
On de Gaulle's contribution to France : Commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the Paris Massacre


Shire. General de Gaulle, who created and led the Free French government in exile to resist German aggression; after the war, he founded the French Fifth Republic and served as the first President of the Republic. Advocated "détente and cooperation" between the East and the West, and advocated trade and cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries and withdrawal from NATO to get rid of U.S. control. In 1964, General de Gaulle and Chairman Mao resolutely made the historic decision to establish diplomatic relations between China and France in an all-round way with extraordinary strategic vision, and opened the door of mutual understanding and exchanges between China and France at the same time between China and the Western world, which also paved the way for Pompidou's future visit to China. He also advocated the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam and traveled around many countries to strengthen France's international standing. ,

De Gaulle also sought to build a European Europe, promote Franco-German reconciliation and the building of a European coal and steel community. The Signing of the Elysée Treaty on 22 January 1963 marked the establishment of the Franco-German Axis independent of the European system. He rejected Britain's membership in the European Economic Community twice in 1963 and 1967 because he considered Britain to be a "Trojan horse" placed in Europe by the United States.

In conclusion, de Gaulle made indelible military contributions to the world anti-fascist war and the French National Liberation War, to the post-war independence of France and the establishment of the European Community, and to the easing and establishment of diplomatic relations with the Third World and the socialist countries.

But under the aura of the great heroes of Charles de Gaulle france, there is still a dusty history! In recent french communist national secretary Fabian. Roussel, speaking on the sixtieth anniversary of the Paris massacre, demanded that the truth about the Paris massacre be revealed to the people. This speech stirred up thousands of waves, attracting more and more people to pay attention to the reactionary and dirty past that the great and heroic general had also done.

Steal the fruits of the French Communist Victory

After the French Communist Party held high the banner of armed resistance against German fascism, de Gaulle, who was scheming at the level of class struggle, made many small moves in the practice of "preventing communism" and "restricting communism" as early as the beginning of cooperation between the two sides. Constant emphasis on its leadership forced the French Communist Party to constantly cede the leadership of the resistance movement.

Obstruct the Paris Uprising and steal the fruits of victory. De Gaulle appointed Special Representative of Alexander Barodi in the areas yet to be liberated, and lobbied the Paris Resistance, led by the French Communist Party, to postpone the Paris Uprising. At the same time, the French Second Panzer Division under the command of General Leclerc was ordered to advance rapidly towards Paris, so as not to give credit to the French Communists for the exclusive liberation of the capital.

The disbandment of the French Communist Army deprived the French Communist Party of control of the inland army in the name of the reorganization of the army, and the French Communist Party self-destructed the Great Wall and took the initiative to disband the core armed forces and the patriotic people's police.

Since then, the French Communist Party has been like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and no longer has the strength to fight against the right-wing bourgeois forces.

Suppression of the Algerian independence movement

Shortly after assuming office as prime minister in June 1958, de Gaulle visited Algeria to appease the population. In October, he proposed the famous "Constantine Plan", promising to carry out extensive economic reforms in an attempt to break the morale of the Algerian people with economic sweet dates. However, the Algerian people were not confused by it, and the resistance struggle was still in full swing, so de Gaulle once again strengthened military operations, the French army suddenly increased its strength, and the French army used modern weapons and equipment such as aircraft and tanks to carry out encirclement and suppression, surprise attack and large-scale offensive campaigns against the National Liberation Army in accordance with the strategy of "encirclement and suppression by division, comb search, and gathering and annihilating". A large barbed wire fence was laid around the city of Algiers, dividing the city into districts, lots, neighborhoods and even residential quarantines, placing every citizen under the close surveillance of the French authorities. More than 250 rebel commanders, Fidayi and more than 500 pro-independence activists were killed. The colonial atrocities of the French army were denounced by the peoples of the world, and France faced increasing public pressure

But strong military action was still unable to suppress the uprising completely. De Gaulle had to return to the negotiating table, and with the support of the French people, de Gaulle's government began formal negotiations with Algeria. In March 1962, france and Afghanistan signed the Evian Agreement, followed by a referendum on Algerian independence in April and July, both of which were adopted by a large vote. Algeria thus became officially independent.

Paris Massacre

On October 17, 1961, the French Communist Party and the National Liberation Front held a peaceful demonstration to protest the curfew imposed on "French Algerians" in the Paris area since October 5.

On that day, tens of thousands of people marched towards the center of Paris. Provincial Governor Maurice Papon, authorized by Prime Minister Michel Debrey, prevented demonstrators from entering the center of the capital, for which he used violence to suppress the demonstrations.

As a result of the violent crackdown, hundreds of people were injured and killed. According to eyewitnesses at the time, several bodies drift down the Seine every few minutes.

On February 8, 1962, the "Sharon Massacre" occurred: the demonstration against the far-right "secret army organization and the Algerian war" was suppressed by the Paris police, and under the unusually fierce pursuit of the police, nine French Communist Party and union demonstrators were beaten to death at the entrance of the Chalon metro station... The memory of scenes where policemen wielded sticks and chased after all passers-by indiscriminately was a direct motivator for many Parisians who lived through the Algerian war years to throw themselves into barricade battles in '68. The Sharon massacre became synonymous with police brutality.

The Paris massacre was the bloodiest and most brutal crackdown on demonstrations in western European modern history.

General de Gaulle made a prominent contribution to France's war of national liberation and also played an important role in the development of Europe and the liberation from American control. At the same time, General de Gaulle's policy, which had made outstanding contributions to Sino-French relations, made a great contribution to Sino-French relations and even indirectly led to the French Communist Party being able to absorb Mao Zedong Thought.

But since it always represents the interests of the old bourgeoisie and therefore does not bring real emancipation to the French proletariat and peasantry, the French communist movement still has a long way to go.

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