
The place where "Red Old Sites Look at the Present Dynasty" is called Peach Blossom Shop

author:Popular Daily

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On June 10, during the busy season of the wheat harvest, Tao Yuqing, 77, of Taohuadian Village, Wucheng Town, Wucheng County, Dezhou City, drank tea at home and served the peach trees in the yard.

The place where "Red Old Sites Look at the Present Dynasty" is called Peach Blossom Shop
The place where "Red Old Sites Look at the Present Dynasty" is called Peach Blossom Shop

"The child is filial, and I don't have to worry about it in the field." Peach blossom shop, can not be a variety of peach trees! The village is beautiful and shiny, and everyone is willing to come and play. You are welcome to taste the peaches in two more months. "Tao Yuqing was in good spirits and hospitable. He introduced that Taohuadian Village has a thousand-year history, and its name is that during the Tang Dynasty, there was a Tao couple who opened a guest shop on the side of the road, harmonic peach shop. Another story is that there was a large peach orchard behind the village at that time, and the peach blossoms bloomed every spring, which was famous far and wide.

The place where "Red Old Sites Look at the Present Dynasty" is called Peach Blossom Shop

In October 1929, Liu Ziwei, a native of Kongguantun Village (then part of En County, now Luquantun Town, Wucheng County), joined the Communist Party of China when he was studying at Pingyuan County Junior High School, when he was introduced by his classmates Ma Yizhi and Li Zhenshan. In the summer of 1930, Liu Ziwei developed Kong Fanshi to join the party in Taohuadian Village (then part of En County, now Wucheng Town, Wucheng County), and Kong Fanshi also developed Kong Fanying and Zhang Hanjie to join the Party. In the winter of 1931, Liu Ziwei presided over the establishment of a party branch in Taohuadian Village, with Kong Fanshi as secretary, which was the earliest party branch established in the current jurisdiction of Wucheng County. "At that time, Liu Ziwei was only in his early 20s, and he used his status as a student and later a teacher to spread the party's advanced theories, and a group of young students embarked on the revolutionary road with him." Zang Zhenmin, deputy director of the Wucheng County Party History Office, said.

"We peach blossom shop people are willing to endure hardships and struggle, it used to be a lot of work outside, and now there is an industrial park next to the village, and many villagers are employed nearby, and the days are getting more and more prosperous." Wang Baoxin, 64, has been working on projects outside the country when he was young, and is now a member of the village party branch and an accountant, talking about his hometown, full of pride.

The industrial park mentioned by Wang Baoxin is the town small and medium-sized enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship park planned and built in Wucheng Town in 2008, and the industrial base of Wucheng Town is relatively weak, but they have built a park here by taking advantage of the proximity to Dezhou City and Taohuadian Village, which is close to the neighboring road 240, which can directly lead to the Deshang Expressway and the Qingyin Expressway.

The place where "Red Old Sites Look at the Present Dynasty" is called Peach Blossom Shop

The town government has invested more than 12 million yuan to strengthen the infrastructure construction of the park, and the excellent environment has attracted many foreign enterprises to settle down, "Shandong Deneng Road Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. has been handled in the early stage of the project and other procedures, and construction can be started after the completion of the land procedures." Wang Yingbin, director of the Wucheng Enterprise Office, introduced that at the beginning, he also picked up baskets that were vegetables, and now the investment promotion has gradually changed from "introduction" to "selection", from "coarse" to "fine".

The reporter saw in the park guowang food co., LTD. that boxes of cakes from the automatic production line down the loading truck is about to be sent to Linyi City, "our products are sold to many cities and villages north of the Yangtze River, in 2015, with the expansion of production scale, the company moved into the industrial park, and the location here is convenient." Ma Zhiguo, manager of the company, introduced that town cadres and village party branches have also provided a lot of help for the development of enterprise employment. There are more employment opportunities, in the past two years, many college students who have been admitted to the exam have become "guiyan", 31-year-old Zuo Xiuli previously studied in Tianjin university and participated in the work, this year back to the village in the park to engage in financial work, "the company is only five minutes away from home, 4,000 yuan per month salary, but also convenient to take care of the elderly and children." Zuo Xiuli said.

"Thank you to the village for finding a job for me." Villager Yu Shichang, a poverty alleviation household, was assessed as a third-degree disability due to necrosis of the femoral head, and he obtained a boiler operation certificate with the encouragement and help of village cadres, and was recently introduced to work in an enterprise in the park, with a monthly income of 3,000 yuan. The reporter learned that at present, there are 9 enterprises in the park, and the "two committees" of the surrounding villages such as Taohuadian have set up labor service organizations to match, employing more than 200 migrant workers of all kinds, and there are more than 60 people in Taohuadian Village.

It's not just fanny packs that bulge up. At the entrance of the Taohuadian Village Committee, the propaganda column for the construction of spiritual civilization is very conspicuous, showing the work of the village rules and regulations, the four virtues of good deeds and righteous deeds, and the work of the Red and White Council, the Villagers' Council, and the Moral Council. In the past two years, a total of 12 "good mothers-in-law" and "good daughters-in-law" have been selected, among which Li Hongmei and her husband, a Jining native, gave up running a good small business in Beijing and returned to Taohuadian Village to work while taking care of their elderly in-laws and sick brothers-

Relying on rent and other income, Taohuadian Village has long realized the annual village collective income of more than 100,000 yuan. "The train runs fast, all rely on the headband", in accordance with the deployment of the Wucheng County Party Committee, in recent years, the party branch of Taohuadian Village has created a village-level governance mechanism of "branch leadership and main division of labor", with the branch as the core, the council consultation, the implementation of the village committee, the implementation of the board of supervisors, and the grid management. Among the villagers' representatives, 15 members of the council with high prestige are elected to participate in ensuring village-level affairs; every income and expenditure of the village collective must be reviewed by the board of supervisors, the budget and final accounts of the project must be verified and signed by the board of supervisors, and the qualifications of low-income households and collective economic members are promptly disclosed; the implementation of grid management and services has found and solved more than 1,000 various problems. The villagers' mood is smoother, and the prestige of the village cadres is higher. Taohuadian Village has been rated as an excellent grass-roots party organization and advanced collective by the city and county, and was rated as a provincial-level "four-type employment community" last year. Zhao Enzhong, secretary of the village party branch, said: "People and spirits, family harmony, neighborly harmony, scenery and beauty, and village harmony" are our goals of struggle.

At the end of the interview, the reporter saw that more than 60 newly planted peach trees in the park this year were leafy and leafy, bathed in sunlight and struggling to grow.

"The northern area of the industrial park covering an area of 780 acres is planning, and the investment promotion has been carried out synchronously, focusing more on the transformation to the middle and high-end manufacturing industry." At the same time, we must also make great efforts to build beautiful villages and promote the integration of the three industries. The long tradition and red gene inject us with the strength to forge ahead, and we must strive to build this place into a paradise for living and working near and far, and make the millennium peach blossom shop a place that everyone yearns for. Tian Zhiyong, secretary of the Party Committee of Wucheng Town, said.

(Reporting by He Yingying, client reporter of Dazhong Daily, correspondent Wu Hua, Yu Ning, Li Shuai)