
The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

author:Read at ten o'clock

I have seen a sentence: "The poor are no one to ask in the downtown, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains." ”

Once, we thought we had enough to drink, but later we found that there was no money everywhere.

In this era of incomparable reality, money is always the mirror of feelings.

When you are poor, feelings are easy to scatter, and people's hearts are easy to be cold.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

Everything in the world has an unspoken rule.

The same is true in feelings.

All relationships between people are secretly marked with prices.

Friends whispered, had a boyfriend in college.

The two went from college to work, together for eight years, almost filling Xiao Yan's entire youth.

Friends think they will cultivate the right results, and Xiao Yan has been looking forward to her boyfriend's marriage proposal.

But every time Xiao Yan mentioned the marriage to her boyfriend, the boyfriend always broke up, taking care of him.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

At first, she thought that her boyfriend was not ready, but the time was long, and Xiao Yan's family was also a little anxious.

Just when Xiao Yan was planning to plan the future with her boyfriend, she waited for her boyfriend's sentence:

"My mother thinks that the conditions of your family are not very good, and does not agree with us together, let's break up!"

A fluttering sentence shattered all of Whisper's expectations for the future.

Xiao Yan's boyfriend, the family is in business, the typical rich second generation, and Xiao Yan's family has a very hard life, his father is a factory maintenance worker, and his mother is a hotel waiter.

We have seen too many fairy tale love stories of Cinderella and Prince Charming, but in real life, the people you love the most will also think that you are poor.

The feelings of two people have survived the seven-year itch, but they have not been able to survive the threshold of money.

This is probably the cruelest truth of life, a little sad, but helpless.

Not only love, but all human sophistication, when you are poor, are unbearable.

This reminds me of the hit drama some time ago, "I Am Yu Huanshui".

In the play, Yu Huanshui is a small salesman, and his life is stretched.

Because he had no money, he was bullied by his colleagues, ridiculed by his friends, disliked by his brother-in-law, and finally abandoned by his wife. Obviously, I didn't do anything wrong, but because I didn't have money, I seemed to be wrong with everything.

When you have no money, you will understand: the stability of family affection, the longevity of love, and the maintenance of friendship all need money.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

The meaning of working hard to make money is not to live a good life, but to be more confident when standing in front of the people you love.

In life, half is money, half is love, and using money to break the unspoken rules in emotions is what a person looks like.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

There is a very hot sentence on the Internet: "There is no safe haven, the balance is a sense of security." ”

No one is your eternal dependence, do not expect others to save you, only the balance in the wallet, can become your confidence in facing life.

In the movie "Beijing Meets Seattle's Love Letter", the heroine is obsessed with gambling, so she owes a lot of money and lives a depressed life without a fixed place.

She didn't think about how to change the status quo on her own, but she always looked forward to a crush wearing holy armor and stepping on the colorful clouds to save her and get out of her current life.

At one job, she met Mr. Deng, a rich man who spent a lot of money. Mr. Deng was distressed by her past and gave her a warm reliance, and she naively thought that she had met the person who could change her life.

Soon, the debt collection call broke her short-lived happiness, and she plucked up the courage to explain her current situation to Mr. Deng, hoping that Mr. Deng could help her get through the difficulties, but only waited for a cold breakup.

As Kazuo Inamori said, "Don't expect help from others no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must open up your own path." ”

Instead of expecting someone else to shield you from the wind and rain, learn to hold your own umbrella.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

In the variety show "Lu Yu has a date", a little girl asked the guest Liu Jialing: "How do you think that doing a good job is not as good as marrying well?" ”

Liu Jialing said:

In the world of feelings, you can't count so accurately, don't expect others to double how much you pay back, everyone is not stupid, never expect others to save you.

In the marriage of Liu Jialing and Liang Chaowei, the two people are evenly matched, the pace is the same, the balance of love is lasting and stable, and the feelings of the two people are getting deeper and deeper.

As Yishu said:

"After all, what a person can trust is herself, and it is also herself who can raise her eyebrows for her, what destination do I want?" I have found myself, and I am my destination. ”

Only when money is earned by oneself can one have confidence, and only by carrying things can one grow.

Don't pin your hopes on others, no one can save you but yourself.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

In the movie "Little Times", it is said: "Love without material is just a plate of sand, no wind blowing, two steps away." ”

Many people think that love should be pure and talking about money is too worldly.

As everyone knows, the love of the wind and snow moon must finally be implemented into the life of chai rice oil and salt.

In the documentary "Life of Sudden Riches", it tells the married life of Al and Benis.

Al and Benis have been married for many years and make ends meet by running an antique shop.

Due to the dismal business, the two people often quarrel over the problem of money.

The wife, Benes, looked at the bills to be paid and complained that her husband was incompetent, and the husband, Al, felt that his wife would not run the storefront at all, which led to the lack of money.

One year of financial crisis, the antique shop was on the verge of closure, and the married life of the two people almost came to an end.

But luckily, the two accidentally won a $250,000 prize.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

Because of the money, the two people paid off their debts, saved the antique shop, and began to learn to enjoy life.

When the material life is satisfied, the emotional life of the two people also becomes better.

The husband learned to prepare afternoon tea for his wife like a gentleman, and the wife began to support her husband's hobby of collecting antiques, and the laughter of the couple could be heard every day in the yard.

In married life, there is no material, the details will be enlarged, and with the material, the details will be diluted, and the bumps in life will be erased.

As "Parasite" says, "Money is an iron that irons all the folds of life." ”

This is not material, but reality, after all, the adult world, there is no fairy tale to speak of.

Parents are sick and hospitalized and need money; children need money to go to school and tuition; lovers need money to improve their lives.

It is said that poor couples are sad, if there is no money, even the deepest feelings will be consumed in the poor days, a chicken feather.

There is a sentence in Pride and Prejudice:

"Marriages that only consider money are ridiculous, marriages that don't consider money are stupid."

Sentient beings cannot drink enough water, and material is the most important basis of feelings.

The foundation is not solid, the ground is shaking, and the days need money to support.

Good feelings, very material.

The people you love the most will also think that you are "poor"

The Law of Attraction says, "What you give, you reap, reality is a mirror." ”

It is said that people with the same ability can attract each other and appreciate each other.

Feelings are rival dramas that match the abilities of two people, and they must always be inseparable from their opponents in order to rely on each other for a long time.

Therefore, first strive to be excellent, and then generously have.

Love is a game, and evenly matched feelings last.

The best relationship is not that you earn money to support the family, I am beautiful as a flower, but that we work together, you are good, I am not bad.

Author | Pear drop, a quiet code word of the post-90s small pear.

Image | Visual China, stills from "Life of Sudden Riches"

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