
Old Han told a story: the Horse Whisperer

author:Wolong in the clouds
Old Han told a story: the Horse Whisperer

The dark horse had already broken into his dreams several times. The black horse stared at a pair of angry eyes, his front hooves planing the ground, and his mouth moving, as if he was saying something to him. But he couldn't hear a word clearly, and he couldn't understand it. He wondered where the horse had come from and what grudge he had ever had with him. He had raised countless horses in his half-life, but he had no impression of this dark horse.

He vaguely felt that this was not a good sign.

Sure enough, he received a call from his nephew, saying that there was an accident at the horse farm today, and the horses had "exploded". The docile horses of the usual day suddenly became manic and restless, and they did not know which horse took the lead and hissed, and the horses immediately began to run in all directions as if they had received an order. Don't be afraid, the valley is surrounded by fences. The terrible thing is that they actually rushed madly to those "shooters", knocking down, kicking and kicking, and the scene was chaotic.

dark horse!

There was an immediate flash of thought in his mind, linking it to the dark horse in the dream. While driving to the horse pat farm, he was analyzing and judging, was this dark horse a divine horse, and he came to remind me of something?

Out of the city, taking the highway and taking the country road, you can see the advertisement he made for the horse farm along the way. The painstaking efforts and costs he paid for the horse farm can be seen from this. Seeing that the "horse shooting business" was thriving, he could finally return to the city to remotely control the command, how could such an accident suddenly occur!

The valley in front of him is the new scenic horse park he spent a lot of money to build. The scenic spot revolves around the center of "horse shooting", and also operates many service projects such as horse riding experience and equestrian performance, which is very popular on weekdays, but today it is deserted. He couldn't help but get anxious.

The nephew was waiting for him at the gate of the scenic spot, he got out of the car, and said: Black horse! How many dark horses are there in our herd?

The nephew stared at him, as if he hadn't reacted yet: Dark horse, what happened to the dark horse?

It must be the dark horse that takes the lead in the rebellion! He said, go, take me to see the horses!

The two men walked into the valley and went straight to the innermost part of the mountain. There, that's where the horses are raised. On the way, they passed the pat platform, and he couldn't help but stand still and inquire in detail about the accident.

"Horse shooting", a new industry he founded, is to collect horses that are becoming less and less useful, and stock them in this valley for photography enthusiasts. It is not the kind of one person riding one posture to take pictures, but to create a scene of ten thousand horses galloping. Every day, there are photographers from all over the world who come here, buy tickets to enter, and when the time comes, hundreds of horses are driven by the horses, rushing out of the valley from a commanding height, with a loud thunderous sound, grand momentum, and shocking. The horses will also rush through a field of water, and the water under the hooves of the horses will splash around, and those photographers want this effect, and no matter how expensive the tickets, they will come to shoot this scene.

Now they walked into the herd and began to censor the dark horses. There were more than a dozen dark horses, and he looked at them one by one, hoping to have the same black horses as in the dream, but there were none. He finally ordered his nephew: Get rid of all these dark horses.

After disposing of the dark horse, the horse herd was really calm for a few days. But that night, the dark horse returned to his dream. This time, the black horse appeared even angrier, sparks burst out of its front hooves, its eyes were full of sarcasm, and the color of its body began to change continuously, one black, one red, one flower. Then, as in the movie, many horses appeared in his dreams, one moment was a huge war scene, countless war horses carrying warriors charging into battle; the next moment there was a scene of the countryside, and the horses were pulling carts and ploughing the fields... Finally, there was his horse racing field, the photographers were queuing up to buy tickets, and then they held up their cameras and mobile phones and chased the horses to shoot. The black horse's mouth moved, as if to rebuke him, but he still didn't understand a word.

When he woke up in the morning, he felt a headache, suddenly realized that things were not good, and hurriedly ordered his nephew not to open the horse farm today. But the nephew said: The ticket has been sold, and if it is closed, it will lose a lot of money. In the end, he was defeated by money.

On this day, he personally saw the scene of the horses "exploding": with a loud roar, the horses suddenly turned into sharp arrows and shot in all directions. There are also dozens of well-built horses, flaming their hooves, and the mountains are rushing towards the shooters like a tsunami, and those shooters have been climbing with a falling belt for a while, shouting daddy and mother, farting and rolling urine...

On this day, he dealt with the "aftermath" with trepidation, and went to bed very late, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the black horse coming again. This time, its mane was erect. He hurriedly leaned down to worship, apologized one after another, and said loudly: "Horse god, I know that you are a horse god, please let me go of my horse racing field!" Yes, I do rely on the horses to make money, but I am also good to the horses! Besides, my capital has not been recovered! He saw the black horse with its head held high, looking at him condescendingly and contemptuously. Later, the dark horse spoke again, and this time he actually understood, only to hear the dark horse say: You humans, really too selfish, too greedy! When do you try your best to squeeze our horse tribe?

He gave a jolt and woke up suddenly. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and he didn't seem to understand anything. The next day, he gritted his teeth and made a decision: close the horse park and return the horses to freedom. (Author Shen Ping)

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