
45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

author:A small child who moves bricks

1. The Trial of the Seven Gentlemen of Chicago (2020)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Aaron Sorkin wrote and directed the true story of anti-Vietnamese protesters who came to be known as the Chicago Seven, including Abbie Hoffman, who was arrested at the 1968 Democratic National Convention and accused of conspiracy and inciting riots.

2. Outpost (2020)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

In Afghanistan in 2009, a squadron of large numbers of soldiers had to fend off isolated bases from Taliban forces. The elaborate war movie based on a true story was overlooked when it was released in 2020, but critical acclaim helped it win over audiences. Co-starring Scott Eastwood.

3. Original Diamonds (2019)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Adam Sandler plays Howard Ratner, a gambling addict who sees opportunities in every game and in every customer who walks into his Diamond District jewelry store. When NBA player Kevin Garnett insisted on renting a rare opal and using his championship ring as collateral, Howard couldn't resist the urge to use it as fuel for his vices. Directed by brothers Joe Shih and Ben Safdie, the film has been called the best film of Sandler's career.

4. The Irishman (2019)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Martin Scorsese's long-produced epic brings together Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci, the three heaviest batsmen in the gangster genre. But Frank Sheeran (De Niro) claims to have made friends with union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino) and then betrayed his story, which is not a typical organized crime movie. From the alienation of Sheeran's family to the fate of an elderly man who is no longer able to solve problems with violence, we need time to examine the cost of criminal life. The anti-aging effect isn't always convincing, but Scorsese's ability to weave captivating gangster stories remains enduring.

5. Marriage Stories (2019)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Director Noah Bambauch is full of praise for this emotionally deep drama about a couple (Adam Dreifer and Scarlett Johansson) whose divorce has caused heavy emotional and psychological damage to their family.

6. High Flying Bird (2019)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Steven Soderbergh directed the amiable and alternative comedy about a basketball pro and his agent (Andre Holland) who decides to change the status quo and build his own league during the NBA shutdown.

My name is Domat (2019)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Eddie Murphy, who ended a short filmmaking sabbatical after mixed reviews for 2016's "Mr. Church," an award-winning biopic about Rudy Ray Moore, a faltering comedian who succeeded in reinventing himself as a joke-loving pimp, Dolemite. As the characters took off, Moore made a big-screen movie with a group of incompetent collaborators.

8. The Ballad of Buster Scruggers (2018)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Coen Brothers fans got a series of stories in this anthology set in the Old West. The gunman (Tim Blake Nelson) proves to be a little too arrogant in his skill; an armless, legless man (Harimerin), who recites Shakespeare for a reverential bystander, begins to suspect the motives of his watchman; a dog causes unexpected grief while following a carriage train. Woven together, a total of six stories is probably the closest we've come to the Cohen series of TV series, a feature that was once rumored to be.

9. Rome (2018)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Alfonso Cuarón pays tribute to mexico City's upbringing in the 1970s, telling the story of a housekeeper (Yalitza Aparicio) who looks after his employer's father elopes with his mistress. Cuarón's film is a living photograph, a very personal story, with no big surprises other than the sheer craftsmanship needed to bring it to life.

10. Good Times (2017)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

The Safdie Brothers launched this thriller that tells the story of a petty criminal (Robert Pattinson) who has little time to get his mentally handicapped brother (Benny Safdy) out of prison. Those who only met Pattinson from his role as a glittering vampire in the Twilight series may be blown away by his ability to fully immerse himself in this street play.

11. Miss Bird (2017)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Greta Gerwig earned accolades and two Oscar nominations for her directorial debut (Silsa Ronan) battling family commitments and a desire to attend college across the country.

12. One Shot (2017)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Game of Thrones star Nikolai Coster-Waldau made headlines for the engaging drama, which tells the story of a white-collar businessman who goes to jail for drunk driving and soon learns that he either has to adapt to his brutal new environment or let it engulf him entirely. Once released, his actions threaten his freedom and the safety of his family.

13. Tamako (2017)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

If you don't think the adventures of a young girl and her super pig will make you raise your fists, it's time to check out this quirky firecracker by Parasite director Bong Joon-ho. Thought-provoking and breathtaking? That's it, Super Pig.

14. Midnight Escape (2016)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Michael Shannon enters Spielberg's territory in this thriller about a father (Shannon) who flees to protect his supernatural genius son (Jaden Martell) from the government and cults in order to exploit his abilities.

15. Love (2016)

45 Best Movies on Netflix (1)

Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga starred in the true story of a heterosexual couple in Virginia in the 1950s who encountered the state's oppressive anti-intermarriage laws. What was supposed to be a simple union between two people who were supposed to be in love turned into a fight for personal freedom before the Supreme Court.