
Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

author:Lady of the Movie
Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

The lady of the movie is a special author of "Toutiao Entertainment Jun", see the in-depth interpretation of entertainment hotspots, and look for Li Yujun!

What if a girlfriend falls in love with a boyfriend?

Old-fashioned and cheesy problems are not uncommon in life.

Let Zhou Dongyu Ma Sichun take the film after the "July and Ansheng", also encountered such embarrassment.

The part where the two heroines tear each other apart in the bathroom achieves the highlight moment of their acting skills.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

But, tearing each other apart, is the only way to solve this problem?

Shunji Iwai offers us another perspective.

It's the Flower and Alice that Madame is going to talk about today.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

"Flowers and Alice", a name full of beauty, the story itself, is equally beautiful.

Hana (Suzuki Apricot) and Alice (Yu Aoi), a pair of inseparable girlfriends.

It was cold, and the two were breathing at each other.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Sit in the car and lean on each other.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

It's not good to walk together and jump around.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

It's all a warm daily routine for girlfriends.

Flower is not good at words, more introverted.

Alice has a lively personality and dares to chase after the person she loves.

Because she likes a tall boy, Alice pulls flowers and follows each other.

He also joked that he wanted to give Masashi Miyamoto, who was holding a sutra book by the boy's side all day long.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional, and Hana is becoming more and more interested in Miyamoto Masashi.

Soon, the boy Alice liked had a partner, and she felt uncomfortable for a while and left the matter behind.

Alice's brief crush is like a gust of wind, coming and going in a hurry.

Instead, Hana falls into unrequited love for Miyamoto.

She began to follow him alone, secretly taking pictures of him.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Later, they were admitted to the same high school.

In order to get close to Miyamoto, Hana joined the Sumo Society, where he worked.

One day, while walking and reading the scriptures, Miyamoto's head was suddenly hit by an iron door, and he fainted.

When he woke up, The flower told him: You have lost your memory!

Hana then claims that Miyamoto had confessed to her that she was his girlfriend, and Miyamoto believed it.

In fact, Miyamoto's brain is good, but he has been "brainwashed" by the flower.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

In this way, a girl in unrequited love lied.

A confused teenager with a confused head touched by the door believed it.

A youth story about friendship, love, and growth unfolds.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

Hana's lie is a net that encapsulates Masashi Miyamoto.

The two can only talk awkwardly about love, but they never have the intimacy that a couple should have.

Flower's love affair is shattered by Alice, but Alice has long forgotten the existence of this person.

Seeing this, The Flower chose to conceal it.

Concealment, like an invisible diaphragm, cuts off the state of the two people getting along.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Since then, they are no longer friends without secrets and talking about everything.

What can be forcibly obtained will not really belong to oneself.

Although Miyamoto has always been by The Flower's side, subconsciously, he rejects the Flower.

So, he would dream that The Flower was taken by the police, or that the Flower turned into a nasty slug that kept chasing himself.

Because Hana was not really the type he would like, Miyamoto began to doubt everything Hana had said before, wondering if he was really frustrated.

Lies are like snowballs, and once you start saying the first one, you have to use countless others to round the lie.

In order to prove that what she said was true, Flower pulled Alice into the scam.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

After the flower "fell in love", there has been little contact with Alice.

When Alice wants her to be with her as usual, she stays away on the pretext that "we're all adults and can't always stick together."

In fact, the flower is in friendship and love, choosing love.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Perhaps, many adolescent girls always have to go through this stage.

Because friendship has become accustomed to it, like every ordinary day.

Love is fresh and needs to be carefully maintained.

Flowers are not around the days, Alice grows alone.

She was discovered by scouts and shuttled between different sets and companies to audition.

Because she was inexperienced and too young, she was constantly denied.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

In the movie, Hua has a warm and clean home with a yard of flowers.

Alice's home is a mess of clutter, symbolizing Alice's complex environment of growth.

Alice's mother was naïve, obsessed with love, and stayed between different men.

Father would only appear once in a long time, and it was not even clear how her taste had changed.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Even in such a family environment, Alice still strives to grow up, live optimistically, and always has a pure and charming smile on her face.

Perhaps because there is too much missing, she knows how to cherish it.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">04</h1>

In order to round up the lie, Hana tells Miyamoto that Alice is her ex-girlfriend.

Miyamoto kept meeting Alice in order to retrieve his memories.

Alice begins to make memories for Miyamoto in order to help The Flower.

She took him back to where the two had first "dated"; to the place where the two had "kissed" for the first time.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading
Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

She said things that never existed, but everything was so real and vivid.

As a result, Miyamoto really fell in love with her.

And she also fell in love with Miyamoto.

But she knew very well that Miyamoto was the one hana liked, and she couldn't grab it.

Even though Hana later admitted to her that Miyamoto had not lost her memory, she was still willing to cooperate with her friend's performance.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

According to the story choreographed by The Flower, in front of Miyamoto, she and Alice are incompatible predecessors and currents.

However, when the two were chatting once, they happened to be bumped into by Miyamoto, and Hana had to continue to lie:

She was going to ask Alice to help him find the memories.

In this way, like in "Love Is Deep and Rainy", a group of people help Ke Yun find memories.

Hana, Alice, and Miyamoto also form a "threesome" to find a memories squad.

The difference is that the Erhao group in Qiong Yao's drama is by copying the things of the past.

Alice revisits the flowers with Miyamoto, all of which she made up.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

But those fabricated memories did not come out of thin air, but derived from her cherished memories of friendship and family affection, which were moments of her cherishing and regret.

But there was some reluctance in her heart, after all, it was also the person she liked!

During a picnic by the sea, Alice "relives" a game with Miyamoto and Hana:

The playing cards float to the ground, who finds The Heart A first, who wins, the winning side can ask the other party to do one thing.

As it turns out, it was Alice who found Red Heart A.

Her request is: Miyamoto breaks up with Hana and then becomes her boyfriend.

As an "abandoned ex," this request seems reasonable, but it also exposes her heart.

Seeing Hana so nervously pounced on Miyamoto, he refused.

After a moment's lapse of concentration, Alice smiled and said, "Just kidding! ”

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

In fact, she was just joking and saying what she couldn't say.

However, this joke made Both Flower and Alice feel a little resentful in their hearts.

On the beach, they wrestled together.

It was a prank in front of Miyamoto, or how could it not be a catharsis through a prank?

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Paper can't contain the fire, and the truth will always be exposed.

During a "memory hunt," Alice told Miyamoto that after each date, they would eat a bowl of cold powder.

But the truth is that Miyamoto is allergic to cold powder.

So, this is something that simply cannot exist.

All the lies were exposed.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">05</h1>

Because of the ambiguity between Miyamoto and Alice, there is also a little more embarrassment between Hana and Alice.

It seems that because of this love triangle, they will gradually drift apart.

In particular, Hana discovers that Miyamoto has always treasured playing cards related to Alice, and always holds them in her hand to see people, which makes her even more intolerable.

Friends become enemies, perhaps sooner or later.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

But how can this douban-rated movie with a douban score of 8.1 be so low-grade?

During the campus cultural festival, while visiting a classmate's photography exhibition, Hua saw Alice and herself under the lens.

At that time, how happy they were.

Behind the ballet, there is also a small secret hidden.

It turned out that the reason why The flower learned ballet was also invited by Alice.

When she was a child, Hua was a school-weary and introverted child, and because of Alice, she gradually integrated into everyone.

The photographs of the photography exhibition and the memories of the past once again touched the friendship of The Flower's heart for Alice.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

Compared with this precious friendship, her unrequited love seems to be less important, at least not so important that she is the enemy of Alice.

Eventually, she confesses her lies to Miyamoto and sends her blessings to him and Alice.

The beginning and end of the lie is also a baptism of growth.

Although this growth is painful, it has the power of nirvana rebirth.

As for Alice, as a new entertainer, with a ballet, she finally gained recognition, as a model, on the cover of the magazine.

When the shadow brought by the absence of malicious lies and youthful love dissipates, the flower and Alice are back to the sister flowers of the past.

They laughed wildly and were happy about each other's achievements, just like they had been.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">06</h1>

The director of the film, Shunji Iwai, is best known for his work "Love Letters".

He is good at portraying delicate youth, and most importantly, the youth characters under his lens are kind and beautiful.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

The same is true of Flowers and Alice.

Although there are lies, there are estrangements, there are love triangles.

But with the flowers in the courtyard and the green woods, the whole film does not convey even the slightest malice.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

In this film, the main role of the male protagonist is to "accompany and run" the growth of the two female protagonists.

And growing up is a complicated thing, after the pain, you can better know what you want.

Just like Flowers and Alice, they finally chose friendship and returned to their original intentions.

Therefore, a good youth is not without obstacles, but you find a more correct direction after breaking your head.

Youth films should not only be the content of car accidents, love triangles, abortions and other strange dog blood, but also pay attention to the power that sprouts in ordinary days.

It will make us understand that the only thing that makes a good life is kindness and love.

Beautiful and youthful, after watching this movie, I finally know why so many people are fascinated by Aoi 010203040506 continue reading

(The picture originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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About the Author: @Movie Lady, independent film critic, headline number signed author. Write about film and television, but also write about the love and hate of the entertainment industry.

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