
Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

author:Humanistic reading
Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

After walking the road of no one caring,

Having tasted the pain of going alone,

We are becoming more and more silent.

Silence is not without difficulty,

Instead, learn to digest everything on your own;

Silence is not without stories,

Instead, I was able to face the ups and downs alone!

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

When the child falls, he will cry;

Adults fall and only get up.

We're long past that.

The age when there is a grievance in the heart and crying;

We're long gone.

Children who live under the wings of their parents.


Parents need us to take care of,

The family needed us as backers!

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)


How much sorrow there is in the heart,

Before entering the house,

have learned to adjust their smiles,

Even if the heart is bitter and difficult to swallow,

We will also pretend to be light-hearted.

Some things are not going well,

We smooth ourselves in our hearts;

Some annoyances,

We chew strongly on our own.

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

Without saying a word,

Not a kind of passivity and cowardice,

It's an understanding and tenacity.

Man in this life,

We walk all our own paths,

No one can be on call with you,

Instead of waiting,

Someone helps you in difficult times,

Better to learn to remove obstacles yourself!

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)


Understand yourself, see through people's hearts,

It's been tough, it's been hit.

Over the years,

We fought in silence,

We struggle in silence,

We don't cry, we don't make trouble, we don't talk,

We face the path of life alone!


Silence became the only adult,

The way to face the world.

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

Human feelings are cold and warm, we tasted;

The world is hot and cold, we understand.

Some people see through the heart, and the heart is not not sad,

Just learned not to hang on to your face.

There's no need to argue, isn't there?

Why say that the break embarrasses each other?

We can accept,

Strangers become mature people;

Also learn to accept,

Acquaintances walk toward strangers.

Replace everything with silence! (In-depth good article)

Replace everything with silence,

Digest all with silence!

Others only see us and don't say,

I don't know what we're feeling inside.

Nor do I understand the sourness we taste.

Silence is not forbearance and coercion,

But it is silently accumulating strength,

Supporting us,

Tougher in the face of thorns;

In the face of hypocrisy, calmly move forward;

In the face of wind and rain, calmly!

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