
The super "big bad" in the animal kingdom – invasive alien creatures

author:Miss Zhu's sharing record

Scavenger (Super Defense)

Scavenger's original name is catfish, the reason why it is called scavenger is due to the results of some business marketing packaging, the original catfish is introduced to the country as an ornamental fish, but because it is very ugly, the market demand is very small, so the merchants have changed the marketing ideas, named them scavengers, and then claim that they can eat the feces of other ornamental fish, so the market demand for scavengers has increased, and most of the friends who raise fish will have at least one scavenger at home; in fact, scavengers do not eat feces, their diet is very mixed, When food is scarce, they will eat stones and algae on the wall of the tank, usually like to eat meat, but also like to bully other small ornamental fish, if other ornamental fish are sick, they will be adsorbed on the body of the fish at night to bite their wounds; in recent years, with the random release of people, so that scavengers flooded in our southern wild watershed, and their survival ability, reproductive ability are very strong, the most important thing is that they like to eat the eggs of other fish, only the presence of scavengers, Fish eggs in local rivers are difficult to survive, and at the same time lead to a sharp decline in the number of native fish populations, or even extinction, the key is that the scavenger's defense is also super strong, they have a body of iron bones, but also with their own spikes, belongs to the super defensive ability of the alien species.

The super "big bad" in the animal kingdom – invasive alien creatures

Small Shield Fish (Extremely Powerful)

Small shield fish is native to Southeast Asia, juvenile small shield fish body side has two black lines, sandwiched in the middle of an orange longitudinal band, very good-looking, so it is a large number of imports by our country, as an ornamental fish to sell, but the small shield fish will slowly become black after adulthood, not good-looking, and they can grow to very large, The small shield snakehead in the wild can grow up to 1.5 meters, the weight can reach 20 kilograms, even the domestic shield snakehead can grow to 80 cm, so many fish friends found that they could not continue to raise, they chose to release, once released, this creature will immediately become a terrible alien species; the small shield snakehead grows rapidly, is one of the fastest growing fish, and the amount of food is amazing, mainly carnivorous, is a ferocious predator, and the attack is extremely strong, if there is a small shield in the fishermen's fish pond, then the fish in the pond will be destroyed; the small shield snakehead is a very competent parent After spawning, the female and male fish will always take care of their eggs, and after the eggs hatch, they will always protect them until the juveniles can forage independently, which makes their baby fish survival rate very high, and also makes their numbers grow rapidly, bringing disaster to local fish.

The super "big bad" in the animal kingdom – invasive alien creatures

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Red Fire Ant (the most dangerous)

Native to South America, red fire ants were introduced to the United States in the late 1930s, and have been raging in the United States for more than 80 years, they are expanding outward at a rate of 198 square kilometers per year, causing economic losses of hundreds of millions; Australia was also invaded by red fire ants more than 10 years ago, and in 2003 they also invaded our country, they can spread globally like viruses, mainly because they will passively spread over long distances through the transportation of goods with plants. It can also spread through female red fire ants after mating; the reason why red fire ants can make people afraid of them is mainly because they have a strong destructive power, their eating habits are very mixed, their foraging ability is strong, they can eat native animals in the soil environment, they can also eat farmland pests, and also eat the fruits, roots, and young shoots of crops, affecting the growth and harvest of crops, causing huge economic losses, and they are very aggressive, and poisonous, in their venom, contain a small amount of water-soluble protein, once bitten by it, The wound will hurt like a fire, and if the bitten person is allergic, it will also produce an allergic reaction, and in severe cases, it will cause anaphylactic shock and even death.

The super "big bad" in the animal kingdom – invasive alien creatures

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