
Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring

Recently, in the Swan Spring Wetland in Yingtamu Township, Yining County, Xinjiang, hundreds of swans "danced" in the fog. Every year, more than 200 swans spend the winter in the wetlands here, 90% of which are warty-nosed swans. Text/Geng Dandan Photo/Cui Minghao

Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring
Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring
Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring
Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring
Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring

Recently, in the Swan Spring Wetland in Yingtamu Township, Yining County, Xinjiang, hundreds of swans "danced" in the fog. Every year, more than 200 swans spend the winter in the wetlands here, 90% of which are warty-nosed swans. Text/Geng Dandan Figure/Cui Minghao Copyright Notice: If copyright issues are involved, please contact the author with the ownership certificate (Article source: China News Network)

Swans dance in the mist of Xinjiang Swan Spring