
Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

author:Assign movies

Author: Qing Ruxu

Kana Hashimoto,

In the entertainment industry, it has always had the title of "a beautiful girl once in a thousand years".

Her pure appearance and good appearance are the white moonlight in the hearts of countless people!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

But the image given to us by such a goddess in the play is often like this...

In "I Am Big Brother", he does not care about the image of the face.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Gintama's unscrupulous nose picking.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

It's all ugly.

Although this is enough to prove her acting skills and no idol baggage.

But for her face powder, it is inevitable that there will be a hint of loss.

And now in a new Japanese drama, she has changed her usual outfit and regained her appearance.

Moreover, the challenge is still a large scale!

How's it going, are there any expectations?

Come on, the little pie, this brings —

The Impact


Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Wowow Station Productions,

In addition to Hashimoto Kana, there is another popular goddess in the play, Suzuki Honami.

As the heroine of "Tokyo Love Story", Aunt Ho Nami was also a top-notch existence at that time.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

In this year's Lunar New Year movie "Detective Chinatown 3", she met the audience again, which was very surprising.

This time, she plays a well-known writer and Chuan.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

The story begins with a letter.

It was sent by one of her readers, Yuri (Ninnin Otsuka).

The letter was broadly written about kazukawa about her 35-year relationship with her two friends.

As a writer, what you love the most is listening to other people's stories.

So Kazukawa gladly went.

In a café, they met, greeted each other as usual, and everything was normal.

But the first sentence of The pear about this story made the well-informed Kazukawa look up in amazement.

"The three of us killed each other to protect each other!"

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

So the past slowly spread out...

In 1984, yuri (young Yuri Hashimoto Kana) was just a high school student.

In school, she was not outstanding, so ordinary that she even had some inferiority.

One day after school, she met a girl in the park who was practicing ballet alone.

Zhen Fan (played by Aoi Wakasa)

No one next to the real sail danced, shining in the sunlight.

Such a glorious scene, Yuri was stunned!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Meanwhile, another girl, Riko (Ai Yoshikawa), also walks into the park.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Three girls, so intersect,

And that's where their stories start.

Makoto is a new transfer student from Tokyo. People look beautiful and good temperament.

But the strange thing is that such a person has no friends at school.

The problem stemmed from rumors that haunted her.

It is said that her father cheated on her marriage, and her mother decided to divorce her, so she took her back to her hometown to live.

It seems normal now, but in those days, divorced women couldn't lift their heads.

And this inability to lift your head affects the next generation.

Everyone at the school is alienated from Maho, but Yuri (Kana Hashimoto) is willing to be friends with her.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

This friendship that breaks through resistance makes them make a deep friendship.

They are open and willing to share their secrets with each other.

Zhenfan confided to Yuri that there was a special reason for choosing this school,

Close to home!

She had encountered a satyr on the tram, which had caused her inexplicable damage, and she did not confide in her mother.

Because mom's life has become a mess, she does not want to add a burden to her,

You can only fight on your own!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

And Yuri (Kana Hashimoto) also has her own secrets, which go back even further.

At that time, Yuri was only seven or eight years old, and she had a very good haircut, Riko.

The two live in the same neighborhood and go to and from school hand in hand every day.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Once, Riko went to Yuri's house to play.

I happened to see Yuri's grandfather also at home.

So Riko asked a very frightening question,

Yuri, did you sleep with Grandpa too?

Mom said that girls should sleep with grandpa.

Suddenly, everyone else present was stunned!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

The adult sensed that something was wrong, so he asked tentatively.

The girl and Grandpa slept in the same bed, the same quilt.

Hearing this, the Yuri family realized that Riko might have been sexually assaulted by her family for a long time.

And she wasn't old enough to realize what was happening.

As a small hair of Yu pear, this family should have come to the rescue, but they chose silence.

He also warned his children to have less contact with Riko.

But children, who would be so obedient.

One day, Yuri didn't hold back and secretly went to Riko's house to play, but happened to run into Riko's grandfather and Riko coming out together.

Looking at Grandpa's straight-eyed eyes, she was afraid.

So she grabbed the door and fled!

And that glance was the last thing they saw as children.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

He left his friends in hell and fled alone in a timid way.

This "cowardly" behavior has become the last thing Yuri wants to look back on.

So when she grows up, she often has feelings of self-loathing.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

In the blink of an eye, it was high school.

Although the two can be seen every day, they have long been strangers.

Li Zi mingled with a group of bullies at the school every day.

Yuri has asked why he is mixed up with these people.

The answer she got was heartfelt, because then no one would touch her!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Two friends who were once close to each other are now on different trajectories.

There is nothing they can do but keep going in their respective trajectories.

But soon, an unfortunate thing happened that connected them again.

On an ordinary night, the community garden suddenly rushed out of the gangsters to kidnap zhenfan.

Yuri immediately stepped forward to stop it, and the three of them wrestled together.

But how could two high school female students be rivals of an adult man, Yuri and Makoto, knocked to the ground.

However, a knife also accidentally fell to the ground.

While the boy's attention was all on the real sail, Yuri picked up the knife in a panic and stabbed it.

Yuri, killed!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Both were frightened and didn't deal with anything.

Quickly escape, return home, and cover up with a quilt.

The next morning, her mother woke up Yuri, but said something that made her sluggish for an instant.

"A man was killed, it was said to be Riko, and she went to turn herself in"

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Neither Yuri nor Makoto knew what Riko was doing this for.

Yuri wants to go to the police station to turn herself in, but Makoto advises her not to go.

She thought that Riko must have had a purpose in doing so.

And she didn't want people to know she was a victim at the time.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

The secret was hidden.

But it didn't take long for Riko to quickly come out of the juvenile detention center.

The commutation comes from an irrefutable reason,

The man wants to violate Riko, and Riko stabs him to death while defending himself.

The police also found a lot of criminal tools from the man's car, so she was released from prison early!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

But the problem is that Riko and Yuri are no longer friends, why would she do this?

In order to escape her grandfather and let Yuri owe herself a favor.

The way to repay human feelings is also very simple, one life for one life.

She defended Youli, and Youli was going to kill her grandfather for her.

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Yuri had no choice, and she agreed!

But it is the real sails that kill people!

By the time the story became more and more complicated, the three of them were bound to each other for killing people.

But the story is far from over, and they kill a third person.

So who killed this time, and why?

Sorry, but I can't spoil it anymore!

This drama is set off by criminal suspense, which has touching features.

Three girls in good old age, in order to protect each other from harm, are willing to put themselves in a desperate situation.

Such a sacrifice for a friend is very moving!

But beware, such a sacrifice should have been avoided!

What made these three flower girls fall into the abyss of crime?

Too many bystanders ignore!

Douban 8.9 points, Hashimoto Kana's new Japanese drama "Influence": The Mystery of 3 High School Students' Crimes

Lizi was sexually abused by the family,

Neighbors don't come forward to help, they do it alone.

Far away, pretending not to know anything.

Bullying occurs in schools, and students dare not take care of it, nor can they take care of it.

But the adults who see through the window also choose to remain silent.

See no,

In fact, every major criminal incident is born, and there is a small evil paving.

And the inaction of the bystanders fuels the arrogance of evil!

The show currently has a rating of 8.9, why is it so good?

It's that it shines into reality.

In the eyes of many people, they may not be concerned about watching.

I thought that as long as I didn't break the law, I would be far from the so-called good and evil.

But the truth is,

Just a small turn,

It's the gap between heaven and hell!

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