
"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

author:Pick up the light
"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

"Child Abuse Doubt" | |, 2008 United States | suspense


Gossip without evidence, like feathers flying out of a broken pillow, blown by the wind, falling everywhere, when you want to collect them all again, but find that it is already impossible.

When you begin to doubt and distrust a person, you plant a seed of vigilance in your heart, and his words and deeds are particularly dazzling and sensitive in your eyes, even if it is unconscious, there are countless interpretations in you.

People are emotional animals, can not be absolutely rational and objective, but if we try to let ourselves look at others and ourselves with objective eyes, let our eyes focus more on something or a certain behavior, and do not rise to the individual, there will be a lot less targeting and prejudice.

This "Child Abuse Doubt" starring the goddess Meryl Streep, from a doubt to a whole story of the film, different people have different interpretations, but each interpretation has a deeper level of thinking about how we behave in real life.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

In 1964, in the Bronx district of New York, there was a religious school that mainly served Catholic families, St. Nicholas Catholic School. Flynn was a newly transferred priest with a gentle and kind personality, who was loved by the school's teachers and classmates.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Sister Aloisius was the principal of the school, and had been in the Catholic School of St. Nicholas for many years, with a strict tradition and no screeching, and the teachers and classmates of the school saw her as if she were a mouse seeing a cat, and the little tail was tightly clamped. But underneath the serious and old-fashioned appearance, there is a kind and soft heart.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

It was not until the school transferred a black student, Donald, who was the first time in the history of St. Nicholas Catholic School to admit black students, and Donald came to Nicholas Catholic School many times because he was bullied by white students at other schools.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Not to mention that in those days, even now, racial discrimination has always existed, so it is very strange and suspicious that Donald was not bullied at the Catholic School of St. Nicholas, not only was he not bullied, but he was also chosen as a sacrificial child. It's all because of Father Flynn, because there's him protecting Donald.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Until one day, in the middle of class, Father Flynn called Donald alone to the office, and when Donald returned to the classroom again, the whole person was not quite right, the smell of alcohol was emitted, and he did not say a word, which aroused the suspicion of Donald's class teacher, Sister James. Later, she witnessed Father Flynn put clothes belonging to Donald in Donald's cupboard.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

After much hesitation, she told Sister Alois about it, which was the school child abuse that Sister Alois had been worried about, or whether it had happened.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Taking the opportunity to discuss the christmas schedule, she called Father Flynn and Sister James into the office and questioned Father Flynn.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Father Flynn's explanation for the incident was that Donald had secretly drunk holy wine, and in order to protect his status as a child, Father Flynn did not declare the matter, and this explanation did not dispel The suspicions of Sister Alois, even if Sister James accused her of deliberately targeting the priest, she insisted on investigating the matter clearly.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

After that, Donald was stripped of his status as a sacrificial child, which meant that he lost the protection of the priest at school, and some classmates began to bully Donald, who wanted to stay away from Donald's priest, but still couldn't bear to go to him.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Sister Aloysius, who insisted on finding out the truth, called Donald's mother to the school to get more information from her mouth, but the result was greatly unexpected by Sister Aloysius.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Donald's mother actually knows the whole thing, after Donald lost his status as a sacrificed child, he went home and was beaten half to death by his father, the reason is because of this, but they can't do anything, Donald has been tossed around several schools, they are all bullied and bruised, the only one in St. Nicholas Catholic School, with the protection of a priest, can go to school too peacefully, as long as you insist on graduating in June, everything will be fine, Donald can go to college, as long as you endure until June!

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

After Sister Alois sent away Donald's mother, her heart could not be calm for a long time, after all, the world is not black and white, there are gray areas, behind the truth may be a painful price, should we still insist on the truth?

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

The fact that Donald's mother came to school was seen by Father Flynn, who found Sister Aloius, and there was a fierce quarrel between them, Father Flynn did not understand why Sister Aloetheus had to bite her to death, and Sister Aloetheus insisted on finding out the truth.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Finally, Sister Aloiseus informed herself that she had called father Flynn's previous ecclesiastical school, knowing that this was not the first time Father Flynn had done such a thing, forcing Father Flynn to apply for transfer from the Catholic School of St. Nicholas, and Father Flynn was forced to resign, ultimately not acknowledging whether he had really done something out of the ordinary.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

After Father Flynn left the Catholic School of St. Nicholas, he was transferred to a higher institution and appointed to a higher position, because the Pope did not believe that Father Flynn would do such a thing. But this was not what made Sister Alois most distressed, in fact, she had not called Father Flynn's previous school, she had deceived Father Flynn, but she did not expect to cheat the truth that she did not want to see, although she had always insisted that Father Flynn was guilty, but she actually did not like that it was true.

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

Human nature is the most untestable, sometimes for the sake of the truth, you will be scaled all over the body, if it were you, would you still venture to see what is behind that layer of paper?

"Child Abuse Doubts", survival and truth, which is more important?

>>>I am [Picking Up the Light], find me, pay attention to me, hundreds of good movies, waiting for you to watch together."

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