
45 Special Forces movie recommendations

author:Semin GD

Nazi Germany was the progenitor of modern special forces, formed before World War II. He successfully rescued Mussolini during World War II, tried to capture Churchill, and disguised himself as American troops to create chaos in their rear. Modern special forces are mainly in the fight against terrorism, notably: the British SAS Special Air Service Regiment, the American Delta Commando, the American Navy SEAL, the American Ranger Commando, the German Ninth Border Guard (GSG9), the SWAT swat team, the Hong Kong Flying Tigers. This is just a collection of special "troops" (including military, police, mercenary, volunteer) squad combat movies, documentaries.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Brave Action

Operation Brave (2012)

Locke, about to become a father, is preparing to share this joy with everyone. However, he suddenly received orders from his superiors to lead his squad to rescue the kidnapped CIA hostages. Although it didn't take long to be reunited with their families, it was the duty of the SEALs to serve their homeland at all times. Locke's squad quickly assembled and traveled to their destination as planned to rescue the hostages. However, during the rescue, Locke discovers a web of terrorism, and a shocking conspiracy is brewing. If not stopped, the U.S. mainland is likely to suffer a serious terrorist attack. Therefore, the SEAL Commando Squad, without stopping for a moment, launched a large encirclement and suppression around the world... The film is considered to be a live-action version of Battlefield 3, which was filmed in several locations around the world and based on real events.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Hunt bin Laden

The Hunt for Bin Laden (2012)

After the 9/11 incident, which shocked the world in 2001, the United States launched a hunt and hunt operation, targeting osama bin Laden, the number one al-Qaida figure. Maya (Jessica Chastain) is a capable and tenacious female agent at the CIA who is assigned to work at the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan with the sole task of finding bin Laden. Although she was intolerant of the use of torture to interrogate terrorists in the bureau at the time, she firmly believed that the premise of obtaining important information was above all else. She devoted 10 years of her life to one thing: finding a straw from the vast sea of counterterrorism intelligence and then using it to crush a camel named bin Laden. Her efforts paid off – on May 1, 2011, the U.S. Navy SEALs infiltrated Pakistan based on her intelligence to carry out a beheading operation, successfully killing Osama bin Laden. And after all this, Maya didn't know where to go... Directed by Catherine Bigelow, the only Female Oscar director in film history, "The Hunt for Bin Laden" brings together the original team of the previous film "Bomb Disposal Unit" to focus on the Decade of Counter-Terrorism in the United States and tell the story of one of the largest hunts and hunts in the world.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

SEAL Team Six: Raid osama bin Laden

SEAL Six: Raid on Osama bin Laden (2012)

Since 9/11, the U.S. government and old rival Osama bin Laden have engaged in a protracted chase. After two stints in the George W. Bush administration, bin Laden remains at large, mysteriously haunting the mountains and desert wastelands of the Middle East. With the Obama administration in office, a new round of annihilation against the Taliban al-Qaida began. The CIA chases after the former al-Qaida liaison "Courier", approaching the cunning and alert bin Laden step by step. At the same time, Mules, Mega Man, Cherry and other members of the six SEAL teams escorted two terrorists through the mountains of Afghanistan, only to be attacked suddenly. Soon after, the bloody men who had lost their comrades in the attack received a top-secret mission and quickly set out to encircle and suppress an important al-Qaida figure. At this point, they didn't know that that person was bin Laden, whom the United States was desperately pursuing...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Cross the Line of Fire

Crossfire (2012)

A modern war without warning is about to erupt, countless soldiers and advanced weapons gather in one place, the war is becoming more and more intense, missiles are roaring in the sky, bullets are scattered like raindrops, forming an insurmountable line of war, and this line of fire just blocks a mother and son. The young and beautiful mother desperately tries to cross the line of fire alone to rescue her young son, but helplessly blocked by enemy fire, and the machine monster in her heart is also blocked, this adventure is like a nightmare for a woman, fortunately there is a brave group of soldiers to protect her, but can she overcome all kinds of dangers, defeat the demons, and rescue her son...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Death Squad

Daredevil 2 2012

This lineup is a must-see.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible 2012

Must see.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Flying Tiger

Flying Tiger (2012)

Hong Kong Flying Tigers, 13 episodes of the TV series.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

special forces

Special Forces (2011)

The film tells the story of a French journalist who is kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Casanova, a war correspondent, was taken prisoner by the Taliban. Before she was executed, a special forces unit was sent to rescue her. In this magnificent environment of the Afghan enemy, a hunt between the pursuers and the soldiers inevitably unfolded. The pursuers laid traps, and the soldiers had only one goal: to revive Elsa. The controversial French journalist Aisha was kidnapped by the leader of the Taliban, and the countdown is counting down on the Internet, and as long as the time returns to zero, the world can see the process of Aisha's execution. Six rescue teams race against time to rescue; do they have a way to successfully rescue them across the Hindu Kush Mountains? Or can you only face the same terrible behavior as netizens?

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Tenryu Strike Team

Dragon Strike Force (2010)

"Hannibal" John Smith (Liam Neeson), Templeton Pike (Bradley Cooper), Modoc (Shaltow Copley SharltoCopley) and "Buffalo" Baracks (Quinton Jackson Quinton Jackson Jackson) were former members of the U.S. Rangers, and the four met in a firefight with Mexican villains and formed the Draco Agents who made a living from bounties. Eight years after becoming an army, the Tianlong Special Agent Team received a new mission. It is said that during the Iraq War, the Black Army affiliated with the United States robbed the Iraqi printing press and used it to produce counterfeit U.S. dollars in large quantities. Smith and others were tasked with recapturing counterfeit banknotes and equipment before they could be shipped back to the United States. However, events went in an unpredictable direction, and Smith's boss died in a bizarre accident. After this, the Tianlong special team was sentenced by a military court. Shortly thereafter, Smith and his members escaped from prison one after another, threatening to bring the scum of the Black Army to justice... The film is based on an American television series of the same name from the 1980s.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Live-Action Edition

Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Live-Action Edition (2010)

7-minute short film, a must-see for COD fans.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Deep behind enemy lines

Behind Enemy Lines 3: Colombia (2009)

In the humid and dense tropical jungle of Colombia, a group of secretly marching American Navy SEALs encounter an accident during a reconnaissance mission, and in order to get rid of the crime and save themselves, they embark on an unknown journey. Like the previous series of films, this film continues the main line of war, thriller, and action, and the unfathomable primeval forest and moving combat elements make the film full of tension, and the R-rated rating also indicates the fiery excitement of the film scene. Colombia was in disarray, with government forces and rebel groups in a state of sabers, and a group of SEALs were ordered to secretly investigate the negotiating meeting between the two sides, but during the investigation, the leaders of both the government and rebel groups were accidentally killed, and the SEALs were involved in the dispute. In order to get rid of the crime and prevent the war from burning across the border, the Navy SEALs led by Lieutenant Shaun must break through the encirclement of both sides and be on the lookout for the harsh environment in the tropical jungle, mosquito infestation, etc. at any time... The film is a collaboration between WWE and 20th Century Fox and starred Joe Manganiello, who starred in Spider-Man 3, WWE superstar Mr. Kennedy, and Keith David, who starred in Behind EnemyLines: Axis of Evil.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Shameless bastard

Shameless Bastard (2009)

The story is divided into five chapters. During World War II, German occupation of France, German Colonel Hans (Christoph Waltz) known as the "Jewish Hunter", during a massacre, the young girl Suzanne (Melene Laurent Mélanie Laurent) escapes. At the same time, eight American Jewish soldiers, led by Lieutenant Aldo (Brad Pitt), infiltrated German-Occupied France to assassinate German soldiers, acting in a mysterious and brutal manner, posing a considerable threat to the German army, known as "bastards". Three years later Suzanne travels to Paris to inherit her aunt's cinema and meets a German battle hero, Friedrich (Daniel Bur Daniel Brühl), the star of the film National Glory. Frederick, who fell in love with Susannah at first sight, persuaded German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels (Sylvester Sylvester Groth) to premiere "National Glory" at Susannah's theater, and Hitler (Martin Utke Martin Wuttke) himself would be in attendance. Suzanne decides to burn down the theater on the opportunity of the screening; and under the arrangement of the German spy actress Bridget (Diana Kruger Diane Kruger), the joint Anglo-American assassination operation "Chino" will also be carried out on the night of the premiere... The film was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, received seven nominations for Best Director and Best Picture at the 82nd Academy Awards, and won the Christoph Waltz Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and the Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The first drop of blood

First Blood 4 (2008)

The western part of Burma under the junta has been coveted by the military for many years because of its rich resources, children there are often forcibly recruited by the army, and the massacre of civilians has become the entertainment of some soldiers... In order to enter the area to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees, a team of church volunteers finds the reclusive Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) in Thailand, hoping that the latter, who is familiar with the river, will help. Rambo, believing that there is no chance of a change in the situation, refuses to lead the way, but is eventually impressed by the sincerity of volunteer Sarah (Julie Benz) and delivers them. Unexpectedly, this volunteer team was attacked by the army in the village, and all the survivors were taken away. The Church learned that the volunteers were in danger, organized mercenary rescues, and again entrusted Rambo to lead the way, this time, Rambo's attitude changed, he led the mercenaries into the Burmese military camp, once again incarnated as a hot-blooded warrior.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Human weapons

Weapons on Earth (2007)

In the near future, a certain laboratory, because of the experimental accident caused a virus, a group of disbanded special forces gathered again and entered the infected laboratory... (Russian version of Doom or Resident Evil) The film is divided into two episodes, 90 minutes each, the next episode can now be found, the story is complete.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

National Geographic: Special Forces (2006)

The Special Forces are well-disciplined, physically strong, and quick-moving, and are sophisticated units for special tasks, and this episode will reveal for the first time the secret that special forces have excellent combat effectiveness. A team of physiologists, tactical experts, and physical science experts study the U.S. Navy SEALs, the U.S. Army Green Flat Hat Force, and the Israeli Commandos using cutting-edge scientific tools, including thermal imaging cameras, ballistics, high-speed cameras, and motion grabbers

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Big sneak attack

The Great Sneak Attack (2005)

At the beginning of the Pacific War, the U.S. military threw its forces into the European theater and was unable to save the war in the Philippines, resulting in 10,000 American troops and 60,000 Filipino troops being captured in the Bataan Peninsula. The Japanese army has always treated these prisoners of war cruelly, and the military department decided to massacre the prisoners in January 1944, which tells the story of the four days of January 1944. Ranger Captain Prince, who was part of Lieutenant Colonel Muxi's ranks, was tasked with rescuing 500 American troops in a prisoner-of-war camp during General MacArthur's northward journey, an operation that had to be highly secretive due to the ruthless treatment of prisoners of war by the Japanese. At the same time, Major Gibson (Joseph Fiennes) in the camp is struggling to survive and gain access to outside information, and although nurses such as Margaret and others try to help the prisoners of war, the lack of medicine persists. In order to carry out the massacre order, the gendarmerie officer Changjing took over the prisoner of war camp, and outside the prisoner of war camp, the Ranger warriors finally arrived at their destination after a secret march, and the success or failure of the rescue was soon to be revealed...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Special Lion SAS (2004)

The British Special Air Force (SAS), established during world war II, is the most elite team in the British army, responsible for performing the most difficult tasks in rapid action, SAS brings together the bravest, senseless, gritty, skill and wisdom of the British soldiers, in the past sixty years to carry out countless classified missions, from the execution of the penetrating array to the rescue of hostages, their professionalism and courage in addition to winning the world's admiration, but also regarded as the pioneer of special forces. The film interviews former SAS members meticulously reveal the details of the secret missions of the year, and uses advanced 3D images to present the seven greatest and most difficult missions of the year, including a series of war-turning tasks from World War II to the Persian Gulf War, which is the key to SAS's leap to become the world's top special forces today. Seven special missions, 1. The Birth of a Legend (1941), 2. The Destruction of Hitler's Air Front (1942), 3. The Normandi Landings (1944), 4. V2 in Search of Terror (1944), 5. The Iranian Embassy Incident (1980), 6. The Battle of the Falkland Islands (1982), and 7. Desert Storm (1992).

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team (2003)

Jim Street (Colin Farrell) is a member of the Los Angeles S.W.A.T (Counter-Terrorism SWAT Team), and while on a hostage rescue mission with his partner Brian Gamble (Jeremy Renner), due to Brian's mistake, the hostages ask the government for compensation, Brian leaves the police force in a rage, Jim is also transferred to another department, and the friendship between the two ends. Two years on, Jim has finally returned to S.W.A.T. on his own. At this time S.W.A.T. was led by Sgt. Dan 'Hondo' Harrelson (Samuel L. Jackson serves as commander, has five team members, and breaks the rule that there are no women, and the first female team member of S.W.A.T. appears, a single mother, Chris Sanchez (Michelle Rodriguez). Under Harrelson's direction, after five members undergo weeks of harsh training, Jim and his teammates embark on their first mission: to take care of Alex Montel (Olivier Martinez), a criminal who runs drug trafficking, arms smuggling, money laundering and other criminals. After being arrested by los Angeles police, Alex Montel still intends to escape justice before extradition, promising through the media that anyone who can rescue him will receive a huge bounty of $100 million. In order to get the money, the outlaws launched an operation, including Jim's old partner Brian Gamble, S.W.A.T's team members face the most difficult challenges, and at the critical moment, the team members' defection and the distrust of the superior leaders almost forced them into a desperate situation.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Emergency 44 Minutes (2003)

The film is a true story, that is, in 1997, a bank robbery in the north of Hollywood, two bandits with AK-47s, wearing body armor, and the police who confronted them only held pistols (special forces have not yet arrived), so a fierce gun battle began, many police and citizens were injured, fortunately, although 20 people were shot, but no police or civilians died, the only two deaths were the two bandits. The film celebrates the heroic fighting spirit of LAPD and SWAT and is well received in the United States.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Tears of the Sun (2003)

Waters (Bruce Willis), the leader of the U.S. Navy's "Navy SEAL" special commando team, leads a squad to the African jungle to carry out orders: to rescue Dr. Lena (Monica Bellucci), who is doing emergency medical work in the local area. The squad quickly found Dr. Lena, but at the last minute Dr. Lena asked to move the 70 refugees together, otherwise she would not have left. Waters is in trouble, the primitive jungles of Africa are full of dangers, and there are highly toxic wild animals, the number of squads is not enough, how to escape with 70 old, weak, sick and disabled? However, humanitarianism eventually won the battle, and this detachment led the vast number of dozens of people to begin the road of transfer with jungle in front and pursuing soldiers in the back, and one soldier after another fell, where the value of life was equal for everyone.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Skyfall (2003)

At the turn of the new and old centuries in 1899, the European countries were in a rare period of peace, but a newly rising evil force, under the planning of the head of the "ghost", created misunderstandings and frictions among countries with advanced weapons that people had never heard of at that time, and vainly tried to ignite the flame of a world war. The British government invites the legendary African adventurer Alan Courtman (SeanConnery) to solve the crisis, and although Ellen is tired of adventure, he can't bear to let the African continent fall into war, so he forms a gentleman's alliance with the vampire Mina, dr. Hyde, the transparent manSkiner, the handsome and immortal young Gray, Captain Nemo, and American agent Tom Sawyer, and travels to Venice on Captain Nemo's parrot submarine to stop the ghost's plot. After the Battle of Venice, the Alliance discovers that the operation is actually a chess game arranged by the Ghost, all in order to obtain the superpowers of the members of the Alliance in order to realize his greater ambitions, and the enraged Gentleman's Alliance goes to the snow-covered North country and launches a final decisive battle against the Ghost Organization...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Black Hawk Falls

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Classic film. True story adaptation. The failure of the Black Hawk Project left American mothers with the loss of 18 children who went to war, the Americans sadly withdrew from Africa, and a few months later, the Rwandan genocide began, but the United States no longer sent troops. Two years later, the Americans killed Eddid in revenge.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Reloaded Police (2001)

Undercover police officer Ah Hao (Qian Jiale) in a counterfeit money transaction, unfortunately by the illegal money bank to identify, several shots in the body, there is a risk of lifelong paralysis, unless can raise a huge amount of surgery costs in a short period of time, there is hope of a cure. Suspected of colluding with the criminals, the Force dismissed him and refused to support the operation. Ah Hao's friend Ah Dong (Du Dewei) in the police force and the other four people are deeply upset about Ah Hao's encounter, in the desperate situation, the four robbed the underground money house, but the robbery proceeds are far from meeting the cost of surgery, so the four people decide to continue the robbery. At the same time, this robbery case is mature due to criminal methods and the use of professional weapons, the police sent a special operations team led by Zhou Cong (Wu Yanzu) to deal with it, Zhou Cong quickly targeted Adong's small group, but how to deal with this robbery caused by the unfair treatment of the police force, making Zhou Cong embarrassed...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Evidence of Life (2000) / 7 points

Evidence of Life is an international film co-produced by filmmakers from 21 countries about how international anti-terrorist organizations rescued kidnapped hostages. With the globalization of the economy, outlaws in some Western countries have engaged in hostage-taking for ransom. Terry Thorne, a veteran who works for a company specializing in hostage crises, was unable to pay Terry due to financial problems while rescuing Peter, a dam designer kidnapped by bandits, and the rescue plan was stranded. However, Terry developed love in contact with Peter's wife Alice, so he used his time to rescue him despite the company's obstruction, and after some careful planning, he finally rescued Peter. The film "Evidence of Life", starring "Gladiator" actor Russell Crowe and American "sweetheart" Meg Ryan, is the fastest American film to be introduced since 1995, and the two male and female protagonists have both had extramarital affairs while filming this film.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Fire of War (1999)

This film is one of the few praiseworthy films in recent years, the shooting content is all realistic and not exaggerated, and even the plot is faithful to the original to present the process in front of the audience. A semi-documentary depiction of the true story of the British Special Airborne Service (SAS) during the Gulf War, which was code-named "Bravo TwoZero". In January 1991, eight combat veterans of SAS prepared to infiltrate Iraq to find and destroy a mobile Scud missile base that the Air Force could not bomb, led by Andy McNab (SeanBean), including Stan, Dinger, Mark, Vince, Bob, Legs, and Chris (the author of the novel TheOneThatGotAway, which describes the same story). After the nine-person special operations team was reloaded, it took a helicopter into Iraq, but unexpectedly the plane had the problem of radio adjusting the wrong frequency and could not contact the base, and then it was discovered by Iraqi soldiers, who abandoned heavy equipment in order to escape the pursuit, and then kept running for their lives. They slept during the day, rushed at night, and endured the desert day and night temperature difference and the mysterious Iraqi militia, but some of their teammates still left the team, scattered, and even fell to the ground without knowing their physical strength. Along the way, people were killed and captured, and finally only Chris was left, who set a trap to attack the few Iraqi soldiers who were still pursuing, and on the way, he accidentally found the convoy of Scud missiles, but Chris, who had run out of ammunition, could not help it. In the end, Chris successfully escaped across the desert to Syria. Shooting featuresIn order to emphasize authenticity, the film was filmed in a semi-documentary manner, and a large number of night vision footage was used at night, so that the audience could experience it. But the most rare thing about this film is the faithful description of the beginning and end of a special operation. From the scales of equipment before departure, the soldiers' helplessness to the war. To the inner portrayal of the escape, the differences between the British special forces tactics and the American army were completely photographed. Perhaps emphasizing the relationship between authenticity, this film is a rare film in recent years that fully presents equipment, weapons, tactics and special operations.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Purple Rain Storm (1999)

Off the coast of Hong Kong in 1998, a group of Cambodian-born terrorists snatched biological and chemical weapons from North Korean mercenaries with enormous lethal power. During the fierce battle between the two sides, Red Cambodian member Dot (Wu Yanzu) was injured and lost his memory, and the Hong Kong police took him in. The commander of the anti-terrorist group, Ma Li (Chow Wah Kin), takes over the case, and after deciphering the disk file on Dort's body, he learns that the Red Cambodian leader Diner (Gan Guoliang) and Guan Ai (Ho Chao-yi) have taken away the biological weapons, and plans to shoot them into the sky to form a poisonous purple rain, at which time Hong Kong will become a dead city. Ma Li works with psychologist Shirley (Chen Chong) to make Dort, who has lost his memory, think that he is an undercover agent planted by the police next to the diners. Diners threaten the police to hand over Dot, the diners succeed in taking Dort away after a fierce battle between the two sides, and Dort regains the trust of diners and tries to fulfill his undercover mission, but the gradual recovery of his memories makes Dot embarrassed...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Ronin (1998)

A mysterious team of special forces veterans is being tasked by their employers in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, each with their own skills, Sam (Robert DeNiro) a former CIA official, Vincent (Jean Rennaud Jean Reno) a former European Intelligence Agency official, Greg (Strand Stellan Skarsgrd) a German electronics expert, and British weapons expert Spencer (Sean S. Bin Sean Bean) and driver Larry. The group was ordered to attack a heavily armed convoy and seize a mysterious briefcase. After a series of fierce chases and gun battles, the team finally got the box, but unexpectedly Greg betrayed the organization, absconded with a briefcase and tried to sell it to Russia. However, in the subsequent process of recovering the box, betrayal seems to envelop the group like a curse, and under the repeated and terrifying chases and tosses, the members can no longer distinguish between friend and foe standing in front of them...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

The real sense of the big guide blockbuster, the opening beach grab and the ending of the Remel blood fighter position control perfected into the magic, the main and secondary close-ups like a surviving World War II Alliance veteran spit in the memory of the horse. Remel's broken bridgehead, Captain Miller's back is the endless sun, in front of him is the end of this slightly ridiculous task, and in front of him is also James Ryan's tomorrow.


45 Special Forces movie recommendations

"The Extremes of Things Must Be Reversed" (1998)

In the United States, a country that claims to rule by law, the annual surge in crime rates still makes the police brainwash. And those old policemen who have served for many years and young policemen who are full of blood and flesh will lose their jobs for some "radical" behavior, and even be imprisoned. Faced with this situation, some police officers who had been punished, led by special police jack, spontaneously formed a commando team, and they ignored the constraints of the law and removed one social tumor after another. To this end, the FBI special agent Cooper agent to investigate several murder cases, Cooper with the help of Inspector Helen, after several twists and turns, finally found these wearing police badges of the murderer.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Devil's Soldier (1997)

Naval Intelligence Officer O'Neill (Demi Mole) has been unable to achieve his ambition to stay on the front line due to gender discrimination. At the same time, in order to attract the media and win votes, Senator Di Haiwen vigorously called on the Navy to change the policy that female soldiers could not participate in the war under the pretext of defending women's rights. The scheming Hae-wen di used the right to agree to the secretary of the Navy as a political bargaining chip, reached a secret agreement with the naval unit, and selected O'Neill among many candidates, becoming the first female officer in U.S. history to participate in the training of the "SEAL Task Force" of the Navy's special forces. The "SEAL Task Force" is a unit known for its inhuman training, with a 60% retirement rate, and neither the Navy nor Di Haiwen believes that O'Neill can pass this devil training. Unexpectedly, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, O'Neill actually did not let his eyebrows be shaved, not only had the potential to pass the test, but also won the respect of his male colleagues in a drill with his stoic and indomitable spirit. However, Di Haiwen did not want to see O'Neill pass the training, and forced him to withdraw from training by framing O'Neill as gay. Later, with the help of her boyfriend, O'Neill learns of the Navy's political collusion with Di Haiwen, and uses the threat of exposing it to force Di and the Navy to return to the task force. Finally, in a practical mission, O'Neill not only successfully completed the task with his bold and careful judgment, but also eliminated his discrimination against women by rescuing the head coach of the task force, of course, O'Neill also got his long-cherished wish and passed the training.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Air Force One (1997)

Russia and the United States orchestrate a counterterrorism operation, sending special forces to capture the nuclear-armed Kazakh dictator General Ivan Redick (Jurgen Prochnow). At a celebration dinner weeks later, U.S. President James Marshall (Harrison Ford), a Vietnam Veteran, gave a tough and brilliant speech against terrorists and authoritarian regimes. The trip to Moscow was successfully concluded, and the president's family and his dignitaries returned to the United States on Air Force One, accompanied by Russian media crew led by Egger (Gary Oldman). Security personnel are sparse, and Egger's true identity is a terrorist loyal to General Redick. After the plane took off, Egger and his companions hijacked the plane and kidnapped American dignitaries and the president's family, but James escaped. The terrorists demand that Russia and the United States release General Redick, while James, who is hiding in Air Force One, engages in a deadly duel with this group of bandits...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Brave The Island (1996)

Dissatisfied with the government's compensation and welfare for veterans and the families of veterans and their families, U.S. Marine Corps General Farran (Ed Harris EdHarris) led his men to smuggle the latest biological and chemical weapons developed by the U.S. military, the VX gas bomb, to Rock Island, abducting 81 tourists who were sightseeing on the island and taking control of the island. Blackmail the U.S. government into paying a ransom of $100 million over 48 hours or kill hostages and attack San Francisco with gas bombs. Rock Island was previously the most heavily defended prison in the United States, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The U.S. government accidentally discovers from the archives that former British agent Mason (Sean Connery SeanConnery) has successfully escaped from the prison, so they invite Mason and ask him to lead special forces to capture the "Devil's Island" within 30 hours...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Flying Tiger (1996)

It is said to be the only masterpiece of the Hong Kong Flying Tigers film, the most professional and wonderful gunfight action film in Hong Kong so far, and to this day, no one can stand out.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Burning Pursuit (1994)

Adapted from Tom Clancy's best-selling novel, it is the sequel to Patriot's Game. Harrison Ford still plays CIA agent Jack Wren, who this time gets involved in the drug war in Colombia, where he is ordered to track down the truth after a friend of the U.S. president is murdered by a drug dealer. But on the other hand, the president sent a secret assault team to deal with the drug cartel, leaving Rennes in a state of uncertainty and friendliness. Director Philip Noyce's concise narrative technique clearly explains the complex international situation and the strange changes of political power plots in the post-Cold War era, while also taking into account the intense and exciting entertainment of the action scenes, which can be called a successful political thriller, but the audience must concentrate on this film, otherwise it is difficult to understand the subtle meaning.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Predator (1987)

A U.S. pilot disappeared in the primeval forests of South America, where not-so-friendly local guerrillas were entrenched. American Special Forces Major Commander Dach (Arnold Schwarzenegger) led his men to search and rescue himself. They soon found the body of the missing pilot in the forest, dead in horror. Everyone thought it was the local guerrillas who had done it, and the angry members began to search for the local guerrilla base to avenge their comrades. However, when they found the local guerrilla camp, they found that the locals were also shrouded in an atmosphere of terror. Subsequently, the team members were attacked and killed one after another, but each time they did not find half a shadow of the enemy. It was as if the other person had become invisible out of thin air. Daqi, alone, is determined to face this mysterious and terrifying force on his own...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Revelation Now (1979)

At the end of the Vietnam War, U.S. Captain Willard (Martin Shin Sheen) is ordered to travel up the Mekong River in search of Coates (Marlon Brando), who has broken away from the U.S. military and established his kingdom in Cambodia, and bring him back or kill him. Professor Coates was once a hero of the U.S. military in the Vietnam War, and his achievements were outstanding. Suddenly, however, one day, he disappeared. Subsequently, intelligence pointed out that he had established his own kingdom in Cambodia, his own army, specifically against the U.S. army. Willard and several soldiers went all the way up the river, and on the way they witnessed all kinds of atrocities, killings, and witnessed the various abnormal behaviors of both American soldiers and locals in the long war, and Willard was greatly shocked. Willard was eventually captured by the locals in the kingdom of Coates, Cambodia, and met Coates. However, Coates wanted to die and asked Willard to blow it to the ground...

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Wild Goose Death Squad (1978)

A large passenger plane landed at London Airport: Colonel Faulkner had just stepped out of the airport when he was picked up at a luxurious private residence. The owner, Sir Edward Matherson, was a banking magnate who, together with Faulkner, plotted to acquire copper mining rights in an African country. The country's dictator, Cherndorfa, had privately made a quid pro quo with Matheson to transfer to Limbany, the former head of state deposed by Ndofa, from the country where Limbani currently lived. Limbani is a well-known African president who advocated national liberation. In order to consolidate his power and prevent future troubles, Ndofa decided to rob Limbani and then kill him. Faulkner knew that this secret hijacking plan would require a tough death squad and a careful plan, so he immediately gathered his old friends together and gathered up a team of four officers: River, Sean, Peter, Toshi, and a sergeant major, and began intensive training in various combat projects. On a hazy moonlit night, a transport plane airlifted the death squads to the country where Limbani lived. Faulkner divided the party into two routes, one encircling the prison and the other leading Sean to capture the airport. Not long after, the death squad successfully robbed the prison, snatched out the "imprisoned" Lin Benny, and gave Lin Benny the medicine brought by London to treat heart disease. Lin Benny was overjoyed and said that he wanted to live. All the plans were in full swing, and they were waiting to board the plane when the plane suddenly passed them. It turned out that Edward had reached a direct agreement with Uganda at this time, the Wild Goose Death Squad operation was redundant, and Limbani was useless. The death squads were abandoned. Caught in the enemy's territory, chasing and blocking on all sides. There seems to be only one dead end. But the wonderful plot of the movie unfolds from here. In the end, with the help of a missionary, the death squad found a broken airport and a broken plane, and finally escaped the danger. Unfortunately, Chief of Staff Riving was finally killed in the moment the plane took off, leaving eternal regret. Of course, Faulkner and Shaw, who returned to London, executed Edward, the owner of the commercial bank, avenging the death of the death squad members.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Eagle Assault Corps (1976)

On September 12, 1943, after German paratroopers successfully rescued Mussolini from the Hilltop Prison in Italy, the fascist leader Hitler decided to implement an even bigger plan: to kidnap Churchill from London to Berlin. General Caralist entrusted this nearly absurd special task to Colonel Riddle. After a careful feasibility study and careful planning, the Irishman Daverley was airdropped on the east coast of England as the most suitable candidate. Subsequently, under the internal response of Daverly, the paratrooper task force led by Colonel Steiner also made an accurate landing on the east coast of England. At a farm hunting ground that Prime Minister Churchill had to pass through, Davlee and Colonel Štana won the trust of the farmers as field guards and Polish paratroopers, respectively. While Steiner surveyed the familiar terrain in the name of organizing exercises, a soldier revealed the identity of the Germans while rescuing children in the water. Looking at the frightened and angry faces, Colonel Štana ordered all the villagers to be imprisoned in the church. Two brave maidens overheard Steiner's speech and risked their lives to report the News of the German invasion to the American garrison at Melson Manor. Colonel Golarens immediately led the team to go, and in the fierce exchange of fire, Colonel Golarens was unfortunately killed. Reinforced by Captain Harry, the German paratroopers were annihilated, except for Colonel Steiner, who escaped under the cover of his brothers. After escaping the disaster, Colonel Steiner stubbornly went on a kidnapping mission. Soon after, Riddle, who was far away in Berlin, was shot by Hitler for abuse of power, and Steiner was killed by British guards after assassinating an actor who was willing to disguise himself as Prime Minister Churchill

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Cannon of Navalon (1961)

The Nazi army installed two super-powerful cannons on a greek island in the Aegean Sea to threaten the safety of the British army on the neighboring island, so six Allied and Greek soldiers were ordered by the British to infiltrate the island under the leadership of the officer Major Franklin, and after meeting with the guerrillas on the island, they carried out the task of destroying the cannon. However, when Major Franklin was injured in the mission, Colonel Casey was bad because of his lack of experience. Soon after, they discover that there are traitors in the squad, which leads to a rift between Colonel Casey, Corporal Miller, an explosives specialist, and Andrea, a Greek partisan. Will these six heroes be able to accomplish this difficult task?

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Blood Stained Snow Castle (1968)

The story takes place during World War II, when a British officer leads a commando team to rescue an American general captured by the Germans. Their destination is a dangerous castle in the Alps, and six members of the team wear German uniforms to cross various checkpoints, but one of the members suddenly and mysteriously dies, revealing that there is a traitor in the team, so the captain plans a dangerous plan to save the people. Directed by Brian. G. Hutton is good at using the terrain of nature to arrange a series of explosion chase scenes, especially the life and death fight in the high-altitude cable car is quite intense and exciting, and is the best in commando movies.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Women's Rangers (1989)

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Yaoweng, a national capitalist in the enemy-occupied areas who was deeply victimized by the Japanese Kou, proposed to cooperate with a certain Kuomintang commander and his brother Yu Zicai to train a women's Einsatzgruppen against the Japanese in order to protect himself and provide military salaries and ordnance equipment. Yu Zicai agreed, and sent his personal guard officer Yang Ganqiao (Liu Wei) to carry out a special training mission in the name of "Operation Blue Iron Anchor", and eight young exiled women were taken to a remote military camp in the mountains and began strict and cruel training. Wang Yaoweng's military salaries and ordnance shipped to Yu Zicai were intercepted by Tian Baye, who colluded with the Japanese pseudo-Traitors, and the women's Einsatzgruppen went out for the first time, although some members of the team died, but they completed the task well, Wang Yaoweng was very satisfied, and picked out Fei Fei (Zhang Yuekai) as his personal bodyguard, and the other team members went deep into the enemy-occupied areas under the leadership of Yang Ganqiao to continue their actions, and the beautiful Lin Manyun (He Qing) appeared next to Song Baoxian, the leader of the traitors, in the form of a red dancer. With the vicissitudes of the times, Wang Yaoweng and Yu Zicai also acted as traitors for personal gain, while Yang Ganqiao has always been loyal to Zicai.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Delta Commando (1986)

An American airliner was hijacked by terrorists and flew to Beirut, and the President of the United States sent special forces led by Nick and McCoy to carry out a rescue operation, and after rescuing the hostages against all odds, the mission did not end, because several passengers on the plane were "escorted" to Tehran, and Nick and McCoy had to race against time to save the hostages and save the face of the United States.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

Seal General (1990)

The situation in the Middle East is tight, the UNITED States defense weapons, sent an indestructible three-branched sea, land and air contingent to support, in the course of the mission, the task force found that a deadly missile fell into the hands of a group of terrorists, in order to prevent terrorists from using missiles to kill innocent people, this group of well-trained heroic task force members, fearless of the danger to life, to take back the missiles from their hands.

45 Special Forces movie recommendations

The Professional Thief (1966)

Four professional thieves active on the Mexican border are lucky enough to receive a big deal to rescue the wife of a kidnapped Texas oil tycoon. Therefore, these mercenary, skilled outlaws, composed of sharpshooters, demolition experts, horse trainers and military experts, under the leadership of Jessie Lhasa, risked their lives and finally succeeded in rescuing the American hostages, but at this time they suddenly found that things were far from being so simple...

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