
"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass

Directed by Hai Yi, starring Yu Bo and Wu Qianyu, and starring Danny Ray, a well-known foreign actor after the 90s, the era spy war TV series "Battlefield Obsession" will premiere today (August 15) at 20:30 on CCTV's eight golden files, and broadcast simultaneously at 24:00 on PP video.

In the play, Rui Danny played eric, the business partner and friend of the male protagonist He Wenqing, who hid his true identity for safety and has been helping and supporting He Wenqing behind his back.

"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass

As a foreign actor, to participate in Chinese TV dramas, you must first learn to Chinese and understand the relevant history, Rui Danny admitted that it is "very memorable and challenging". Because Eric, played by Denis Rui, is a "Chinese expert", not only to speak a lot of idioms, but also to understand the connotation of idioms, so he has worked hard in private, often learning to communicate with the line teacher, and trying to learn Chinese and character chronology. During the filming process, there was an experience that he remembered vividly, "There was a night scene in the play, which required me to drive a broken car through the impact, because it was raining, and I had to do dangerous actions, I almost hit the wall a little bit, and I really had a palpitation." ”

Due to the many rival scenes with Yu Bo in the play, the two gradually became acquainted and became very good friends. Danny Rui said: "I admire Bogo's professionalism, always play with me during breaks, we actively communicate and collide with inspiration, there are many places to learn from him." ”

"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass

It is understood that The post-90s actor Rui Danny, born in Latvia, because of his appearance similar to the American movie star Leonardo, handsome and dashing, is jokingly called "the post-90s version of the little plum" by many fans, and has a large number of fans on Weibo and Douyin, and his popularity is quite high.

"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass
"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass

Danny Rui participated in stage performances in elementary school and began to study film and television acting at the age of 15. Since his debut, his acting experience has become more and more abundant, in addition to "Battlefield Obsession", The TV series in which Rui Danny has participated also include "Aurora Love", "Diplomatic Storm", "Ambiguous Detective", "Little Nyonya", "The Shock of Sparrow 2" (as David), "New Dragon Gate Inn" (as Dewitt), "Daming Guozijian" (as Cloewei), as well as the movies "Sky Eye Storm", "Rescue Wang Xingren", "Super Eunuch 3", "God of War Decision" and so on. It is worth mentioning that the recent hit movie "The Invincible King of Huang Feihong" on the network platform, Rui Danny played the villain Pete in the film, and the performance was quite eye-catching. In addition, the movie "Three Kingdoms of Chicken Singing" starring him was also secretly filmed in Inner Mongolia.

"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass
"Battlefield Obsession" began broadcasting the post-90s version of "Little Plum" Rui Danny transformed into a China pass

Looking forward to bringing us more surprises in the future!