
Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?


【Game Daily・Daily Strange Talk】is a fixed content column launched by Game Daily, which aims to explore and share cold knowledge inside and outside the game, and specialize in those strange and interesting things!

In the last issue, we told the origin and story of the monster [Chimera] that makes men and women around the world talk about discoloration, and this issue continues to talk about the game monster, with "gladiator" as the protagonist, to explore the background, history and secrets of this game character.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

This issue includes games such as League of Legends, Assassin's Creed, Horseback riding and slashing, Spartacus Sagas, and more

Friends who often play games and watch movies are bound to be no strangers to gladiators, and this kind of character is generally a fierce character, which is completely the kind of fight that does not kill.

And in the game, the "gladiator" generally appears in a positive image, such as the well-known game "Assassin's Creed", which includes the figure of the gladiator. In film and television dramas, gladiators are also very prominent characters, including the epic movie "Gladiator".

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

So what does a gladiator look like in reality, and what is the difference between it and games and movies? This time, let's take a good look!

Gladiators, known as "sword fighters" in ancient Rome, were generally slaves or prisoners of war, but some bloodthirsty fanatics joined as free men. These people, who earned themselves glory by slashing and killing each other, were the most famous entertainment in ancient Rome.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

Gladiators first appeared in 264 BC, when most of them were slaves, and local lords trained them to become professional killers in order to win the favor of the emperor, and cruelly made them ruthless and bloodthirsty. Originally a gladiator tournament was privately sponsored, it was later turned into a royal-funded tournament because it was popular with the ancient Roman people.

In the game, we often see the scene of the beast fighting the gladiator in the gladiatorial arena, which does not exist in reality. Because the beasts of prey are actually another class "gladiator", they are generally hunting, which is very different from gladiators.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

Gladiators, though fierce, also have tacit rules. If one side surrenders in battle, it will not be executed on the spot, and unless there is a personal grudge between the two, the gladiators will not be killed. After all, this is only entertainment, if both sides must die, then no amount of gladiators will be enough. Moreover, it takes years to train a gladiator, and no one can enter the gladiatorial arena.

Gladiators were generally chosen from Gentile prisoners of war, who had some combat experience, and the Romans did not like these people. Therefore, when they were in a decisive battle, they would give priority to retaining the most promising prisoners of war and bringing them back to Rome for training. On this point, in the film and television work "Spartacus", it has been highly restored.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

Although the gladiators were mostly captives and slaves, their social status was far higher than that of ordinary slaves, and even some invincible gladiators once became stars in Rome and formed a large number of fanatical fans. Even the mother of the ancient Roman emperor Commodus, commonly known as the "empress dowager", was a fan of gladiators, and this matter has even been preserved in the frescoes to this day.

Gladiators started out not as a slash-and-slash game, but more like a boxing match, where the two beat each other with their bare hands, and then gradually formed what they look like in games and movies.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

Many people think that gladiators fight for glory, but in fact, from the records in ancient books, the mental pressure of gladiators at that time was very large. They are not only players in the game, but also political pawns of local lords, and the failure of the game will be severely punished, which also leads to many gladiators having a nervous breakdown and choosing to commit suicide.

Due to perennial oppression, in 73 BC, Spartacus led many gladiators to launch the largest slave revolt in ancient Roman history. Initially involved only 70 gladiators, it slowly grew to tens of thousands, and although it initially defeated the armies of the Roman Empire, it was eventually defeated by the Roman army in the battle due to internal contradictions and differences, and Spartacus died tragically on the battlefield.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

In the game League of Legends, The chief manager of Debon, Zhao Xin, was once a gladiator, who was saved by Gavin II in the Meat Grinding Contest in Noxus, and Zhao Xin assisted II after his death, and after the death of II, he followed Gavin III and entered the League of Legends.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

In the game Assassin's Creed, gladiators are set up as armed warriors, also usually made up of slaves, to engage in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, and convicted criminals.

Game Daily Daily Talk #26: What does the "gladiator" in the game look like?

This issue of the content ended here, like friends welcome to like, forward, pay attention to the three consecutive, we will continue to tell the story of the "Lich" in the game in the next issue, or have other friends who want to see, you can also leave a message in the comments, we will see you in the next issue!

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