
15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

author:WinDream asks you to take notes

The Spring Festival of 2020, with the spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia and the national response to epidemic prevention and control, is particularly different from the festive and lively previous years. Less crowded celebrations, fewer groups of relatives and friends, less bustling travel, and people across the country staying at home to fight the plague that was worse than SARS in 2003.

"If we can lock down Wuhan, cancel all temple fairs in the country, close all scenic spots, remove all New Year movies, and guard hundreds of cities and empty alleys across the country, the epidemic must be more serious than we can imagine..."

The evil of this plague is that the incubation period is long, even if infected with the virus may not have symptoms, but the incubation period and the symptomatic carriers of the virus are contagious, and the symptoms of the infected people vary from person to person, and may be more severe than the symptoms of the infected, and the virus does not have a predisposing population tendency in terms of demographic characteristics such as gender and age. As a result, we simply cannot tell whether the people we come into contact with are the source of the virus, whether we have been infected with the virus, and if we do have the virus, the severity of the disease.

Therefore, in response to the call of the national epidemic prevention and control, staying at home and not going out is indeed the most effective protection and responsibility for yourself, your family and friends, and society. Any person, if he takes protection lightly, is likely to make himself the one who is recruited, and thus implicate family, friends and society, and even aggravate the outbreak of the epidemic and prolong the epidemic period. Families with the elderly, infants, pregnant women, and patients with underlying medical conditions should pay special attention to prevention. Don't let luck and blind optimism and self-confidence become a source of regret after real accidents in the future...

In fact, staying at home for a while is not bad. A busy and impetuous life, but it takes a period of time to slow down and calm down to moderate adjustment. At home, there are also many meaningful things that usually have no time or heart to do. "Boredom" is not a kind of yin and yang opportunity and perfection ~ ~

Here, the author deliberately collected 15 films related to the epidemic with a Douban score of more than 6 points, or popular science, or reproduction of history, or revealing human nature, or stimulating the senses... Taking advantage of the epidemic period and "boredom", you may wish to take a look at these theme movies that may not be very interesting on weekdays and seem to be very far away from your own life, and see if there is a more or less sense of substitution and enlightenment?

The films are sorted by the release time, some of the films are more thriller, please choose carefully to watch ~

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, blood plague</h1>

Also known as: The Hot Zone / Ebola Havoc / Ebola Havoc / Hotspot / High-Risk Zone / Blood Plague: The Story of Ebola

Producer country: United States

Release date: 2019-05-27 (USA)

Length: 6 episodes, each episode is 45 minutes long

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Director: Michael Uppendal

Written by: James M. V. Hart / Jeff Venta

Starring: Juliana Margaret / Noah Emmerich / Liam Cunningham / Tover Goris / James Darcy

Douban score: 8.1

Synopsis: The series is based on a bestseller book by Richard Preston about the Ebola virus and its impact on humans. In 1989, the Ebola virus suddenly appeared in chimpanzees in a scientific laboratory in the suburbs of Washington, and there was no known treatment at the time. The heroic U.S. army veterinarian (Margaret) works with a secret military SWAT team to try to stop the epidemic before it spreads to humans, but it puts her in mortal danger.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, Black Death Season 1</h1>

Also known as: La Peste Season 1 / Plague

Country of production: Spain

Release date: 2018-01-12 (Spain)

Length: 6 episodes, each episode is 50 minutes long

Type: Thriller

Director: Alberto Rodriguez

Writers: Raphael Coworth / Fran Araújo

Starring: Pablo Molinero / Sergio Castellanos / Manolo Solo / Patricia López Arnaiz

Douban score: 8.6

Synopsis: In the second half of the sixteenth century, Seville was the great city of the Western world and the gateway of Europe to the Americas. The city's riches depended on international trade and gold and silver wealth, but also on the people living together at home and abroad: Christians, Converted Jews, Baptized Moors, Slaves, Freed Slaves, Tramps, Thieves, Prostitutes, Nobles, Commoners. At the same time, inequality, famine and infectious diseases make up the dark side of the city. In an outbreak of the Black Death, several prominent members of Sevillian society were killed. Matteo, a convict tried by the Inquisition, must resolve this series of murders in order to receive a pardon from the Inquisition and thus save his own life. This is a one-size-fits-all investigation, facing an extremely complex and contradictory environment. There, public repression and private pleasure coexist; mysticism and chaos are everywhere; monastic discipline is lax, brothels are tightly regulated; prisons are transformed into hiding places, hospitals are buried; betrayal and loyalty are intertwined.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, Busan trip</h1>

Also known as: 부산행 / Corpse Speed Train (Taiwan) / Corpse Killing Train (Hong Kong) / Trainto Busan / Busanhaeng

Producer country: Korean

Release date: 2016-07-20 (South Korea)

Duration: 118 minutes

Genre: Action / Thriller / Disaster

Director: Yan Shanghao

Screenwriter: Yan Shanghao

Starring: Kong Youyou / Jung Youmei / Ma Dong Seok / Kim So-an / Kim Yoo-sung / Choi Woo-sik / Ahn Joo-hee / Shen Eun-kyung / Yu DuLin

Douban score: 8.4

Synopsis: Shi Yu (Kong You), the fund manager of a securities company, is brilliant and capable, but he is also a heavy profit and light righteous person. His wife breaks with him, and his daughter Soo-an (Kim So-an) becomes increasingly disillusioned with such a selfish father and decides to go to Busan to live with her mother. On Xiu'an's birthday, Seok Woo took time to accompany her daughter on the express train to Busan. At the same time, there were extremely suspicious riots all over the city. The government's efforts to whitewash the fact that zombies are rampant, and even the ignorant train passengers are plunged into a hell of panic and despair because of the arrival of uninvited guests. At the moment of driving, an infected person rushed into the carriage, and she quickly transformed into a corpse and carried out a bloody massacre of healthy people in sight. It didn't take long for zombies to explode in geometric numbers. Shi Yu is forced to survive with the survivor's passengers in the cramped space. The long journey to Busan is full of killing opportunities, and the humanity of every survivor in times of crisis is also greatly tested...

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4</h1>

Also known as: Fall of Ming

Producer: China

Release time: 2013-10-25(Chinese mainland)

Duration: 109 minutes

Genre: Drama / History / Costume

Director: Wang Jing

Writers: Xie Xiaodong / Zhou Rongyang

Starring: Feng Yuanzheng / Dai Liren / Feng Bo / Yang Yang / Qian Xuege / Si Yuan / Ma Jingwu / Hu Xiaoguang / Yu Shaoqun

Douban score: 7.9

Synopsis: In the 15th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, the country was worried about internal and external troubles, and the general Sun Chuanting (Dai Liren) was ordered to bring his wife Feng Shi (Feng Bo) to Tongguan to resist Li Zicheng's army. At the same time, the traveling doctor Wu Youke (Feng Yuanzheng) comes to Tongguan to visit his master, zhao Chuan (Qian Xuege), the pharmacy leader, with the heart of saving people in the world. At the moment of the great enemy, the soldiers in Sun Chuanting's army are infected with strange diseases, and at the same time, they also have to face the urging of the Chongzhen Emperor (Yu Shaoqun) to send troops and the selfish wealth of Gu Qingyuan (Ma Jingwu), a gentleman of Tongguan Hao. Zhao Chuan died in the line of duty due to ineffective rescue, and Wu could stand up in times of danger and rely on unusual treatment methods to sympathize with Sun Chuanting. In the end, the plague was finally controlled, but whether the country's illness could be cured by the war Wu Youke and Sun Chuanting could not predict.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, influenza


Also known as: 감기 / War epidemic (Hong Kong) / Fatal cold / Cold / TheFlu

Producer country: South Korea

Release date: 2013-08-14 (South Korea)

Duration: 122 minutes

Genre: Drama / Thriller / Disaster

Director: Kim Sung-so

Screenwriter: Kim Sung-so

Starring: Jang Hyuk / So-ae / Park Min Ho / Yoo Hae-jin / Lee Hee-joon / Cha In-watch / Park Hyo Joo / Lee Sang-yeol / Ma Dong-seok

Douban score: 7.8

Synopsis: A group of Southeast Asian stowaways came to South Korea through hardships, but almost all the stowaways in the entire container died, and only one person escaped into the city with his weak body. As everyone knows, this person carries the deadly swine flu virus, and in just one day, the virus quickly spread to all corners of the city. Many people are unknowingly infected, which in turn leads the shadow of death to all those around them. The beautiful female doctor Kim In-hoe (Xiu Ai) is a single mother who recently suffered a car accident and was rescued by the fire brigade rescue worker Kang Ji-joo (Jang Hyuk), but was reprimanded by her boss for losing important papers. During this period, the younger brother of the Korean snakehead was sent to the hospital in Inhae for treatment due to influenza, and the cause of the flu was finally discovered after diagnosis, and the container of dead bodies undoubtedly became the key to finding the source of the disease. Before long, the swine flu virus spread in a geometric way, and the people who enjoyed peace faced unprecedented disasters...

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >6, SARS Ten Year Festival</h1>

Also known as: Phoenix Vision SARS Ten Year Festival

Producer Country: China (Hong Kong)

Release date: 2013-04-08

Length: 5 episodes, 29 minutes in a single episode

Genre: Documentary / History / Disaster

Director: Lee Tak

Screenwriter: Lee Demolition

Starring: Li Demolition / Chen Xiaonan

Douban score: 9.4

Synopsis: The film is a blockbuster documentary launched by Phoenix Satellite TV on the tenth anniversary of SARS in 2013, inviting frontline workers in the frontline fight against SARS at that time, such as doctors, nurses, medical experts and journalists, to tell the SARS epidemic they experienced. The film has a total of five episodes, each episode is about 30 minutes, about two months long to tell you about the SARS epidemic in 2003 that deserves to be remembered forever by the Chinese people.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >7, infectious diseases</h1>

Also known as: Contagion / Century War Epidemic (Hong Kong) / Spread Across the Territory (Taiwan) / Infection

Country of production: USA / UAE

Release date: 2011-09-09 (USA)

Runtime: 106 minutes

Genre: Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller / Disaster

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh

Writers: Scott M. Z. Benns

Starring: Marion Cotillard / Matt Damon / Lawrence Fishburn / Jude Lowe / Gwyneth Paltrow

Douban score: 6.6

Synopsis: The film tells the story of a new deadly virus that swept the world in a matter of days. Beth (Gwyneth Paltrow) dies of a sudden illness after returning to her home in Minneapolis from a business trip from Hong Kong, and her husband Thomas (Matt Damon) assists Dr. Thomas. Erin Mears (Kate Winslet Kate Winslet) investigates the truth. The terrible thing is that patients with the same disease are appearing on a large scale around the world, and the virus is constantly spreading. Conspiracy theorist journalist Aaron (Jude Law) takes the opportunity to spread public opinion against the government and medical institutions. Dr. Leonora Orantes (Marion Cotillard) is sent to Hong Kong to investigate the causes, but is held hostage by a local doctor (Chin Han Wong) in exchange for a vaccine. In Dr. The efforts of Ellis Cheever (Lawrence Fishburne) and young doctor Ally Hextall (Jennifer Ellie Jennifer Ehle) have finally developed a vaccine to treat the virus, and the matter has finally calmed down.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >8, doomsday virus</h1>

Also known as: Carriers / Virus Carriers / Carriers / Desperate Carriers

Release date: 2009-08-18

Directed by: Alex Pastel / David Pastel

Writers: Alex Pastel / David Pastel

Starring: Lou Taylor Pucci / Chris Pine / Piper Perabeau / Emily Wankapp / Christopher Milloni

Douban score: 6.3

Synopsis: A highly deadly and contagious virus spreads around the world, and in order to take refuge, Danny (Lou Taylor Pucci) and his brother Brian (Chris Pine) and his girlfriend Bobby (Piper Perabo) and friend Kate (Emily VanCamp) drive through the deserts of the southwestern United States as fast as they can. They were looking for a relatively safe place, but after spending a full few days, they realized that perhaps there was no longer a place for them in the vast country. Not only is the ravages of the virus oppressing everyone's nerves, they are constantly forced to face the pressure of moral and ethical decisions and challenges – some difficult and human choices that they could not imagine before. Soon, they discover that the biggest enemy that stood in their way was not the deadly bacteria or viruses that constantly attacked and destroyed human beings, but the darkness and evil hidden in their hearts...

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9, infecting the archipelago</h1>

Also known as: Pandemic

Country of production: Japan

Release date: 2009-01-17 (Japan)

Duration: 138 minutes

Director: Keihisa Setze

Screenwriter: Keihisa Setze

Starring: Satoshi Tsutomu / Tanri / Ryoko Kunisaka / Yuji Tanaka / Ryuya Fuji / Chizuru Ikewaki

Synopsis: In the autumn of 2010, WHO official Eiko Kobayashi (Rei Dan) traveled with a team to the Philippines to extinguish bird flu, and the epidemic was quickly brought under control, but some infected people still left the epidemic area without permission... The following year, at a municipal hospital in Tokyo, a patient with a high fever treated by dr. Tsuyoshi Matsuoka (Satoshi Tsumabuki, wife-in-law Satoshi Satoshi) was admitted to the hospital, and he died of coughing up blood, and the patient's family and some doctors also fell ill due to infection. At the same time, a bird flu virus was detected in a chicken farm in the suburbs, and the peaceful life of the owner Shen Cang and his daughter (Chizuru Chizuru Ikewaki) was broken. Eiko Kobayashi was commissioned to guide epidemic prevention here, and her old acquaintance Matsuoka served as her assistant. The epidemic spread rapidly, the number of sick deaths reached 2,000 within a month, panic appeared in various places, causing international concern, and the government quickly blocked the epidemic area. Matsuoka accidentally learned that the source of the virus may be somewhere else, and the test results sent back from abroad supported his judgment, and Matsuoka decided to go abroad to find the source of the disease. In the unprecedented epidemic, Matsuoka, Kobayashi and Shencang will all face the test of their own choices.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >10, blind flu</h1>

Also known as: Blindness / Blindness Comics

Country of production: Canada / Brazil / Japan

Release date: 2008-05-14

Runtime: 121 minutes

Genre: Drama / Suspense / Thriller / Disaster

Director: Fernando Merrills

Writers: Jose Saramago / Don McKeller

Starring: Mark Ruflo / Julianne Moore / Alice Braga / Gale Garcia Bernal / Yusuke Iseya

Douban score: 7.2

Synopsis: Nobel laureate Jose Saramago's novel Blindness was brought to the film scene. The book describes a city caught in a blinding virus, the fuse ignited from a driver, after suddenly going blind, he received a person's kind help, the line continued to burn, the ophthalmologist came to help them, and the story began. All the blind are imprisoned in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, heavily guarded, and the spread of the disease is stopped at the cost of their lives. Julianne Moore plays the only person who is not blind - the doctor's kind wife, and the famous black filmmaker Danny Glover plays a blinding old black man in the film. Although the protagonist is from the United States, the film is an international film co-produced by Japan, Brazil, and Canada.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >11, love in the time of cholera</h1>

Also known as: Love in the Time of Cholera / Love when the plague spreads

Release date: 2007-11-16 (USA)

Runtime: 139 min

Genre: Drama / Romance

Director: Mike Neville

Writers: Ronald Harwood / Gabriel García Márquez

Starring: Javier Baden / Giovanna Messozjar / Levi Shreibor / John Regizamo / Benjamin Blatter

Douban score: 7.4

Synopsis: A half-century-long love story. In The late 19th century in Cartagena, Colombia, telegrapher Florentino Ariza (Javier Bardem) falls in love with Fermina Daza (Giovanna Mezzogiorno), the daughter of a wealthy businessman, and he touches Fermina Daza's heart with a passionate love letter, and the two quickly fall in love. However, due to the disparity in status, Fermina Daza had to submit to her father and leave Cartagena, and in the eyes of the young Fermina Daza, the love between the two was just an illusion of less and less. A few years later, Fermina Daza, under the arrangement of her father, married Dr. Dr. Juvenal Urbino (Benjamin Bratt). In the time of cholera, a doctor husband can not only bring a good life, but also a powerful guarantee of life. Fermina Daza gradually forgot what had happened. But Florentino Ariza did not forget that the young boy who had nothing, inherited his uncle's inheritance, became a rich shipwright, he experienced different women, but in his heart he was obsessed with Fermina Daza, and all he could do was to wait, to wait for the day of reunion, even though more than fifty years had passed, his heart for her was still the same.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >12, Resident Evil</h1>

Also known as: Resident Evil / 2002 Evil Castle / Resident Evil Variant Survives

Country of production: UK / Germany / France / USA

Release Date: 2002-03-15 (USA)

Duration: 100 minutes

Genre: Action / Sci-Fi / Horror

Director: Paul Anderson

Writers: Paul Anderson

Starring: Mira Jovovich / Michelle Rodriguez / Colin Salmon / Eric Mabis / James Bower

Douban score: 8.0

Synopsis: The story takes place in the bioengineering laboratory of Umbrera (Umbrella) Company - "Hive", hundreds of genetics and bioengineering experts are conducting a scientific research, a virus suddenly broke out and spread rapidly, and the supercomputer "Flame Queen" in order to control the virus from leaking to the ground, the hive was completely sealed, and the virus quickly infected all the staff. A rescue team led by Alice, Ryan, and Matt arrives at the hive after receiving orders, and they must lead the task force to isolate the virus that has destroyed all the people in the hive. However, the team soon discovered that the staff members were not really dead. They have now become terrifying zombies that linger inside the hive. As soon as people are bitten or scratched by them, they become infected and even immediately turn into zombies. Faced with a nearly uncontrollable situation, hundreds of aggressive zombies wandering around, and more mysterious sinister forces, how can the rescue team members get out of the situation and stop the virus from spreading?

The Resident Evil film series is based on the capcom game Resident Evil, directed by Paul Anderson and starring Mira Jovovich. The first Resident Evil was released in 2002, with Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004), Resident Evil: Extinction (2007), Resident Evil: God of War Regeneration (2010), Resident Evil: Punishment (2012), and Resident Evil: Final Chapter (2017) as the finale of the series. In May 2017, Germany's Constantine Pictures confirmed that it would reboot the Resident Evil series and planned to produce six films.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >13, light cavalry on the roof</h1>

Also known as: Love In the Midst of Heaven and Earth / The Horseman on the Roof/ The Horseman on the Roof

Country of production: France

Release time: 1995-09-20 (France) / 1995-10-06 (USA)

Runtime: 135 min / 134 min (Argentina) / 136 min (Germany) / 118 min (US)

Genre: Drama / Romance / Adventure

Director: Jean-Paul Rapeno

Writers: Jean-Giorno / Jean-Claude Carrière / Jean-Paul Rapeno / Nina Campinate

Starring: Juliet Binoche / Olivier Martinez / Pierre Adity / François Kruce / Jean Yanan

Synopsis: In the mid-nineteenth century, Italy was under the fiery rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In order to liberate the motherland, the Hussar Colonel Angelo (Olivier Martinez) plotted to launch a rebellion to overthrow colonial rule, but had to go into exile in France due to a planned leak. Because of the betrayal of his childhood friend, Angelo was hunted down by Austrian spies in France. The fleeing Angelo inadvertently broke into a plague zone in France, where mourning was raging and people were going crazy. Locals believed that it was a poison thrown by Angelo, and Angelo became the target of the hunt for no reason. One day, Angelo inadvertently falls from the roof into an attic and meets Paulina (Juliet Binoche), a woman who is separated from her husband. Knowing that Paulina is now in a difficult situation, Angelo is determined to help her find her husband. As they walked through the epidemic area, Paulina was unfortunately infected with the epidemic...

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >14, extreme panic</h1>

Also known as: Outbreak / Terror Zone / Crisis Story / Spread / Extreme Panic

Release date: 1995-03-10 (USA)

Duration: 127 minutes

Director: Wolfgang Petersen

Writers: Lawrence Divolette / Robert Roy Poole

Starring: Dustin Hoffman / Renee Russell / Morgan Freeman / Kevin Spacey / Cooper Gooding Jr

Douban score: 7.6

Synopsis: In 1967, in africa's Zaire Motaba Valley, the U.S. mercenary barracks were ravaged by a sudden disease, and the death toll was rising. After the medic took a sample of infected blood and left, the entire barracks was destroyed by a bomb, and the white-faced monkeys in the nearby woods screamed... It wasn't until the 1990s that a young American captured a small white-faced monkey in Zaire, Africa, and brought it home to sell. Young people released the monkeys because they did not meet the buyer's demands, and a new type of disease spread across the town of Cedar Creek in San Francisco. Sam (Dustin Hoffman), a military doctor at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, receives the news and immediately begins research and treatment with his wife (Renee Russo) and colleagues. Because the disease was extremely contagious, the government urgently dispatched troops to blockade the town, and those who wanted to flee were killed. At this time, a batch of secret poisoned serum was sent, but Sam and a group of others found that this batch of serums could cure the disease of 1967, but it had no effect on the virus that has mutated today. Soon, when Sam's wife was infected and her life was in danger, the government also made a decision to destroy the virus by dropping bombs to destroy the entire town. With time to go, Sam finds out the source of the virus and must find the original carrier before dropping the bomb.

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >15, Cassandra Bridge</h1>

Also known as: Flying Over the Deadly Bridge / The Great Plague / Train Disaster

Country of production: United Kingdom / Italy / West Germany

Release time: 1976-12-18 (Italy) / 1977-03-31 (West Germany/UK)

Duration: 129 minutes

Genre: Drama / Action / Thriller / Disaster

Directed by: George P. Cosmatus

Writers: Robert Katz / George P. Kosmatus / Tom Mankiewicz

Starring: Sophia Roland / Richard Harris / Martin Sheen / O· J. Simpson / Lionel Stand

Douban score: 8.3

Synopsis: "Cassandra Bridge" is a British, Italian and West German film co-production, the film's shooting methods and content have become the classic mode of disaster films since then. Terrorists broke into the headquarters of the International Health Organization in Geneva and attempted to carry out a terrorist attack, but were stopped by security guards. During the pursuit, the police officer accidentally smashed the experimental plague bacteria and splashed it on the criminal. One of the gangsters died of infection and rot on the spot, while another sneaked onto a train bound for Stockholm. The virus spread very quickly, and many people on the train were infected with this bacterium, and the International Police Department controlled the train so that the plague bacterium did not spread to others, did not allow any stops, and drove it to the Cassandra Bridge to destroy it. Female writer Jennifer (Sophia Roland Sophia Loren) and husband Dr. Chamberlain (Richard Harris) are also involved. Doctors through experimental methods to make many people to disarm the bacteria, but not by the superiors to believe, only their own methods to solve, the people on the train clashed with the anti-chemical warfare forces, people have taken up arms. The fate of the crowd follows the train into the unknown....

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

After sharing 15 films related to the epidemic, we will finally watch the new coronavirus pneumonia that has swept the country and even the world.

In the face of the rampant epidemic, we should be cautious and careful in our actions, such as staying at home and never going out, wearing masks when we have to go out, washing hands frequently, and ventilating frequently; in terms of mentality, we should be peaceful and relaxed, try to avoid being immersed in the fear and panic of continuously brushing the epidemic news every day, and we can appropriately divert our attention, go to books, watch plays, play the piano, listen to songs, exercise sports, play games, collect houses, make food, and bask in the sun... Life still has to run as usual, but change the scene to the home

The line on the January 30 movie calendar is exactly this line, "Nobody wants to hear bad news, so people tend to underestimate the probability of bad things happening." "Maybe that's where luck and blind optimism and confidence come from...

On the January 5th movie calendar is this sentence, "We laugh together, and the terrible things will run out." "Positive action, positive mentality, together with the "stay at home do not go out" in exchange for this plague to end early!

Thank you for reading ~ I wish you and your family a safe, healthy and happy new year :)

15 film recommendations about the pandemic | Stay-at-home is not boring 1, Blood Plague 2, Black Death Season 1 3, Busan Row 4, Daimyo 5, Flu 6, SARS Decade Festival 7, Infectious Disease 8, Doomsday Virus 9, Infect islands 10, Blind Flu 11, Love during Cholera 12, Resident Evil 13, Hussars on the Roof 14, Extreme Panic 15, Cassandra Bridge

【Special Instructions】

The above film information and movie posters are from Douban Movies &amp; Baidu Search,

The rest of the graphics are original.

It was first published on the WeChat public account "WinDream Ask jun learning notes".

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