
Liu Zixuan made disaster films and was often framed by ghost spirit directors

author:Morning Post Network
Liu Zixuan made disaster films and was often framed by ghost spirit directors

Li Peixu (from left), "Circle of Life and Death" director Cai Jingdu and Liu Zixuan took a group photo. (Courtesy of mm2 Entertainment)

Talk about love without leaving the husband and wife file? Liu Zixuan prepares for a romantic romantic comedy, and her husband Tian Mingyao is the male protagonist? She generously replied to the reporter: Preferably!

<h3>Le co-starred in comedy with Tian Mingyao</h3>

Liu Zixuan, who is rushing to shoot the disaster film "Life and Death Loop", told reporters in an interview yesterday that after filming "Life and Death", she will write a new script, which is a romantic comedy with a romantic feeling, the title of the film is undecided, asking whether the male protagonist will be close to the water tower to find a pillow person Tian Mingyao to participate, she laughed and said: "The best is it, it can be the best!" "Very open attitude.

The reporter asked Liu Zixuan whether he would write and direct himself? She said, "I don't reject any possibility. If the two co-produce a romantic comedy, Tian Mingyao's comedic face is set to add points to the movie, and the role can also be "tailored".

<h3>A tacit understanding was quickly established with Li Peixu</h3>

Speaking of her cooperation with Taiwanese actor Li Peixu mm2's latest thriller disaster film "Circle of Life and Death", the two revealed at the end of the telephone line yesterday that they had been filming for four weeks, filmed in Kuala Lumpur last month, and recently transferred to Johor Bahru to continue filming.

"Circle of Life and Death" tells the story of a group of passengers who take the last train, trapped in the train due to a subway failure, the train takes a detour, breaks into the long-abandoned tunnel, alarms the fierce monsters living in the tunnel, and can they escape in the face of the monster's tracking attack? Local filmmakers rarely shoot disaster films, and "Circle of Life and Death" is a new attempt.

In "Life and Death Loop", Liu Zixuan with an eight-year-old son, and Li Peixu are both passengers, boarding the terrorist train, the whole process of panic and difficulty, the two are unknown, because of the monster attack, in the life of the threat of the moment to work together to resist the enemy.

Asked about the impression of cooperation, Li Peixu praised Liu Zixuan as "a sister with a very open heart", Li Peixu called Liu Zixuan as "sister", and she could not help but protest at the same age (born in 1979), but Li Peixu pointed out that Liu Zixuan had rich experience in filming, naturally played acting skills, and did not deliberately operate, and the two quickly established a tacit understanding.

<h3>Liu Zixuan was afraid of heights and was afraid of riding a roller coaster</h3>

Liu Zixuan revealed that the difficulty of shooting disaster films lies in "imagining out of thin air", she revealed: "Director Cai Jingdu is a ghost spirit, likes to capture the most real reactions of actors, many times, he does not tell us what is about to happen, like to play 'sabo' (Malay, framed), once, he explained to me five minutes of the scene, suddenly shouted, at that time I was really scared to scream, even with other staff also called. It seems that the director also wants to test whether the actor is "strong heart".

Asked about the most feared thing in reality, the bold Liu Zixuan also has a death hole, this long-legged princess is afraid of heights, and she will be afraid to take a roller coaster; the big man Li Peixu is afraid of the "xiaoqiang" cockroach.

<h3>Li Peixu was disturbed by the earthquake</h3>

Li Peixu added that "in Taiwan there is no expectation to feel the turmoil brought by the earthquake" is the most disturbing to himself, he recalled: "I remember the morning of the 911 Taiwan earthquake, I was 'shaken' in my sleep to wake up, the home shook the mountain, made a violent noise, at that time I could only hold my head and hide under the desk, that is what I thought was a safe place, but the 10 minutes of violent shaking were very frightening, thinking that there were many unfinished things in life." ”

Speaking of the most impressive disaster films, Liu Zixuan named "Armageddon" "The End of the World", and Li Peixu was deeply impressed by "Daylight" and "100,000 Fires".

Produced by Choi Kyung-duk, "Circle of Life and Death" costs as much as S$3 or 4 million, and is the first monster disaster film in the local area to add a large number of computer special effects, in addition to Liu Zixuan and Li Peixu, other actors include Hongrong, Chen Bangxun, Huang Qijian, Xiao Shuli, etc. Feng Tuishou is the action director, and the film will be screened locally in the second half of 2019.

<h3>Hongrong played the president of the train company and bravely saved his beloved daughter</h3>

Hongrong, a local veteran actor, also participated in "Life and Death Loop", he was interviewed yesterday and revealed that he played the president of a train company in the film, because of the serious condition of the train, involving the safety of all passengers, the scene of his performance was either in the control room of the train station or in the company conference room, and the character had to try to solve the signal problem of the train system.

Hongrong said: "The most important thing is that my daughter in the film is also on the horror train, and I have to rescue her in the tracks." ”

In addition, local actor Chen Bangxun played Hongrong's "colleague" in the film, about five days of filming.