
"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

author:Tang Zongyi dreamed

The furious road of blood and fire, blue sky and yellow sand, is a doomsday cult movie that violates various aesthetics but makes people's chests explode. Theron goddess, who firmly believes that "women are not objects", simply exploded in the sky, and after the collapse of civilization, humanity will finally return to the matriarchal era! In recent years, the most authored and stylish Hollywood action films, and the degree of completion is extremely high, its existence is a miracle. The first 30 minutes alone are already a hit, and the soundtrack of the storm scene is simply amazing!

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

This sci-fi hard-rocking doomsday film, a bloody action explosion and feminism blend perfectly. Be sure to brush IMAX, be sure to brush IMAX, be sure to brush IMAX, and say important things three times!

I believe that the number of films with the theme and background of the end times cannot be counted, and this film can still surpass the standard line in the most intuitive sensory stimulation and become a new peak.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

This film brings together almost all the elements of the genre blockbuster: desert smoke, car chase gun battles, long-range sniping, melee combat, heavy metal rock, saturation overflowing the screen tone, and perfect golden section composition. But remove these and you'll find that it's an orthodox hero film.

The natural environment is barren: hot sun and fierce winds, desert and swamps. The film uses bright colors with high saturation, deserted pictures and rich colors, highlighting the strong desire of people to survive.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

It's a world of blood and fire, and everyone must fight brutally to survive. In the middle of an endless desert, two fleeing rebels have the potential to establish order in the world. Max (Tom Hardy), a taciturn man who has lost his family in the chaos, now seeks nothing but peace.

Friosa (Charlize Theron), a tough woman who speaks with her actions, believes that crossing the desert back to her childhood hometown is the only way to survive. When the two meet, a great war breaks out.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

In the chaos, the first 15 minutes of the film, let you wander in hell, the spirit and soul have been separated, after the first battle of the fury, a breath of the protagonist Max, from the sand, climbed up from the sand, opened his eyes to see the wind and sand, the picture in front of the gradually clear - "supermodel bathing map". (Yes, you read that right, but beautiful women in Greek cloth strips bathing in the desert.) At this time, not only did Max scold the street inwardly, this moment simply stunned everyone, director, are you playing with me? However, this is the end of the director's explanation of the background of the chaotic end times.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

If several Greek beauties bathed in the car and shot Max at the same time, Max would not be soft, but the beautiful wives in the film were only hand-to-hand combat, and Max's last shot swept over the calf of the pregnant woman, which was already the greatest pity for the women.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

The film gives a possibility under the proposition of the end of the world, human beings use the last water source to create a dangerous city, raise countless war boys, guard the city at the same time, invade other territories, and gather people's hearts and minds by a dictatorial hegemony and an illusory rebirth belief. Countless ignorant war boys have been brainwashed to create extreme chariots and weapons. Such a violent design concept makes countless chariots blind, and far more than that, war boys also use their bodies as catapults, burning themselves and burning the enemy.

"Mad Max 4", which makes people nervous and bursts their chests, has left a strong mark in the history of movies

And the bright red heavy metal musicians who have never stopped in the war are simply spiritual drugs, under the golden sun, in the hot environment, people's anxiety and fanatical emotions have exploded, only for the thrill of crazy killing and suicidal self-liberation, and there is no other pursuit.

"Mad Max 4: Fury Road" will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of every audience's viewing.