
"Let my blood connect with the patient's blood"

author:Cangzhou Evening News

Reporter Qi Xiaojuan of this newspaper reported on photography

On March 10, Zhang Jianbo, 50, walked into the Beijing Red Cross Blood Center.

He rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms to donate blood.

It was his 58th blood donation in 19 years.

After the blood donation was completed, Zhang Jianbo wrote in the circle of friends: "Blood donation to save people is a wonderful feeling, we have never met, but we have been connected by blood. ”

"Let my blood connect with the patient's blood"

First blood donation

Zhang Jianbo, 50, is a villager in Dacaolu Village, Migezhuang Town, Hejian Province.

In 1997, Zhang Jianbo's aunt suffered from aplastic anemia. One person got sick, and the whole family was in a hurry.

The family took their aunt to many hospitals across the country.

After many treatments, my aunt's condition was initially controlled.

On March 23, 2002, Aunt Zhang Jianbo's condition suddenly worsened and she needed to be hospitalized for blood transfusion treatment.

At that time, Zhang Jianbo and his relatives were told that the blood source of the blood bank was urgent, and the family needed to donate blood to the patient before the blood transfusion.

In order to save his aunt's life, Zhang Jianbo rushed to the cangzhou central blood station to donate blood.

In fact, before this, Zhang Jianbo had always been very afraid of needles. But for the sake of his aunt, he rolled up his sleeves without hesitation.

Zhang Jianbo never forgot his first blood donation experience, watching the blood flowing out of his veins, his mood was excited, and he felt that his aunt had been saved.

This time, Zhang Jianbo donated 200 milliliters of blood as if he had completed a big task.

The aunt's condition was once again under control, and Zhang Jianbo breathed a long sigh of relief.

Recalling the scene of that day, Zhang Jianbo could not calm down for a long time. The anxiety and helplessness of him and his family waiting to save people at that time made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

In the spring of 2004, Zhang Jianbo's aunt deteriorated and died.

Although his aunt died, Zhang Jianbo's blood donation has not stopped.

He remembered a slogan he saw while donating blood: If donating blood makes you tingle a little, think of those helpless faces.

"The little fear of being afraid of pricking the needle slowly disappeared." Zhang Jianbo said with a smile.

A person donates blood

Zhang Jianbo has been donating blood for 19 years since he first donated blood in 2002.

Even if he later went from Hejian to Beijing, Kunming and other places to do business and work, he has always insisted on donating blood.

The Blood Station in Cangzhou City Center, the Love Blood Donation House of Cangzhou World Trade Building, the Xiamen Mouth of Hejian City Credibility Building, the Beijing Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, the Beijing Blood Center, the Blood Transfusion Department of 301 Hospital, and the Blood Donation Truck in Nanping Street in Kunming and other places have left Zhang Jianbo rolling up his sleeves and donating blood.

From 2002 to the end of 2017, Zhang Jianbo donated whole blood at least every six months or a year.

Since 2018, he has insisted on donating component blood every other month or even 2 weeks, without interruption.

At present, unpaid blood donations are divided into two categories: donated whole blood and component blood.

Whole blood donation is done by drawing blood directly from the donor. It takes more than 6 months for blood donors to donate whole blood again.

Donated component blood refers to the collection of certain components (such as platelets) from blood. The interval between donated blood only takes more than 2 weeks.

With the increasing number of blood donations, Zhang Jianbo's knowledge of blood donation has become more and more abundant.

Hearing that donating hematopoietic stem cells can cure leukemia, in 2007 he left a blood sample on the blood collection cart of the Beijing Blood Center, registered the detailed information and transferred it into the Database of Chinese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors, becoming a glorious hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer.

Since participating in unpaid blood donation in 2002, he has donated blood 58 times, totaling 21,000 ml. "Equivalent to the amount of blood in 4 adults." Zhang Jianbo said.

"I would like to donate blood that can be regenerated to save a life that cannot be regained." This phrase is his motto.

"Let my blood connect with the patient's blood"

The couple donated blood

In order to ensure the quality of blood, Zhang Jianbo usually does not smoke, rarely drinks alcohol, eats less or even does not eat fried foods, and pays attention to scientific diet.

In the past 19 years, Zhang Jianbo's lover Li Jingzhi has also developed the habit of cooking with less oil and less salt.

Jianbo insisted on donating blood, and he asked me to cook lighter. Over time, the family's eating habits have gradually changed. Nowadays, the whole family can't stand the salty stir-fry. Li Jingzhi said with a smile.

In order to maintain his physical health, Zhang Jianbo insists on running, cycling and other physical exercises in his spare time. So far, the blood samples he tested before each blood donation are very qualified.

Over the years, Zhang Jianbo, who is 170 centimeters tall, has always maintained his weight within 75 kilograms.

Zhang Jianbo not only donated blood for free himself, he also recruited his wife Li Jingzhi.

He told his wife that blood donation is not only harmless, but also stimulates hematopoietic function, promotes metabolism, is good for the body, and can save many patients, which is a good thing for others and self-interest.

"Can't help but keep him whispering in your ear." Driven by Zhang Jianbo, his wife Li Jingzhi also actively participated in the ranks of unpaid blood donation.

After that, Li Jingzhi exercised with her husband Zhang Jianbo and insisted on a light diet together.

Since 2018, Li Jingzhi has donated blood 20 times without compensation.

At Zhang Jianbo's home, the reporter saw a pile of blood donation certificates and honorary certificates for him and his wife that he treasured.

"The power of one person is limited, and the strength of everyone can save more patients." These are the words that Zhang Jianbo often hangs on his lips.

"Let my blood connect with the patient's blood"

A group of people donated blood

At the beginning, Zhang Jianbo donated blood, only his family knew, and Zhang Jianbo never told outsiders.

It wasn't until 2018, during a chat, that a friend said that someone in the family was sick and needed a blood transfusion, and Zhang Jianbo took out his blood donation certificate.

"Since then, I felt that it was better for one person to donate blood than to drive more people, and I began to promote unpaid blood donation to the people around me." Zhang Jianbo said.

Zhang Jianbo took advantage of the opportunity to chat with friends and family, gather and other opportunities to actively promote unpaid blood donation.

Many people did not understand after listening to it, and even felt that he was "full of food", but Zhang Jianbo never gave up publicizing the matter of free blood donation.

"Donating blood not only saves other people's lives, but in a higher sense, it's about getting everyone to help everyone. One person donates blood a hundred times, not as much as a hundred people donate blood once. Zhang Jianbo said.

Slowly, driven by Zhang Jianbo, friends around him took action.

In 2008, his friend Sun Zhongli followed Zhang Jianbo to the blood donation truck to donate blood, and since then he has become an "old face" on the blood donation truck.

Zhang Jianbo's village friend Zhang Linqing also began to donate blood under his influence.

"I have a lot of groups of volunteer groups in WeChat, and I often do some publicity for unpaid blood donation in the group. Many people contacted me to join the team of unpaid blood donation, so I set up a group to bring these volunteers together. Zhang Jianbo said.

Liu Wei and Pan Qingran are friends of Zhang Jianbo's cycling together, and now they are both unpaid blood donation volunteers. Later, Liu Panpan, Shi Cui'e, Jin Hongsen, Li Wei, Ding Chunfei and others also joined the team of unpaid blood donation.

In 2018, Zhang Jianbo established the Hejian Blood Donation Volunteer Service Team.

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, more than 60 teammates in the service team have actively donated blood, which has alleviated the clinical blood tension in cangzhou hospitals at all levels during the epidemic period.

In March 2020, some of the blood they donated rushed to Wuhan.

In addition to free blood donation, Liu Panpan, Wang Yan, Gu Zanyong and other teammates also actively signed up to join the China Bone Marrow Bank and became glorious hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteers.

Zhang Jianbo was named the typical representative of the "Good People in Hejian" in 2018 and the 12th "Good People in Cangzhou".

In December 2020, the Hejian Unpaid Blood Donation Volunteer Service Team was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Volunteer Service Organization" by the Red Cross Society of Hebei Province.

Nowadays, as long as the media reports the news about the "blood shortage", Zhang Jianbo will contact his teammates to donate blood together.

Many people asked Zhang Jianbo when he planned to donate blood, and Zhang Jianbo said: "As long as I am in good health, I will continue to stay until I am 60 years old." The legal age for blood donation is 18-55 years old, and senior blood donors can be up to 60 years old. ”

For Zhang Jianbo, happiness is to harvest happiness in dedication...