
Zunyi "epidemic", some catering businesses do this...

author:Zunyi Xiaoyu

On October 19, Zunyi suddenly broke out of the epidemic, in order to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, many medical personnel and police officers in the four urban areas, counties and districts of Zunyi, as well as various regions in the province rushed to Zunyi to fight the "epidemic". Since the evening of the 23rd, a person with the online name "Zunyi Green Brother" has formed a group of "Zunyi Love Catering People", as of 10:00 a.m. on the 26th, the group has 100 love catering shops (businesses) in Zunyi City to join, free of charge to send breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper to the frontline personnel fighting against the "epidemic" in the four urban areas of Zunyi.

Medical staff praised the love of food delivery.

Breakfast is cooked from 4am

"150 lamb meal breakfasts have been delivered to the testing point." "My family's 40 bowls of goose meat and rice noodles for breakfast have been delivered as planned." "I'm already on my way." "If you need breakfast, contact me quickly, I will deliver it immediately." At about 5 o'clock in the morning of the 26th, this ordinary and warm sentence kept flashing in the group of "Zunyi Loving Catering People".

The reporter then added a love shop called "Sister Guiyang Old Vegetarian Powder", and the owner was named Lei Yan. "This morning, I sent 40 bowls of goose meat and rice noodles to Qinzhou Road, Wujiang Tianyuan and other points." Lei Yan said that her family's restaurant mainly deals in rice peel and noodles, and in this love delivery, it undertakes breakfast or supper delivery. Since the morning of the 25th, more than 100 bowls of love breakfast have been delivered in the morning and evening of the two days.

Breakfast being boxed.

"This morning, I sent medical staff and police officers on duty from a hotel in Longkeng, 40 buns, 10 steamed buns, 25 porridges, and 20 soy milk." Qianwei bun netizens said that several places have booked breakfast for his shop, and nearly 200 breakfasts may be sent out tomorrow morning.

When the reporter contacted Zhang Kaijun, the person in charge of the stick hot pot, he was busy cooking love Chinese food in the kitchen, and on the 26th, he would send 70 lunches to the Yan'an Street Office in Honghuagang District and 60 lunches to the Zhonghua Road Street Office. "After delivering lunch, I got to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, meat, etc., and then returned to the store and continued to cook dinner, sending it to the medical staff, police officers and volunteers at the scheduled point." Zhang Kaijun's shop began to deliver love meals from the 24th, and he once delivered love meals to Pingfeng Street Office, Wanli Road Street Office, Xinpu Changing House Community, Finance School and other points in Honghuagang District.

The group showed that the breakfast was very rich, with flour, noodles, rice peels, buns, dumplings, pancakes, milk, soy milk, porridge, etc. "I send 50 spicy chicken noodle breakfasts this morning, and if I send a love breakfast, the staff will get to the store at 4 o'clock every day to start cooking, and then, from 5:30 to 6 o'clock, they will have to deliver it to the scheduled point." Liu Qing, the person in charge of the 106 Duck Creek Renjia Chicken Powder Shop, said.

The reporter learned from the group that these love restaurants not only send breakfast, but also send supper. Liu Yongxing, head of the Liu Ji BaoGuShu shop on Red Army Street, said: "My shop specially sends supper, which starts at 9 o'clock every night and is delivered at 11:30 p.m. until after delivery, considering that the medical care is fully armed, in order to facilitate the meal." Each bag of grain is individually packaged, accompanied by a cup of polenta, and there is an incubator for a long time, and once the medical care has free time, you can eat it with hunger. ”

A love lunch that is being packed.

The love restaurant is ready to send out the lunch.

More than 100 love restaurants

The leader of the "Zunyi Love Catering People" group is a netizen named "Zunyi Green Brother". Immediately, the reporter contacted this netizen, who is engaged in the self-media industry.

Since October 19, after the outbreak of the epidemic in Zunyi, in order to ensure the safety and health of the majority of residents in Zunyi, according to the needs of scientific prevention and control of the epidemic, from October 23 to October 27, Honghuagang District, Huichuan District, Bozhou District and Xinpu New District organized all employees to carry out nucleic acid testing in three times.

"Many restaurants in the city are closed, and medical staff, police, and volunteers have certain difficulties in eating." At about 10:00 p.m. on the 23rd, when the "Zunyi Green Brother" looked at the mobile phone to view the information about the epidemic in Zunyi, he saw that in his circle of friends, several restaurant friends sent messages to send love meals to the hard-working medical staff and police, but they could not find the delivery of meals.

"Why don't I pull a group of love restaurants, gather the love restaurants, and I will help them pick up and drop off meals." Subsequently, the "Zunyi Green Brother" reported his ideas to the relevant departments and established this "Zunyi Loving Catering People" group.

The first to join the group is the stick hot pot, the famous city of Jinxi Moxibustion Xiao Li Yao, Xishui Red Barnyard Noodle Village, Chen Ji handmade rice peel, etc., gradually more and more, at present, there are more than 100 love restaurants into the group, to the four urban areas of Zunyi to fight the front line of the "epidemic" medical staff, police, volunteers to provide breakfast, Lunch, dinner, and supper.

"Zunyi Green Brother" said that on the 24th, he and Zunyi City Internet Information Department docked, and then, the department and the relevant departments of the 4 districts to know the delivery of meals, as more and more love catering shops joined, love restaurants began to independently according to the zunyi municipality to provide the address book for pick-up meals, and even, some businesses also automatically forwarded some epidemic prevention and control point needs to the group, by the nearby or corresponding love catering stores to complete the delivery task.

"Zunyi epidemic prevention and control, really hard medical staff, police and volunteers, I sent them a love meal, dedicated to their own little efforts." Many caring restaurant owners in the group have expressed their opinions.

Caring people help deliver food

There are some people in the "Zunyi Love Catering People" group, who are also silently dedicating their love, they help carry materials for a while, and help the love restaurant deliver meals for a while, and the netizen "Lulu" is one of them.

The 34-year-old netizen "Lu Lu", named Luo Lu, is an authentic Zunyi person and a girl who has been engaged in public welfare undertakings for more than 10 years. Taking advantage of the short break at noon, the reporter chatted with her. "Since the 19th, I have been coordinating the anti-epidemic materials of private love and sending them to communities or outlets in need." Luo Lu smiled and said that every day, almost all spent in the busy, and his feet were blistered.

Caring people send water to the community.

On the morning of the 25th, Luo Lu went out on time at 7 o'clock, went to contact a caring merchant to load water, and at 8:30, it was sent to the nucleic acid collection point in the Xianglong Yufu Community. At 9 o'clock, she rushed to 1964 "Wang Jing's private room kitchen" to help, while helping, contacting the urgent shortage of anti-epidemic materials. At 10:30, she drove to help the restaurant deliver love meals, delivered to the Gaoqiao Washima Community, the nucleic acid collection point in Tianyang Community, the road checkpoint in the direction of the cow's hoof, the Xi'an Road Community ---- delivered these love Chinese meals, it was nearly 12:00 noon, hurriedly ate a few bites of food, and rushed to the relevant departments of Huichuan District to get protective clothing. At 14:00, she went to Xinpu Zhongjian Happiness City to receive gloves and disinfectant donated by caring people, and at 15:00, she sent the supplies to the Bamboo Boat Light Luxury Hotel on Renmin Road. At 16:30, I helped the love restaurant to deliver dinner. At 18:00, she returned to her home community for nucleic acid testing. At 18:30, she delivered another batch of materials to four nucleic acid collection points in the Xianglong Yufu community. I didn't get home until 20 o'clock.

Similarly, many caring people sit quietly at home and have shown their love in the group. "I have 50 pounds of rice peel and rice noodles here, if you need it, come and get it, or I will send it." "I have a few bags of rice here, and the store needs to come and pick up ---"

What is most touching is that Wang Jing, the person in charge of the "Wang Jing Private Kitchen" in the group, has a serious illness because she is delivering love meals and did not go home to visit her sick father.

In addition to the caring people in the "Zunyi Loving Catering People" group, there are also cooks in various delivery restaurants who are also silently dedicating their love.

Caring merchants are constantly emerging

At about 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the 26th, at Zunyi Gaoqiao, Li Guanghua, chairman of Guizhou Barter Hui Network Technology Co., Ltd., Yang Guoqing, Chen Xiuhong, He Junfeng and several other employees carried Bama water mineral water worth more than 40,000 yuan and health porridge worth 1,000 yuan onto the truck and sent them to The Street of Washima Road in Huichuan District, Gaoni Community in Huichuan District, Shaping Village, Xiangkou Village in Xiangkou Town, Xiangkou Village in Honghuagang District, Gongmi Village in Hailong Town, Gongmi Village in Bozhou District, gongqing community and Guihua community in Bozhou District.

Volunteers carry vegetables.

Members of the Zunyi Huichuan Agricultural Industry Federation have also donated vegetables, 3,000 kilograms of knife beans, 1,900 kilograms of children's vegetables, 2,700 kilograms of white radish, 600 kilograms of cauliflower---- as of noon on October 26, the federation has donated 4.15 tons of vegetables, worth 40,550 yuan, and participated in 46 volunteer activities.

At the same time, the Huichuan District Young Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce also issued a donation initiative, more than 60 members donated funds or donations, at present, has received 120,000 yuan in cash and 310,000 yuan worth of anti-epidemic materials, including instant noodles, mineral water, masks, milk, etc. "The cash has been transferred to the Red Character Society of Huichuan District of Zunyi City, and the materials have also been distributed to various units or town street office outlets." Xu Dabao, president of the chamber of commerce, said.

Mengniu Group donated milk worth 360,000 yuan to the Red Cross Society of Honghuagang.

This morning, on behalf of Mengniu Group, Wang Deqiang, a caring public welfare person, donated milk worth 360,000 yuan (5,329 pieces) to the Red Cross Society of Honghuagang for Zunyi to fight the "epidemic". On the 25th, the company directly donated milk worth 10,000 yuan to the relevant departments in Bozhou District.