
Have you ever seen "papaya fish"?

The body is rectangular; the body carapace has a four-sided ridge, the dorsal and ventral edges are well developed, there is no dorsal mid-ridge, and there is only a slight bulge in front of the dorsal fin; the ridges are spineless, but the ridges are obviously sharp, and the ventral surface is more prominently curved

Have you ever seen "papaya fish"?

The head and body of the juvenile are yellow and scattered with many black spots about the size of the pupil; the adult body is yellowish brown to grayish brown, the head is scattered with small black spots, and in the center of each scale of the body armor there is a pale blue spot or white spot with a black edge about the size of the pupil. Each fin is bright yellow to yellowish green , more or less scattered with small black spots ; the caudal fin is darker

Have you ever seen "papaya fish"?

The body color is bright, lively and active, and it usually moves up and down the fish tank. If you find that the fins and tail show signs of ulceration, the color is gray, the surface is rough or the wood is peeling off, it is not suitable for purchase

Have you ever seen "papaya fish"?

It is found in the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea in the west and the east coast of Africa, to Hawaii and the Civil And Earth Islands in the east, to southern Japan in the north, and to Rhodes Island in the south. Edible, but offal is not suitable for consumption, and some are kept in aquariums or made into dried specimens for viewing

Have you ever seen "papaya fish"?