding a way out of various clues.

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———— the Pirates of the Caribbean series

Pirates of the Caribbean is a series of fantasy adventure films directed by Gore Wiblinski, Rob Marshall, Joe Ajim Ronnie, and Espen Sandberg, starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kayla Knightley, and others.

The series includes Five films: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of the Souls, Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World, Pirates of the Caribbean 4: The Waves, and Pirates of the Caribbean V: Dead And Dead.

The film series focuses on the story of the 17th-century pirate Jack Sparrow's dangerous Caribbean adventures

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Poster for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is a 2003 film based on the Disney theme park attraction of the same name and the first film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Directed by Gore Wimpinski, produced by Jerry Brookheimer, starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kayla Knightley and Jeffrey Rush.

The film focuses on Jack Sparrow, a pirate active in the Caribbean Sea, owning the pirate ship Black Pearl. The unscrupulous villain Barbersa snatched Jack's Black Pearl and ran amok in the Caribbean. Barbosa's gang kidnaps the Governor's daughter Elizabeth Swann and the blacksmith's apprentice Will Turner, and during a fight, Will and Jack discover that Barbosa and his pirates turn into undead skeletons every moonlit night, and Elizabeth is the key to unlocking the spell.

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Stills from Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here
Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Behind the scenes

The most important set in the film is the cave where Barbosa hides its treasure, which was built in Disney Pictures' largest studio 2, and the production staff hired 100 craftsmen to build the set in 5 months, and it took 3 or 4 days to inject 300,000 gallons of water, and the final renovation took another 3 weeks.

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Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of Souls

Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of Souls is a 2006 fantasy adventure film by Disney Studios and the second film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Directed by Gore Wibbinski, produced by Jerry Brookheimer, and starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kayla Knightley and Bill Nye.

The film tells the story of the charming Captain Jack, who has not had a quiet life after retrieving his beloved Black Pearl and leveling the cursed Captain Barbosa, but this time he has an even more bizarre enemy- the legendary undead David Jones. In addition, will Turner, a young blacksmith who has parted ways with Jack and is busy with the wedding, and elizabeth, are once again embroiled in this sea battle.

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Stills from Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of Souls

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"Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The Coffin of Souls" grossed $423 million in North America and over $1 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2006.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The End of the World

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a 2007 fantasy adventure film by Disney Studios and the third in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Directed by Gore Wimpinski, produced by Jerry Brookheimer, starring Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kayla Knightley and Jeffrey Rush.

The plot revolves around the efforts of Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, Hector Barbosa, and the crew of the Pirate Ship Black Pearl to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow, and they also need to confront the East India Trading Company led by Cutler Beckett and David Jones, thwarting their ambitions to wipe out all pirates forever.

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Stills from Pirates of the Caribbean: The End of the World

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Pirates of the Caribbean 3 "is funny, bigger, cheerfuler and bolder than the previous two, and the film is not bad, even the ending is decent." (Washington Post review)

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Pirates of the Caribbean 4: Rough Seas poster

Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides is a 2011 fantasy adventure film released by Disney Studios and the fourth film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Directed by Rob Marshall, produced by Jerry Brookheimer, starring Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Ian McChollon and Jeffrey Rush.

The story of the film is based on Captain Jack's search for the Fountain of Immortality. Penelope Cruz plays his old lover, but what makes Captain Jack uncertain is whether she came for love or just wanted to use him to find the legendary Fountain of Immortality. The woman forces him to board Blackbeard's pirate ship, and Jack embarks once again on an uncertain journey. This time he may face two opponents: his own mysterious old lover and the terrifying Blackbeard pirate.

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Stills from Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides

"Strange Waves" is not much innovation in form, but it still makes people feel that it is a better work in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. (IGN review)

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Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Is The Fifth Installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, co-directed by Joe Agim Ronnie and Espen Sandberg, produced by Jerry Brookheimer, and starring Johnny Depp, Javier Baden, Blanton Swainz, Kaya Skodario, Jeffrey Rush, and others.

The film tells the story of Captain Jack and his party embarking on a fantastic adventure with their own purposes in search of the legendary trident of poseidon Poseidon

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Stills from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Without Proof

———— the Tomb Raider series

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Tomb Raider I poster

Based on the computer game of the same name, Tomb Raider is an action film directed by Simon West and co-starring Angelina Jolie, John Walter, Ian Gray, and Daniel Craig. The film was released in the United States on June 11, 2001.

The film mainly tells that Laura's father once told her about a mysterious organization called the Illuminati, which has been looking for an ancient clock, which is the key to open time and space, so Laura embarks on a magical journey to find this ancient clock.

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Stills from Tomb Raider I

In the film, Jon Voyt, played by Laura's father, is Angelina Jolie's father. "Tomb Raider" has become the film with the most action scenes of female protagonists in film history, second only to "Alien 2".

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Tomb Raider 2 poster

Tomb Raider 2 is a 2001 action film produced by Paramount Pictures, directed by Jane de Bonter, and co-starring Angelina Jolie, Gerald Butler, Seren Sid, and Noah Taylor. It was released in the United States on July 25, 2003.

The film is a sequel to Tomb Raider, which tells the story of female explorer Laura Crawford's search for the burial place of the legendary "Pandora's Box", the Temple of the Moon, which has sunk into the sea.

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Stills from Tomb Raider 2

Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Tomb Raider: Battle of origins is an action-adventure film co-produced by Warner Bros. Pictures and MGM Pictures, directed by Roal Usog, starring Alicia Vikander, Dominic West, Walton Goggins, and Wu Yanzu. The film was released simultaneously in the United States and China on March 16, 2018 [1].

Based on the 2013 game Tomb Raider 9, the film tells the story of a young Laura Crawford who discovers the message left by her missing father and learns that there are world-threatening forces hidden in the tombs of exotic ruins, so she embarks on an adventure to save the world.

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Tomb Raider: Battle of origins poster

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here
Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

Stills from Tomb Raider: Battle of origins

———— the Mummy series

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The Mummy poster

The Mummy is a 1999 Universal Pictures American adventure film written and directed by Stephen Sommers, starring Brandon Fisher, Rachel Weiss, John Hanna, Kevin S. Thompson, and John Hanner. J. O'Connor and Arnold Voslow co-starred. The film was released in the United States on May 7, 1999.

The film tells that in 1920, the American explorer O'Connor was hired by a British librarian and her brother who was an Egyptologist to explore Egypt, unfortunately "released" the millennium mummy into a living person, and then began an exciting thrilling journey.

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Stills from The Mummy

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The set of the Port of Giza on the Nile was set up in the shipyard in Chatham, England, and the entire set was 183 meters long, requiring 300 extras alone. The crew had asked an Egyptologist to ensure the pronunciation of Ancient Egyptian in the film.

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Poster of The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns is a science fiction film directed by Stephen Sommers, starring Brandon Fisher, Rachel Witz, John Hanner, Arnold Voslow, and Dawn Johnson. It was released in the United States on May 4, 2001.

The film mainly tells the story of 3067 BC, the Scorpion King lost the war against Egypt, and finally he sold his soul to Anubis, the god of hell, a large number of Scorpion soldiers obeyed the call and became his dead soldiers, and the male and female protagonists appeared to save the world.

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Stills from The Mummy Returns

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The Voice of the Scorpion King at the end of the film is derived from Brazilian rock singer Max Cavalera.

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Poster of The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is the third in the Mummy series, a sci-fi adventure film produced by Universal Pictures, directed by Rob Cohen, and starring Brandon Fraser, Yang Ziqiong, Jet Li, Maria Bellow and others. The film tells the story of the brutal ancient Chinese emperor and his army who were cursed into terracotta warriors and slept underground, and two thousand years later, the explorer Riker O'Connor accidentally awakened the Dragon Emperor, and a thrilling "ancient and modern war" was unattainable. The film was released in North America on August 1, 2008, and in Chinese mainland on September 2, 2008.

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Stills from The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

———— the Adventures in the Center of the Earth series

Adventures in the Center of the Earth is an action-adventure film made entirely in digital 3D, directed by Eric Brevig and starring Brandon Fisher, Josh Hutcheson and Anita Brem. The film officially premiered in the United States on July 11, 2008.

The film tells the story of the geologist Trevor who is questioned and isolated by academic scientists for breaking with traditional thinking and proposing seemingly illogical conjectures. In order to prove himself and find his missing brother, he and his nephew went on an expedition to Iceland, which led to many thrilling dangers.

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Poster of Adventures in the Center of the Earth

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Stills from Adventures in the Heart of the Earth

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Geocentric Adventures 3D is a film with teenagers and children as its main audience, and is a summer movie suitable for families to watch together, but the Motion Picture Association of America has a rating of PG.

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Geocentric Adventures 2: Mysterious Island poster

Geocentric Adventures 2: Mysterious Island is an action-adventure film directed by Brad Payton, a sequel to the 2008 film Adventures in the Center of the Earth, based on the classic novel Mysterious Island by science fiction master Jules Verne, co-starring Dawn Johnson and Josh Hutcheson, released in the United States on February 10, 2012.

The film tells the story of Sean receiving a distress signal from the mysterious island, which is closely related to his missing grandfather. Sean decides to go to Mystery Island to find out, but his mother's boyfriend tries to stop him because legend has it that Mysterious Island has many unknown dangers. In order to ensure his safety, Shaun's boyfriend had to accompany him, along with the pilot father and daughter.

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Stills from Geocentric Adventures 2: Mysterious Island

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

The 2008 Adventures in the Center of the Earth is partly adapted from the original work of the same name by the French novelist Jules Verne. The sequel is also partially adapted from Verne's famous work "Mysterious Island".

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Poster of "Cut Throat Island"

———— "Cut Throat Island" is a pirate movie produced by MGM in 1995 with a shocking scene and a plot twist and turn. Directed by Lanny Haring and starring Genna Davis, Matthew Modion and others. The film tells that Morgan inherited his father's business as the leader of the pirates, and went to sea to find the treasure according to the Latin treasure map left by his father. Morgan enlisted William, a thief who knew Latin, to go to sea with him, but on the way, he was fought by the robbers, and a thrilling battle of wits and power began.

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Stills from "Cut Throat Island"

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———— Jungle Man

Jungle Man is an adventurous action film directed by Peter Borg, written by R.J. Stewart and James Vanderbilt, and starring Dawn Johnson, Sean William Scott, and Rosario Dawson, released in China on January 16, 2004.

The film tells the story of bounty headhunter Baker who is hired to travel to Brazil to find the son of a triad leader, Travis, but goes deep into the rainforest with Travis to compete for a mysterious treasure.

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Jungle Raiders poster

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Stills from Jungle Man

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Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here
Adventure treasure hunt movie inventory, everything you want to see is here

The film carefully packages the story of the "Treasure Hunt in the Golden City" to form a film full of adventurous spirit and comedic colors. Dawn Johnson not only showed his heroic qualities in the film, but also used his humorous talent, coupled with the comedian Sean William Scott's supporting role, to make the witty atmosphere of this action movie exceed expectations. The film also allows the audience to enjoy the wonderful action scenes and funny dialogue while enjoying the strange landscape of the Amazon jungle (CCTV Movie Channel Review).

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