
Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

author:Red Star Story

Author: Shen Tingxue

Original title: Jinzhou can't replicate Siping: 31 hours to break the obstacle of attacking the battle

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Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

On September 12, 1948, the world-renowned Liaoshen Campaign began. Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan commanded the Northeast Field Army to go south for thousands of miles, attacked continuously, and after more than 20 days of combat, resolutely divided and cut off the Kuomintang army strongholds along the Bac Ninh Railway, annihilated more than 20,000 enemy troops, and isolated the enemy in Jinzhou, achieving initial combat objectives. For the next step of the operation, Lin Biao was determined to hold the Tashan position with 2 columns and 2 independent divisions to block the eastward advance of Huludao and Jinxi to support Jinzhou by sea; at the same time, he used 4 columns to block the enemy's westward advancing corps from Shenyang and cooperate with the main force of Dongye to attack Jinzhou; and 1 column (the 1st column, owed 1 division) as the general reserve, stationed in Gaoqiao south of Jinzhou, ready to fight in the direction of the north and south.

Seeing that the PEOPLE's Liberation Army's encirclement of Jinzhou was getting tighter and tighter, Fan Hanjie, deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast "Suppression Command" and director of the Jinzhou Command Post, panicked and sent a telegram to Huludao for help, while calling Shenyang to request a breakthrough. At this time, Wei Lihuang, commander-in-chief of the Northeast "Suppression General", had a strategy of "defending" in one word; whether it was Shenyang, Jinzhou, or Changchun, he demanded that all units resolutely hold on, drag on to the death, and look forward to what turning point would take place in the middle. He opposed all strategies of taking the initiative or breaking through. Chiang Kai-shek had personally visited Huludao to supervise the battle, and Fan Hanjie wanted to get permission from him to retreat from Jinzhou, and wherever it was possible, Wei Lihuang would never bear this responsibility! He simply rejected Fan Hanjie and ordered him to stay on and wait for the East-West Corps to rescue him. Fan Hanjie only had to organize defenses with a hard scalp, resigned to his fate.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

Lin Biao and other commanders personally went to the Jinzhou front to command, which made Mao Zedong very pleased: Lin Biao was finally going to take Jinzhou with all his heart! In view of the death of Zhu Rui, commander of the Dongye Artillery Corps, while personally surveying the front not long ago, Mao Zedong made a special call to Lin, Luo, and Liu, hoping that they would pay attention to safety and not get too close to Jinzhou City. However, one of the tactical principles advocated by Lin Biao is "four fast and one slow", that is, preparation should be fast, advance fast, expand the results of the battle fast, pursue fast, and start the general offensive slowly. The important core of this tactic is a "slow" word, which is also the essence of Lin Biao's command art: It is necessary to find out the enemy's situation and terrain, choose a good breakthrough point, arrange the troops and firepower, and then launch an attack after being prepared, so as not to fight a battle without preparation.

Therefore, on October 7, Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan, and Liu Yalou rode to Mao'er Mountain, an important commanding height only 10 kilometers northeast of Jinzhou City. They climbed to the top of the mountain, more than 400 meters above sea level, and carefully inspected the terrain. Whether it was the fortification of the defense or the number of defenders, Jinzhou far exceeded Siping during the offensive last summer. At that time, the defeat of Siping left a heavy shadow on Lin Biao, and he had to be cautious. After returning from Mao'er Mountain, Lin Biao, based on the experience of attacking Yixian county reported by the Operations Department, ordered each division to use two-thirds of its troops to dig a communication trench and extend to the Jinzhou front until the charge started the position, so that the troops could quickly approach the enemy position after the attack began, and minimize casualties. The later Siege of Jinzhou proved that Lin Biao's decision played a major role.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

On October 8, Lin Biao also informed the commanders of the various columns of the jin to go to Mao'er Mountain to see the terrain. In the Northeast Field Army, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th columns are the absolute main force, known as the "Five Tigers of the East Field", and they must play the role of sharp knives at critical moments. At present, the main force of the 1st Column serves as the general reserve team, the 4th Column is in Tashan, the main force of the 6th Column is responsible for blocking Shenyang to aid the enemy, and the main force of the attack on Jinzhou is the 2nd and 3rd Columns. After seeing the terrain at Mao'er Mountain, Lin Biao summoned Han Xianchu, commander of the 3rd Column, and determined that he would command the 2nd and 3rd Columns and strengthen the artillery column as the main attack, and the breakthrough point would be selected in the direction of Liangma Mountain, The Pond, and the Big Knot north of Jinzhou City. Subsequently, Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan went to the 2nd Column garrison and instructed the 2nd Column and the 3rd Column to cooperate well.

The 17th Division of the 6th Column of the "Tiger Offensive Tiger", which had performed well in the Siping Offensive Battle, was specially transferred by Lin Biao to participate in the attack on Jinzhou and was under the unified command of Han Xianchu. This is the second time that the famous "Three-Tone 17th Division" in the history of Shino. After determining the main direction of attack, Lin Biao determined the direction of the south of the city as the direction of the assist, and deng Hua, commander of the 7th Column, unified the command of the 7th and 9 columns, and attacked from south to north. On the evening of the same day, Lin Biao, Luo Ronghuan, and Liu Yalou drew up a battle plan, determined to attack from the north of Jinzhou City, advance from north to south, carry out a multi-road and focused attack, and resolutely conquer Jinzhou!

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

Something went wrong at this time. After the 8th Column took Xiaozijing Mountain, the commanding height southeast of Jinzhou City, due to paralysis, it was counterattacked by the Kuomintang army and lost its position. The commander of the 8th Column wanted to take back the position first, but did not report to Noji's former commander. As a result, the Kuomintang radio station in Nanjing made a big fuss and broadcast the news of the so-called "Jinzhou Nationalist Army Counterattacking the Zijing Mountain". Lin Biao lost his temper when he found out and ordered that the relevant personnel be dealt with severely. In order to find out the situation, Luo Ronghuan took Liu Yalou to the 8th Column Headquarters for processing. Luo Ronghuan severely criticized Duan Suquan, commander of the 8th Column, and Qiu Huizuo, political commissar, and asked them to make a profound inspection. Qiu Hui did not say a word, personally rushed to the position of Xiaozijing Mountain, commanded the troops to launch a fierce attack, and recaptured the position in an hour. In view of the fact that the actual losses had been recovered, Luo Ronghuan decided not to deal with the 8 columns of leaders organizationally. However, Lin Biao was still angry, and specially issued a briefing to the troops in the two directions of attack, Tashan and Montenegro, praising the 9 columns that performed well in the Jinzhou peripheral battle, and criticizing the 8 columns that fell behind.

From 8 October, the Higashino Attack force launched a full-scale battle on the periphery. After two days of attack, they successively took the key points around Jinzhou City, such as Hanwangdian Mountain, Shuangshanzi, Baiguantun, Be daying, synthetic fuel plant, twelve acres of land, and the Black Mountain Regiment District, and had reached Jinzhou City. Mao Zedong was deeply concerned about the attack on Jinzhou, and on October 10, he called Lin, Luo, and Liu, asking them to focus their attention on the Jinzhou operation, "Even if all other goals are not achieved, as long as you conquer Jinzhou, you will have the initiative and it will be a great victory." ”

Through the analysis of the battle situation on the outskirts of Jinzhou and the direction of Tashan in the past few days, Lin Biao judged that the combat effectiveness of the Kuomintang army was lower than the original estimate, and his confidence was greatly enhanced. On the evening of the 11th, Lin Biao said in a telegram to the Central Military Commission: "We must be sure of blocking Jinxi to aid the enemy and laying siege to Jinzhou." However, because the battle to clear the outskirts of Jinzhou was not very smooth, the general offensive originally planned to be launched on the 11th was postponed. More troublesome are the two strong points of the enemy stronghold, the pool and the big knot.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

Located on the north side of Jinzhou Castle, the distribution pond is a reinforced concrete building built by the Japanese in the early years, which is filled with water in peacetime and released in wartime to become a strong fortress that can be hoarded for fighting. The Kuomintang army built more than 20 bunkers, fire points, outer trenches, communication trenches and other fortifications around it, set up barbed wire and intermittent minefields, and deployed an elite reinforcement battalion selected from each unit, and formed a strict firepower distribution. At that time, the position of the pool was called "the second Verdun" by the Kuomintang army, and arrogantly shouted that "the people guarding the pool are all ironclad men!" ”

Attacking the pool was the 3rd Column of Dongye, and Han Xianchu took the 20th Regiment of the 7th Division, which had the strongest combat effectiveness in the whole column, and reinforced the regiment with 9 field guns and 11 mountain guns. On 12 October, the 20th Regiment, with the 1st Battalion as the main attack battalion, launched an onslaught against the pool under the cover of artillery fire and 12 heavy machine guns. The battle was fought bloodily. The 1st Battalion was caught in the crossfire of the enemy when it broke through the outer trench, and paid a heavy price, and the martyr's body filled in the outer trench. After several fierce attacks, the 1st Battalion captured 4 red houses in the northeast corner of the distribution pool and continued to attack the core fortress. The enemy regiment commander Wang Zhenwei personally organized a reserve counterattack, repeatedly fighting with the 1st Battalion dozens of times, and finally Wang Zhenwei was also killed, and the bodies of both sides were piled up on top of each other in an area of less than 100 square meters around the red house.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

On the afternoon of the 12th, the battle to attack the pool of water entered a white-hot situation, and the Kuomintang army desperately launched a counterattack with the support of 5 armored vehicles. Zhao Xingyuan, commander of the 1st Battalion, issued a call for "one person, one shot, and fight to the end", gathering all personnel and weapons together, fighting and replenishing with the fight, and fighting and killing the enemy bravely. In the battle, many fighters rushed up to blast the enemy armored vehicles, and finally succeeded in destroying 1 enemy tank. Supported by rear artillery fire, the enemy was again repulsed. At this time, only 26 wounded men remained in the whole battalion, and they struggled to hold the occupied position in front of the pool to confront the enemy. Gou Zaisong, the commander of the 20th Regiment, ordered the 1st Battalion to withdraw, while Zhao Xingyuan said that he would not withdraw and led the soldiers to continue to fight with the enemy.

At dusk, with the support of regimental artillery, Huang Demao, deputy commander of the 20th Regiment, led the 3rd Battalion to launch a roundabout charge and fight with the enemy for trenches. Zhao Xingyuan also led the rest of the battalion to kill and cooperate with the 3 battalions to attack the enemy. The Nationalist army defending the pool was also exhausted after a day of bloody fighting, the ammunition was exhausted, and it could not resist the impact of the 3rd Battalion of the Fresh Force, and the core bunker was quickly blown up, and the position was finally lost. In the battle, more than 350 Kuomintang troops were killed and captured, and of the more than 600 people who participated in the battle of the 1st Battalion, only 6 people, including battalion commander Zhao Xingyuan, survived. There is a scene in the film "Armageddon": when the old squad leader carries steamed bread and pork stew noodles to the position to deliver food, he sees the corpses strewn across the ground and the few surviving soldiers, and he can't help but tear his heart and lungs, which is a true story that has happened in history.

At the same time as attacking the pool, the 24th Regiment of the 8th Division of the 3rd Column also launched an attack on another fortified fortress about 1,000 meters to the east. This battle was also fought very hard, and the 24th Regiment successively pulled up 2 battalions to repeatedly fight with the enemy, and after a long battle, it was not successful on the 12th. Han Xianchu was in a hurry, moved his headquarters forward to the captured pool of water, and directly commanded the battle to attack the big knot. It was not until 14:00 on October 13 that the big knot position was finally taken. At this point, the last nail on the outskirts of Jinzhou has been removed, and the Fan Hanjie Group has been completely compressed in Jinzhou City.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

On October 12, Lin Biao issued a deployment order to attack Jinzhou to the columns: with the 2nd and 3rd Columns and the 17th Division of the 6th Column, the main artillery column, and 15 tanks assigned to the Special Forces Fighting Vehicle Regiment, the Northern Assault Group was formed, which was under the command of Han Xianchu, commander of the 3rd Column, and carried out the main assault from the north and northwest of the city to the south side by side; the 7th and 9th Columns and the subordinate artillery columns were used to form the South Assault Group, which was commanded by Deng Hua, commander of the 7th Column, and attacked from the south to the north The 8th Column and the 1st Column Artillery Regiment under the 8th Column formed the Eastern Assault Group to carry out auxiliary assaults from the east of the city to the west; the remaining 1 regiment of the artillery column was directly commanded by the artillery column and provided long-range artillery support. The total offensive is scheduled for 11 a.m. on October 14.

In order to capture Jinzhou, Dongye invested 5 columns and 16 divisions of troops for an unprecedented period of about 200,000 people; concentrated artillery columns and 320 heavy artillery such as mountain artillery, field artillery, howitzers, and cannons of various columns, plus a total of more than 600 mortars of various sizes, as well as 15 tanks, and the strength and firepower were extremely powerful. In contrast, although the number of Jinzhou Nationalist defenders was nearly 100,000, there were only 70 heavy artillery pieces, which fell into an absolute disadvantage in the comparison of firepower. Lin Biao's tens of millions of worries about attacking Jiancheng Jinzhou would soon dissolve into a neon of cannon fire that was extinguished in the midst of laughter.

On October 8, Liao Yaoxiang organized a westward marching corps under chiang kai-shek's orders, and on October 8 commanded 5 armies, 12 divisions, and another 3 cavalry brigades of about 110,000 people, as well as a large number of heavy weapons such as heavy artillery and chariots, to assemble in the Xinmin and Juliuhe areas. On the 9th, the army attacked in three ways towards the Zhangwu area on the northwest side. The 5th, 6th (owe 17th Division) and 10th columns of Dongye, which were responsible for blocking Shenyang's aid to the enemy, fortified along the road to block the enemy and buy time for the rear materials to be transported to the front line. After receiving Chiang Kai-shek's urging and strict orders, Liao Yaoxiang commanded and accelerated the speed of the attack. On October 11, Liao Yaoxiang's corps captured Zhangwu after fierce fighting, and the army advanced to the area east of the Xinkai River. On the 13th, the Kuomintang army blew up the Zhangwu Railway Bridge, cutting off the rear supply line of Dongye.

Shobu's supply line was cut off, and the blow to Higashino was enormous. Lin Biao led the main force of the field army of more than 500,000 people and a large number of heavy equipment to the south, but only brought 15 days of food ammunition and one-way gasoline, and the rest of the consumption needed to be transported to the rear. Now that Zhangwu's rear road has been cut off, the army can only be righteous, pubdi survival, and resolutely capture Jinzhou in order to turn the tide of the war. At the time of the decisive battle, it is very important to have more strength in hand, and to be able to join the most critical battle in time, the victory or defeat is often determined by who can survive the last minute. The reason why Lin Biao held takahashi's 1st Column still was this reason, and the last reserve of the whole army must be used on the blade!

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

In addition, Lin Biao was pleased that before the Zhangwu supply line was broken, a train numbered 3005 organized in the rear was sent to the front line carrying 1,700 tons of ammunition (mainly shells and explosives), giving the final shot of strength to the general attack on Jinzhou. Otherwise, it is possible to see the spectacular scene of hundreds of cannons bombarding Jinzhou on the day of the general attack, and the victory and defeat may also be reversed. At the same time, under the dispatch of the Northeast Bureau, Tao Zhu, the leader of Northern Liaoning Province, and other organizations concentrated the grenades of local troops and militia in western Liaoning to supply the front line, and specially opened up two transportation lines from Tongliao to Kailu and Chifeng to Beipiao, and used a large number of cars, horse-drawn carriages, and camels to form a transport team to rush ammunition, grain, oil, and other materials to the front line. These measures were timely and powerful, guaranteed the final victory of the campaign, and demonstrated the strong organizational and mobilization ability of the PLA side.

Lin Biao's army was getting tighter and tighter around Jinzhou, the eastward marching corps in the direction of Tashan was delayed, and the westward marching corps in Shenyang was even more motionless, and Fan Hanjie was really hairy. At this time, the city of Jinzhou was also in chaos, because the fortifications built were mainly on the periphery, and there were very few positions and facilities in the city, and the troops had to build fortifications in a disorderly manner near the garrison, which was simply unable to form a system. The 80,000- and 90,000-strong army were crowded in a small urban area, with no rescue outside, and their morale was low, and they were now defeated.

In desperation, Fan Hanjie ordered the infantry and artillery to launch a counterattack against the PLA positions on the north side of the city in the early morning of October 14 to test the falsehood of Lin Biao's army. Due to the obstruction of the buildings in the city, the artillery of the Kuomintang army did not have a suitable observation post, so it could only blindly shoot outwards, and the lack of shells, the only artillery force also lost its effectiveness. Before a few shots could be fired, they were suppressed by the fierce artillery fire of the Dongye troops, and they could not resist at all, and soon the flag was extinguished.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

Now it's the turn of the People's Liberation Army to perform. At 9 o'clock on the 14th, the Higashino siege artillery began to test fire, and the fire was corrected according to the impact point. At exactly 10 o'clock, hundreds of artillery pieces simultaneously launched fire preparations against Jinzhou, and its momentum was like a sea of mountains, and countless fireballs smashed into Jinzhou. This is the first time since the founding of our army that such a large and dense amount of artillery fire has been used intensively at the same time and in the same place, and Lin Biao is now very strong! Fan Hanjie, who was at the headquarters of the Corps in Jinzhou City, was greatly shocked, and he finally realized that Jinzhou was finished!

According to the original siege plan, the artillery preparation time was up to 60 minutes, shooting in sections and extending forward, covering the attacking forces to enter the position, rapidly approaching the city wall along the communication ditch, blasting the breakthrough, and then launching an attack. However, the situation has changed unexpectedly. In the direction of the North Group, which was the main attacker, more than 100 heavy artillery and all 15 tanks were concentrated, and the artillery preparation was the most thoroughly planned, ready to smash the city defense in one fell swoop. However, while the artillery was still preparing, the tank detachment attached to the 2nd Column in the northwest direction was already dispatched in advance, and the sharp knife company of the 5th Division of the first echelon of the 2nd Column also launched a charge. At this time, if you still follow the original artillery preparation plan, you may hurt your own people who are close to the city wall.

The fighter plane was launched in Russia, and Wang Yang, chief of staff of the 5th Division of the 2nd Column, commanding from the front, made a quick decision, ordered the artillery fire to extend the firing depth in advance, and issued a charge signal in advance. At this time, the main attacking companies of the 5th Division had approached the position of only 60 meters from the defenders' positions along the 3,000-meter communication ditch dug in advance, and after receiving the order, they pounced on the city walls like a fierce tiger, broke through it in only 5 minutes, and entered the city at 10:45, and engaged in street battles with the recalcitrant enemy.

The 5th Division of the 2nd Column commanded by Wang Yang was evaluated by the Northeast Military Region Command as "the most vigorous division in the Northeast Army, with the strongest assault force, rapid progress, and rich combat experience" and "the first-class main division in the Northeast Army." Later, the 5th Division was reorganized into the 116th Division of the 39th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which fought its first battle at Yunshan on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and severely attacked the US 1st Cavalry Division, playing a model international battle. Wang Yang became a founding colonel in 1955 and was promoted to the rank of major general in 1964. In his later years, the general wrote the book "Ten Assaults", which is an extremely precious historical material for war memories and has been highly praised by the military history circles.

The 3rd Column, located on the left flank of the 2nd Column, was not slow either, and broke into the city at 10:50 a.m., supported by strong artillery fire. However, the first to break through the defense of Jinzhou City is not the North Group in the main direction of attack, but the South Group in the direction of assist. In the distribution of artillery strength in the Eastern Field Siege, the 7th and 9th Columns of the Southern Group received less artillery support, so they paid more attention to early engagement with the enemy. When the artillery fire was not ready to extend the firing, the first echelons of the 7th and 9th columns launched an attack. Among them, the 75th Regiment of the 25th Division of the 9th Column attacked from the southeast side broke through the city wall from the direction of Prince Street at 10:20, and the 5th Company of the 76th Regiment of the 26th Division, which attacked side by side, also made a heroic deed of "four red flags" when breaking through the city wall; the commando team of the 61st Regiment of the 21st Division of the 7th Column attacking from the southwest side successfully landed in the city at 10:25, and the 58th Regiment of the 20th Division also followed the breakthrough.

When designing the jinzhou city defense, Fan Hanjie focused on the defense to the north of the city, so the troop allocation was strong. He did not expect that the first to be broken through by the People's Liberation Army was the south of the city. However, the time when the north and south directions of the People's Liberation Army were broken through was not much different, and the two sharp knives quickly entered the city, and Fan Hanjie could not resist.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

By about 11:00 a.m., except for the 8th Column, the main attacking forces had completely broken through the city defenses. Unfortunately, it is this 8 column again. The unit carried out auxiliary attacks from the east of the city, and the artillery preparation time was the latest. It had been more than half an hour since the other columns had broken through the city's defenses, and it was only at 11:40 that his side began to prepare for artillery fire. At 13:15 in the afternoon, the 8th Column launched a charge, but it was blocked by the fire of the Kuomintang army, and the coordination of infantry and artillery was not well organized, and it was repeatedly attacked and tossed until after 19:00 in the evening. Duan Suquan and Qiu Will Do, Lin Zong does not criticize who you criticize! Fortunately, the 8th Column was ashamed and then brave, and later reorganized into the 45th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which was brave and sharp when marching into Zhongnan, and went forward in the Battle of Hengbao, which annihilated the main force of bai Chongxi Group.

After attacking jinzhou city, the troops slammed into the depths of the defenders like countless sharp knives, and launched a fierce street battle with the enemy. In order to rapidly expand the results of the battle and strengthen the assault force, Han Xianchu, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Group, wasted no time in sacrificing his reserve: the 17th Division of the 6th Column, and in the afternoon entered the battle from the north side of the breakthrough. The 17th Division is known as the "Tiger of Attacking Strongholds", and its offensive method is different from that of other units, adopting the tactics of 1 battalion attacking a street and "four groups and one team", excelling at blasting and punching holes through walls to advance forward, mobilizing troops while reconnaissance, dividing and interspersing the enemy with rapid movements, and clearing obstacles with captured American rockets, so the progress is very rapid. In just 20 minutes of fighting, the 17th Division destroyed 21 enemy bunkers, eliminated more than 60 enemy troops, inserted the depth of the defending enemy along several avenues, shattered the enemy's defense system, and covered the follow-up troops to encircle and destroy the enemy's core strongholds one by one.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

The tank detachments that coordinated the siege also fought fiercely, supporting the 2nd and 3rd columns to break through the city walls. After entering the city, because the tanks did not have wireless communication facilities, they could not unify their command, and could only take the initiative to cooperate with the troops to find a battle. A Japanese Type 97 tank, numbered 102, advanced, charged forward along the street, attacking enemy troops and bunkers along the way with artillery and machine guns, knocking out several enemy fire points in a row and clearing the way for infantry. This tank was the first tank received by the People's Liberation Army in the northeast, and because of its old style, everyone called it "old man tank". In the Battle of Jinzhou, the driver Dong Laifu and other vehicle crews drove the No. 102 tank to fight and charge hard, supporting the infantry to attack the stronghold, and made an important contribution to the victory of the battle. After the war, the tank was awarded the honorary title of "Meritorious Hero" by its superiors, and participated in the military parade of the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, and is still stored in the military museum of the Chinese Revolution in Beijing.

Under the onslaught of the People's Liberation Army, the ammunition depots and gasoline depots in Jinzhou City were all hit by artillery fire, and the streets were in flames. The command and coordination system of the Kuomintang army was severely damaged, and the defensive force was further weakened. At 17:30 p.m., Lin Biao ordered: "Tonight the columns should continue to fight all night, so that the enemy will not have the opportunity to reorganize the rotten deployment." "Lin Zong's command art is exactly what is not moving, moving like a thunderbolt, and the rhythm of attack is like a steady tide, a thousand miles.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

After a night of melee, at dawn on the 15th, multiple attacking forces had met in the city. The Kuomintang defenders in the city were violently cut into a mess, the positions were pressed smaller and smaller, the enemy corps headquarters were also occupied, and Fan Hanjie, who was transferred to the basement to command, could no longer contact the main troops and could not carry out effective resistance. In desperation, he had to command more than 10,000 troops around him to retreat into the old city together to demolish houses and clear the shooting line, relying on streets and alleys to carry out stubborn resistance. The rest of the Kuomintang troops in the city had lost their command and could only fight on their own, scattered and broken through.

At noon on the 15th, Lin Biao promptly adjusted his deployment, and used the 2nd and 7th Columns to carry out a confrontational attack from the northeast and southwest respectively, cutting through the remnants of the enemy's defense line that had shrunk into the old city in one fell swoop, disrupting its deployment, and annihilating the enemy in one fell swoop. The 7th Column of Deng Hua's old unit, commander-in-chief of the Southern Group, performed well, and after entering the city, it killed all the way, continuously attacking Fan Hanjie's command center Central Bank, the Army Hospital, jinzhou cinema and other core positions, and successively smashing the strongest defensive core strongholds in the city. Under the centripetal onslaught of the various units of the People's Liberation Army, the jinzhou defenders completely collapsed. At 18:00 on the 15th, all the Kuomintang troops in Jinzhou City were annihilated, and the Jinzhou Offensive Battle ended in victory. Fan Hanjie, commander of the Sixth Corps and commander of the Jinzhou garrison, lu Junquan, and other senior generals fled in disguise, and were successively captured by the People's Liberation Army on the way.

Battle of Jinzhou: 31 hours to break through the magic barrier of the battle

The Battle of Jinzhou lasted 31 hours, and the Northeast Field Army achieved an unprecedented victory in attacking the stronghold, breaking the psychological barrier of the previous attack on Siping and Changchun. During the battle, the defending enemy was annihilated by 1 corps, 2 corps, and 7 divisions, more than 19,000 enemy casualties, more than 80,000 enemy prisoners, including 43 generals such as Fan Hanjie, Lu Junquan, Yang Hongguang, and Zhang Zuoxiang; 1,121 artillery pieces of various kinds, more than 40,000 guns of various kinds, 8 tanks, 258 vehicles, and a large number of military supplies were captured. The Northeast Field Army also suffered more than 24,000 casualties (plus 31,000 casualties in the outlying battles), paying a heavy price.

If the Battle of Liaoshen was a fierce sports competition, then the Battle of Jinzhou was undoubtedly the most critical point of the competition. Lin Biao commanded the Northeast Field Army to win this key point, as the northeast daily editorial said: "The enemy lost Jinzhou, and its practical significance is equivalent to losing the whole northeast." The back door of the lone defender, Shen's enemy, who escaped from land, was tightly closed from then on. The final annihilation of the enemy in the northeast and the final liberation of the whole northeast are not far off. ”