
What doorways are hidden in the "birthplace" of Taiwan loach

author:China Aquatic Channel

China Aquatic Products Channel exclusive report, the Pearl River Delta is the starting point of the development of the loach industry in the mainland, but also the most important link in the entire industrial composition, several data can reflect the huge size of its industry, it is estimated that the Pearl River Delta annual output to the whole country loach seedlings (including splash) in 40-45 billion tails, accounting for more than 70% of the total, the peak period of commodity loach daily circulation of up to 550,000 kilograms, accounting for about 30% of the total circulation of the country, whether it is seed output or breeding volume, the Pearl River Delta occupies a considerable position. It can be said that only by understanding here can we understand the entire industry.

The reason why Taiwan's loach industry can develop rapidly in the Pearl River Delta is related to its inherent breeding structure and climatic conditions. The Pearl River Delta has always been the traditional area of South American white shrimp farming, but due to the success rate of South American white shrimp farming for many years, coinciding with the emergence of this excellent species of Taiwan loach, many farmers who have failed in the cultivation of South American white shrimp seem to have seized this "life-saving straw" and have chosen to raise South American white shrimp in winter, forming a unique breeding structure of summer shrimp farming and winter loach farming. This mode of breeding, there are two main advantages: one is that because Taiwan loach is afraid of heat and cold, it can directly use the outer pond to breed loach in winter, saving a large amount of cost of building a winter shed; second, due to the cold climate in the north, generally concentrated fish before the cold winter comes, winter loach can just take advantage of the Climate Advantage of the Pearl River Delta, avoid the impact of the Northern Loach, and stagger the peak listing.

The earliest place in the Pearl River Delta to start loach farming was in Xingtan Town, Shunde, which was quickly successful thanks to the promotion of the local fisheries department and the daring of the farm, which was quickly successful and developed to the entire Pearl River Delta. Nowadays, Jiangmen Xinhui is the most concentrated area of Loach culture in the Pearl River Delta, accounting for more than 60% of the loach culture in the Pearl River Delta, of which Muzhou, Sanjiang and Daao are dominant. Since the shrimp farming industry has been affected by diseases and has not alleviated, the number of loach farmers has gradually increased in the past two years. In addition to Xinhui, Zhongshan, Taishan, Shunde, Doumen and other places are increasing the number of taiwan loaches. In addition, with the improvement of breeding technology and the improvement of related supporting facilities, the density of seedlings in the past two years has also increased significantly, from about 30,000 tails /mu in the past to more than 100,000 tails/mu now.

What doorways are hidden in the "birthplace" of Taiwan loach

According to industry estimates, More than 70% of taiwan loach seedlings exported from Guangdong to the whole country account for more than 70% of the total, and Jiangmen is the area with the highest concentration of loach seed hatching in Taiwan.

"There are about 100 large and small seed farms in Jiangmen area, and more than 95% of them do inbreeding."

"The most difficult thing about the hatching of loach seedlings in Taiwan is the membrane technology, the weather is hot, the water temperature is high, it is difficult to operate, many seedling farms can not produce normally when it is hot, the operating rate is very low, headshots, deformation, bending seedlings, dead seedlings, residual seedlings are particularly many."

"When the weather is hot, especially in July and August, the water temperature reaches more than 30 ° C, the female fish will automatically ovulate, resulting in a very low amount of eggs, at that time, regardless of whether the body shape is good or bad, as long as the fish has eggs in the stomach, it will hatch, and the price of the mother fish will also rise, and there is no choice." Therefore, the quality of the seedlings circulating on the market in July and August is the worst. ”

"In fact, every farmer wants to pull good seedlings, but only a few farmers will identify the quality of the seedlings, so there is only a price, whose price is low, buy whose seedlings." Therefore, many seed farms are not willing to invest, and the entire industry is pushed by the general environment. If it continues like this, it will be more and more difficult to raise every year. ”

In view of the current phenomenon of seed degradation and excessive inbreeding, the author interviewed Professor Hong Yijiang, an aquatic animal genetics and breeding expert at the College of Life Sciences of Nanchang University, by telephone, and he said: "When we first introduced the Taiwan loach breed, we did not seriously investigate the genetic background, and it may be a group of close relatives in itself. In addition, despite the serious phenomenon of inbreeding and reproduction, the current performance of Taiwan loach in terms of growth rate and stress resistance is far stronger than that of yellow loach, so few people are willing to work hard at the level of germplasm improvement. ”

What doorways are hidden in the "birthplace" of Taiwan loach

According to the rough statistics of the sales volume of each dealer, the feed capacity of the main loach breeding area of Xinhui is: 8,000 tons of Muzhou, 8,000 tons of Sanjiang, 5,000 tons of Daao, 4,000 tons of Tangxia, 2,000 tons of Lile and 1,000 tons of offshore. Haida, Tongwei, Hengxing, Guangdong, Dabeinong, Aohua and several other large factories control the entire market.

After several years of precipitation, the special compound feed for loach on the market is relatively standardized, especially the feed quality of large factories is relatively stable, the material ratio coefficient can generally reach 1.4-1.5, and the farmers with good technology can control the material ratio at about 1.3. In addition to the material ratio coefficient, the feed mills are also working hard to improve the fullness of loach and adjust the body color, "with a relatively high-grade loach feed, loach fat fullness is higher, the body color will be more beautiful, the belly is yellow and bright, such loach buyers have higher bids." The person in charge of a farm in Xinhui Daao told the author.

What doorways are hidden in the "birthplace" of Taiwan loach

In terms of feed type, the submerged material is the mainstay, and the floating material and powder material are fewer, and the price is about 120 yuan / bag. June to September is the loach farming off-season, wait until after the National Day, the weather slowly cooled, it entered the loach farming season, the amount of feeding also increased.

What doorways are hidden in the "birthplace" of Taiwan loach

The highest price of loach in Taiwan was in 2014, when the fry market was extremely hot due to the shortage of seedlings, resulting in high price of loach, once as high as more than 30 yuan / catty. However, with the surge in the total amount of aquaculture, the price was rapidly diluted, starting from 2015, all the way down, and now it has fallen below 8 yuan / catty and tends to be stable. Breeding technology is good, can control the cost below 7 yuan / kg, and there is a profit of 1 yuan / kg.

Although the Pearl River Delta is the main breeding area of Taiwan loach, it is not the main consumer market, and most of the Taiwan loach in Guangdong is sold to other places. According to Li Guolun, general manager of Foshan Dunhuang Aquatic Products, during the peak period, only about 550,000 kilograms of loach were transported from the Pearl River Delta every day.

The main loach distribution centers in the country are Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hefei, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Tianjin and other cities, with Guangzhou Huangsha, Wuhan Baishazhou, Hefei Zhougudui, Chengdu Tianhua, Shenyang Qiandangbao these market circulation is the largest. According to Li Guolun's rough estimates, the annual circulation of these large markets is: 20 million jin of Huangsha in Guangzhou, 12 million jin in Baishazhou in Wuhan, 15 million jin in Zhougudui in Hefei, 12 million jin in Chengdu Tianhua, and 20 million jin in Qiandangbao in Shenyang. June to September is the low season, the volume is slightly less, and the circulation in other months is relatively stable.

In the past, the export volume of yellow loach was very large, but Taiwan loach is currently almost all domestic sales, industry insiders said, one is because Taiwan loach is not as resistant to transportation as yellow loach, and the other is because Koreans do not accept Taiwan loach.