
The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

Kang Linhuan, formerly known as Kang Lujie, was born on February 22, 1987 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, graduated from the Beijing Film Academy, and is a Chinese actor. To be honest, Xiaobian didn't have any impression on her, because there are really too many beautiful actresses in China. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

To write this graphic, I looked up three profiles: her Weibo, her name, and her work. Since I have rarely watched TV or movies in the past ten years, I have indeed never seen the TV or movies she participated in. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

On her Weibo on July 9, there was a video of her boot training, including a video of her in martial arts and dancing sticks. I don't know anything about art and sports and hanging Weah, but I know a little about martial arts and sticks (there is a sea lantern mage martial arts hall in Jiangyou City). In the practice of freehand martial arts, her footwork is very poor, and she has never practiced martial arts at first glance. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

Her dancing stick is like throwing noodles, the position of the stick in both hands is not correct, the footwork, body shape and eyes are not in place, I don't know who her martial arts instructor is? Originally, I thought that actors who had not practiced martial arts were almost like this, and they didn't need to be demanding. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

But I suddenly remembered Zhang Ziyi in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the posture and demeanor of holding a sword, it really had the smell of a martial artist. So I feel that Kang Linhuan has not worked hard enough. It is precisely because there are too many Chinese actors that we must work harder, and only by going all out can we be good enough. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!

The name Kang Lujie is easy to remind people of toothpaste, change the name to Kang Linhuan, good. The character 浠 is the gua elephant of great luck, the name of the gua gua, belongs to the upper gua, meaning to transcend obstacles, overcome difficulties, will be lucky. (Image from Oriental IC)

The original name is like toothpaste, beautiful like a daffodil, And Kang Linhun changed her name to be exquisite!