
Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

author:Hawkeye Watch

How hot China's entertainment industry has been recently, needless to say, everyone knows it, chaos is frequent, moral corruption is against morality, these few words are no longer enough to describe and describe, "male thieves and female prostitutes" - I still think this word is more appropriate... As an ordinary person, I also know this information, but I am not willing to waste my time and energy on these trivial things that have nothing to do with myself, and all say that they are "melon eating masses", but I can't see what is delicious about these "melons".

Maybe this is my original intention of choosing the field of self-media creation, or biased towards the knowledge type, not me pretending, I really can't see the gossip news in the entertainment industry, how do I know? Can I earn an extra dime? Can my knowledge base increase? This meaningless information is completely without information increment, the left ear goes in and out of the right ear, except to lament that someone is a scumbag, is there any help to us personally? Of course, the creators of self-media entertainment gossip are exceptions Ha, anyway, I can't pee with them in a pot, haha, said not afraid of offending people.

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

Seeing these chaos in the entertainment industry, I can't help but sigh that the great academician Yuan Longping really "let some people eat too much", it is not strange to see it, it is strange to be self-defeating! A person's time and energy is limited, I prefer to spend time on the improvement of work skills, as well as with the family, these are closely related to myself and the family, if there is extra time, I will spend on popular science knowledge, because the curiosity for unknown things is the driving force for a person's growth and improvement, small to individual, large to the country are this truth!

As a post-80s generation, the first science fiction film and television drama I came into contact with when I was a child was the American TV series "Uncle Mars Martin". This is an American 60s science fiction comedy, not only the plot is vivid, full of jokes, but also to the young me to popularize a lot of basic concepts and knowledge, at that time every night at home to move a small bench, and watch with friends, at that time I was thinking, if I can also be the same as Uncle Martin, head antenna, there are special functions, how cool, haha!

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

At that time, there was also a strong interest in Mars and the universe, and when I grew up, I wanted to become a great scientist, even if I couldn't become a scientist, but at that moment, the thirst for scientific knowledge was generated, and all the way to study was also science and engineering, and the work was also engineering, although the realm of scientists was still 108,000 miles away, but the curiosity of the heart for unknown things was not reduced at all, nothing like to look at the science and education channel of CCTV10, to maintain their curiosity about the things around them, I set myself a small goal of reading a popular science book every year, such as the first goal of this year, "A Brief History of the Solar System".

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

This is a popular science book that brings together human exploration of the solar system. I read it carefully, roughly understanding the process of human exploration of the solar system, I found that not to mention the Milky Way and the entire universe, even the closest solar system to us, human beings have not understood, so far only some very superficial knowledge is understood.

This is not surprising, because human beings have not even completed a thorough exploration of the oceans that occupy 70% of the earth's area, let alone the solar system, and everyone should know that a satellite launched from the earth to Mars requires a shortest distance of 570 million kilometers, is the unknown universe so easy to explore? Obviously not, to unearth more secrets of the universe, humanity still needs to make a huge effort.

The content and exploration process of the specific book will not be discussed here, after reading this book, I have two problem points, I want to share with you to discuss.

First, China's role in exploring the universe.

A Brief History of the Solar System consists of seventeen chapters, almost sixteen of which are about how foreign scientists have explored the solar system, and the protagonist is the famous NASA. You may be a little confused, now that it is 2021, what is China's spaceflight level? Why has the United States always played a role in leading humanity's exploration of uncharted territory?

Regarding this view, many people's impression still stays on the sentence "China is a world space power", is this sentence correct? Yes, it is completely correct, we China rely on our own efforts to acquire the day after tomorrow, is now one of the great powers in the field of space, other big countries include the United States, Russia and Japan, we still have the strength and ability, but a big country is not equal to a strong country!

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

We must know a fact, not Chinese is not as smart as the Americans, in this regard we are not worse confident than anyone, but because the new discoveries and new achievements in the field of space science and technology need time to accumulate, which is a continuous process of cultivation, because China's entry into this field is still relatively short, that is, the meaning of the starting line is relatively low...

The field of science, especially the field of aerospace, is a professional field of slow work, not piled up by manpower and time, and there is no room for a single mistake, and the United States, which is ahead, is also developing and growing in constant trial and error.

In December 1998, the United States launched the "Mars Climate Explorer", which went through 286 days of arduous journey and finally entered the orbit around the periphery of Mars, but suddenly the signal news was heard, which made the Americans scramble. The cause of the accident came out because the aircraft's system software used the metric unit Newton (N) to calculate the power, but the ground personnel used the imperial unit pound force (lbf) to set the correction amount of the probe, resulting in the probe's altitude calculation of the Martian atmosphere was wrong, and finally disintegrated in outer space, which is 327.6 million US dollars.

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

Therefore, the field of science and technology can not be a little mistake, we in China already have the "Chang'e plan", and has achieved certain results, the launch of Chang'e 4 in 2018 found peridot is proof!

In the face of exploring the unknown universe, the interests and starting points of mankind are the same, although the Americans are in the forefront, but I believe that we Chinese catch up, and will also leave a strong trace of ink on the process of human exploration of the universe.

Second, popular science books are suitable for everyone, as long as you want.

After reading this book, I saw some friends in the WeChat reading group saying, this kind of popular science books can not understand ah, there is no interest, some people even said that this kind of book only male technology practitioners can read and write, is this really the case? In my opinion, setting limits on myself is, first of all, a manifestation of a person's unwillingness to improve.

Good medicine is always bitter, incremental knowledge and information always need our brains to think and analyze, so as to extract from it into their own knowledge, if this is not impossible, I think it is still suitable to see the entertainment industry's unnourished news...

Secondly, the book "A Brief History of the Solar System" was written by different writers, including women who graduated from liberal arts, who said that they were not suitable for popular science books! Facts have proved that any popular science knowledge transmitted to the public can be obtained through normal learning, as long as you master the skills of literature retrieval, plus some basic knowledge, as well as your own writing skills, you can learn and even popularize scientific knowledge to others.

There is no end to learning, a person university is also four years of undergraduate, graduate school is only three years, and everyone after graduation, there are still decades of life, as long as you are willing to study, when is not too late!

Are you still addicted to the chaos of the entertainment industry recently? It's better to look at Uncle Martin twice

Written in the end, here I sincerely recommend Wang Jie's popular science book "A Brief History of the Solar System", which is a record of the entire history of mankind, the exploration process of the solar system in which we are located, is a popular science book that is longer than the encyclopedia, pictures and texts, comparable to the feeling of Hollywood science fiction blockbusters, the original price of 62 yuan, now as long as 45 yuan can be obtained, it is also the price of a meal, very cost-effective, the following is a link, interested friends can click to buy.

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You can also look up at the stars for ¥45 to buy

Every time we look up at the stars, we hope to find the unknown of ourselves, this book can even make you who have never been in the mood to look up at the stars, and occasionally you can think about it in the bustling hustle and bustle, we come to this world, there is only one life, in addition to the Gou in front of you, don't forget, there is also the starry sky overhead!

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