
The opening of the mouth was 5 million, and the former radio and television reporters in Sihong County were double-opened

author:Bright Net

The tomb reform was originally a people's livelihood project that benefited the country and the people and benefited future generations, but some people regarded this as a business opportunity, in which they made benefits and made windfall money, and some people even demanded five million benefits with one mouth.

"'We did the whole project, and we made about twenty or thirty million dollars.'" Hearing this number, I said a word: In this way, no matter how much money you make, give our brothers five million, it is best to give it all at once. In the liuzhi room, Liu Xin, a former reporter and editor of the Sihong County Radio and Television Station, admitted when facing his own problem of violating discipline and law that he was greedy and ignorant and harmed himself and his family.

In July 2020, Liu Xin, a former reporter and editor of Sihong County Radio and Television Station, and his brother Liu Zeng were investigated by the Sihong County Discipline Inspection Commission supervision committee for suspected serious violations of discipline and law, and were taken into custody. In September of the same year, Liu Xin and Liu Zeng were expelled from public office and expelled from the party respectively, and the two were transferred to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution on suspicion of using influence to accept bribes.

The two brothers are running for money

Liu Zeng and Liu Xin were born in an ordinary rural family, with four brothers, and their lives were not rich. Liu Zeng's family is the third oldest, is a member of the Communist Party of China, has joined the army, served as a neighborhood committee leader, assistant accountant, and other work; Liu Xin's family is the fourth oldest, has worked in the local television station for nearly 30 years, has good popularity, strong ability, and has met many friends in the industry.

"They told me that operating the cemetery can make a lot of money and have huge profits, and if I help them win the right to operate the project of Longji Yingshan Cemetery, I will ensure that I will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life." Hearing them say this, I was moved. Liu Zeng said.

In September 2013, Li X and Xie X heard that Longji Town was going to carry out cemetery construction, so they found Liu Zeng, wanted to help win the project through him, and promised to give him a benefit fee.

Confused by the interests, Liu Zeng immediately agreed to the two people's request. After repeatedly encountering the wall without success, he found his brother Liu Xin to help find a way. In order to win the project, the brothers ran in many ways and finally helped Li and Xie to obtain the actual management rights of the cemetery project.

In order to get the benefit fee, an installment payment agreement was signed

Liu Xin knew that the burial field was a profiteering industry, so the lion opened his mouth and asked Li and Xie for a benefit fee of 5 million yuan, and at first the two did not agree.

In order to make the two obey, Liu Xin deliberately claimed that the boss surnamed Yizhu was willing to pay the benefit fee and undertake the cemetery project. Li X and Xie X felt that the situation was not good, so they had to agree to pay a benefit fee of 5 million yuan. Due to limited funds, the four reached an agreement to pay in installments, and the first installment paid Liu Xin a one-time payment of 200,000 yuan as a "personal expense" in the early stage, and the remaining 4.8 million yuan was paid in installments over 30 years. In order to prevent Li xxx and Xie xxx from "not abiding by the contract", Liu Xin and Liu Zeng also signed an installment payment agreement with the two.

"At first, I couldn't figure out what was wrong, I always thought that it was my own skill to get things done, and I thought that it was not wrong to take some benefit fees every year." At the beginning of the investigation, the brothers never understood why they were investigated.

In the view of Liu Xin and Liu Zeng, being able to help others coordinate things and accomplish things is that they have the ability and face, and they are capital worth showing off.

Passive confrontation with censorship is ultimately self-inflicted

At the beginning of 2020, Sihong County carried out special governance of problems in the field of tombs, and found more than 40 clues to the problems. Liu Xin, as a person involved in the case, not only did not realize his mistake after being interviewed by the organization, but instead took a chance, tore up the copy of the IOU, and colluded with all the people involved in the case in an attempt to pass the customs in a confused manner.

"In the strong contrast of identity, in the face of the investigation, avoiding the important and missing the opportunity to confess..." During the period of detention, Liu Xin resisted the investigation on the grounds of hearing impairment. After the patient education and help of the case-handling personnel, he repented, finally realized his mistake, and confessed everything to the organization.

After investigation, Liu Zeng violated political discipline and resisted the organizational investigation, Liu Xin colluded with others to cover up his own illegal behavior, and the two jointly used the influence and behavior of others to seek improper benefits for the trustee, and demanded 5 million yuan of property from the trustee.

On March 11, 2021, Liu Xin was sentenced to five years in prison and fined RMB400,000 for using influence to accept bribes, while Liu Zeng was sentenced to four years and six months in prison and fined RMB300,000 for using influence to accept bribes.

(Website of Jiangsu Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, Sihong County Discipline Inspection Commission)

Source: Qinglian Jiangsu

Source: China Jiangsu Net

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