
22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

author:Lee chops wood

"Are you a rescuer invited by the monkeys?"

The red child, dressed in a red belly pocket and holding a trident, shouted at Guanyin.

Who would have thought that this bare-ass bear child would later be a Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

His name is Zhao Xinpei, and he was only eight years old when he participated in "Journey to the West". But before that, the staff of the "Journey to the West" crew had seen his "brute force".

At that time, Yu Hong, the field record of the "Journey to the West" crew, went to the kindergarten where Zhao Xinpei was studying to select small actors for his children's feature film "Thrive", and every child in the kindergarten had to participate in the audition.

The audition consisted of a little boy snatching the ball from the little girl's hand. The crew watched a lot of children's performances and were not satisfied, when it was Zhao Xinpei's turn, he went up and dragged the balloon from the little girl's hand and ran.

The crew was so excited that they jumped up and pointed at him and shouted, "It's you!" It's you! ”

After Zhao Xinpei performed this play, he was recommended by Yu Hong to Yang Jie, the director of "Journey to the West". Zhao Xinpei played the red child, and sure enough, it was also "the true color". The playful and aggressive personality and cute appearance immediately made the people of the whole country remember this bear child who beat Sun Wukong to the point of.

After the play, many directors came to him to shoot the scene, but they were rejected by him and his family.

Because at that time, he was fascinated by computers, in his words: "A mistake in a computer is a lifetime." ”

Although the family was not wealthy, his family was very supportive of his hobbies and spent a lot of money to buy him a computer. He studied computers while studying, and when he took the college entrance examination, he did not live up to his parents' expectations and was admitted to the computer department of Peking University with excellent results, and then became a doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Zhao Xinpei is not only a bully, but also a rich man. In 2014, he founded a technology company through entrepreneurship, and he also invested in 52 companies, which has long been worth more than 100 million.

After reading Zhao Xinpei's rich life history, netizens have said: "He is the best acting skill in the school bully, and he is the most educated child star." ”

Before this, many people thought that stars were illiterates who did not learn and had no skills, and child stars were typical children who were delayed in filming and could not become talents in the future, but Zhao Xinpei completely refreshed the stereotype of children's stars.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Not only Zhao Xinpei, in the entertainment industry, there are many child stars who have not filmed after filming several masterpieces, they choose to return to campus, and through their own efforts to become a bully.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The first "ugliest girl in history" who was dissuaded by Zhang Yimou

When it comes to young celebrities, we have to mention Wei Minzhi.

In 1999, Wei Minzhi was only thirteen years old, and she became a well-known mou girl with the film "No One Can Be Less" directed by Zhang Yimou.

In 1998, Zhang Yimou led the crew to a village in Hebei To cast a cast, and a pair of twin sisters in the village attracted the attention of the assistant director. The older sister's name is Wei Minzhi and the younger sister's name is Wei Congzhi.

When the assistant director asked the sisters who could sing and dance, the sister hid behind her sister, and the sister Wei Minzhi bravely stood up and said: "I will!" ”

Wei Minzhi sang and danced a song "My Motherland and Me", although it was out of tune, but the little girl sang very sincerely, and this section also became a classic section in the movie.

The assistant director was touched by Wei Minzhi's courage and sincerity, and she asked Wei Minzhi if she dared to make a movie, and Wei Minzhi said "Dare!" without hesitation. ”

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

In this way, Wei Minzhi stood out from more than 10,000 candidates and became the heroine of the movie.

As it turns out, the crew's vision is not wrong. The flushed face, thin body and non-standard Mandarin perfectly interpret the "Teacher Wei" in "No One Can Be Less".

Teacher Wei walked dozens of miles from the mountains to the city to find Zhang Huike, a student who had dropped out of school to work, and when she arrived in the city, she couldn't find the students and didn't want to go home. But she had no money to buy food and could not find a place to live, so she lived like a tramp in the city, sleepy and could only sleep on the street, hungry and could only eat other people's leftovers, but she did not shed a tear.

It was difficult to find a TV station person willing to find students for her, and when the bright host asked her what she wanted to say to Zhang Huike, she cried in front of the camera.

It was a thirteen-year-old girl who had childlike emotions for the first time. The previous tenacity and tenacity were forced by the cruel reality.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yimou insisted on choosing Wei Minzhi to star in the movie, because the axis of "Teacher Wei", who admits to death, cannot be played by the spoiled children in the city.

For the actors in this film, director Jiang Wen gave a super high evaluation: "The girl's face is not pretentious at all, the village chief is more interesting to walk, and professional actors have to prepare for this character for two or three years, and they have to work hard." ”

In this way, Wei Minzhi impressed the international jury with her authentic and simple acting skills, and "No One Can Be Less" won ten international film awards, including the Golden Rooster Award and the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival. Wei Minzhi's name is remembered by the people of the whole country.

After becoming famous at a young age, she was a little surprised and a little scared, she was not from the class like the previous girl. Not to mention the high appearance of Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and other mou girls, she was simple and rustic, and at that time she was also known as "the ugliest plot girl in history".

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Wei Minzhi was a little confused, and she asked for the advice of her mentor Zhang Yimou. Zhang Yimou told her: "You are still young, you have to study well." ”

Not only that, Zhang Yimou also said bluntly: "Wei Minzhi is not suitable for being an actor, let alone suitable for the entertainment industry, not beautiful, and not in good shape." ”

It was this slightly "disgusted" language that made Wei Minzhi recognize the reality, and she pushed off the film contract and chose to go to the elite middle school in Shijiazhuang.

Although she ended her acting trip, the film she made this time gave her a dream of being a director, and she secretly decided: "If I can't be an actor, then I will be a director, at least close to the movie." ”

At the age of 19, she was admitted to the Western Film and Television Academy of Xi'an Foreign Chinese College with her film dreams, and after entering the school for a year, she wrote and directed a movie based on her own college entrance examination, "Fairy Tale of the Night".

Later, she went to Brigham Young University in Hawaii for further study, won a full scholarship, and made two films, truly becoming a director.

If Wei Minzhi opened his own path as an actor because of Zhang Yimou's insight, then the next young actor is purely by virtue of his excellent acting skills and leaves a deep impression on the audience.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?
22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Tear-jerking child star incarnated as Tsinghua Master

The girl played by Ye Zi in "Mother's Heart After Spring" looks very beautiful, and the crying drama is a must, which adds a bit of sadness to the bitter love drama "Mother's Heart After Spring".

Yu'er played the daughter of Liu Xuehua, an old drama bone, because there was no money in the family, her mother chose between her brother and Yu'er and sold her, she was afraid that her mother would not want herself, so she knelt down while holding her mother's thigh and prayed: "Mother, do you think I eat too much, do you think I love to cry." ”

After being sold to the brothel, Yu'er did rough work all day, and the turtle not only abused her, but also coveted her beautiful face: "This girl, now looks so beautiful, in the future, it will definitely be a beautiful embryo, a cash cow!" ”

Ye Zi played this miserable girl very well, and the audience could immerse themselves in the tragic life of the girl. When we watched this drama when we were young, almost as soon as the tears fell in the play, we would cry desperately outside the play.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

She was only eleven years old and was already a little drama bone in the industry. At the age of six, she began to participate in various performances, and when she was eight years old when filming "Back to Lhasa", in order to get close to the character of the sick character in the play, she was willing to shave her hair for the character.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

"Mother's Heart After Spring" has made Xiaoyezi's actor career go to a higher level, and after becoming popular with the role of Yu'er, she played the petite in "People Are Afraid of Being Famous" and Lin Jing in "My Child My Home".

After filming these two plays, she quit the entertainment industry and returned to school.

In the year of the middle school entrance examination, Ye Zi was admitted to the city's famous school Chengdu Seventh Middle School. But after entering high school, she was greeted by the teacher's ridicule: "You want to play your own strengths, do not work in the TV station, chengdu seventh middle school want you to come to what?" ”

Ye Zi was stabbed in the heart by this sentence, but she still chose to prove herself with practical actions, and she wrote on the paper while crying: "I am not only wearing costumes to interpret the wind and snow of others, I can be very focused and desperate to learn, let the school remember me." ”

Since then, she has worked harder, she has not seen a movie, has not downloaded a song, has not played a game, as a Sichuanese who loves hot pot, in order to save time, she has not even eaten a hot pot, let alone a relaxing and happy weekend.

Ye Zi proved with facts that her efforts had not been disappointed.

During her time at school, she met Obama's wife, Ms. Michelle, for her outstanding performance, played Chinese tai chi with her, and there was no communication barrier in English throughout the whole process, and she was praised by Chengdu Daily by name.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

In the third year of high school, Ye Zi passed the independent enrollment examination of Tsinghua's "Top-notch Plan" that only received four people in Sichuan with excellent results, and Ye Zi obtained an admission qualification line with 40 points lowered, and everything was so smooth.

But a week before the college entrance examination, unfortunate things suddenly came, Ye Zi suffered from a severe bacterial cold, she was dizzy because of the fever, she could not see the topic clearly, and she would cough up blood because the cough was too severe. The mother was distressed by her daughter's suffering, and thought it would be better to give up. But she gritted her teeth and persevered, taking her medication and doing problems on time every day.

Huang Tian did not pay off, the miracle still happened, on the day of the college entrance examination, Ye Ziding had a heavy cold on the examination room, she played normally, and finally was admitted to the School of Journalism of Tsinghua University with a score of 633 points.

When I arrived at the university, the leaves from small beauty to large were rated as "Tsinghua School Flowers" by alumni. Academically, she did not slacken off in the slightest, first from the School of Journalism to the School of Economics and Management. He will also host school evenings as a "façade manager", occasionally returning to his old profession and acting in school dramas.

But smoothly graduating from undergraduate and then going to work is not her ultimate goal of college, she wants to get a master's degree, so she combines studying, playing and working, not only actively studying, but also going to Stanford University to study and intern at the Uk Investment Bank. In the end, she successfully realized her university wishes and obtained a master's degree in the Department of Finance of Tsinghua University.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The young and famous Leaf did not get lost in Vanity Fair, she chose a path that suited her more, and eventually became a better version of herself, shining in the academic field.

If Ye Zi is a small actor who goes out of the circle with his acting skills, then the next small actor is to surprise every post-00s childhood by virtue of his beauty.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The childhood male god who most wants to marry after 00

In the childhood memories of the post-00s, there must have been two male gods, one is Agarwood in "Baolian Lantern", and the other is Ding Kaile in "Happy Planet".

Someone has done voting, Agarwood and Ding Kaile who do you love? Ding Kaile defeated Agarwood with 1070 votes. In the eyes of the post-00s, if they want to ask who they most want to marry when they were young, most people will answer that it is Ding Kaile.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Even when the father of the Communist Youth League was asked whether Ding Kaile was the first "husband" in his life, the Communist Youth League would shyly admit: "Be quiet!" To the face! ”

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

After growing up, Ding Kaile's popularity did not decrease but increased, his personal mixed-cut videos on the B station often had millions of plays, and Ding Kaile successfully fed a group of "scissor hand" up masters with his super high appearance.

In Ding Kaile's video barrage, many people think that he and Yang Yang, a traffic student, look very similar, which is why when Yang Yang first debuted, many people mistakenly thought that Yang Yang was Ding Kaile after he grew up, after all, the appearance of handsome men has a certain commonality.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The show is especially popular among young children because it is a realist genre wrapped in the cloak of science fiction. In Happy Planet, you can see the highly controlled Lele mother, who, like many mothers in real life, handles everything about Lele.

Lele's class is a small society. Le Le is an introverted and timid child, so he will be bullied by some domineering classmates on campus; the class teacher Dongfang teacher is a snobbish eye, when Le Le was voted by his classmates to be in the middle of work, Dongfang teacher immediately went to the principal to say good things about Ma Xiangyu:

"Ma Xiangyu is good, his character is good, his study is good, besides, his father is still the director of our education bureau!"

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The "rich second generation" in the school has encouraged a crooked atmosphere of comparison, and the donation activities in the school have become a good time for students to "compete". The students did everything they could to save money and donate money, just so as not to "shame" the class.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

The essence of doing good is obscured, and donations become a "game."

Many of the plots played in the play have happened in real life, and students will inevitably have a deep sense of substitution when watching this play.

The little boy who played Ding Kaile in the play was named Li Rui, and after acting in "Happy Planet", he became popular with his sincere acting skills and handsome appearance. Of course, the children envy Lele the most because he can enter the Happy Planet.

Many children who have watched this show have desperately pressed the Enter button on their computers, trying to enter the Happy Planet like Lele.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Each child has an old naughty boy grandfather in his heart, and three lovely friends, who accompany us to grow up in another world.

In the year of the explosion, Li Rui was only ten years old. However, after filming the second part of "Happy Planet" in 2006, he did not continue filming, and he chose to return to school to study.

In the year of the college entrance examination, he was successfully admitted to the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and obtained a master's degree. In 2017, he joined the International Cooperation Department, and because of his resemblance to Yang Yang's handsome appearance, he was called "Yang Yang of the financial world".

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Recently, the news that Li Rui accompanied his wife to give birth to a child in the hospital was on the hot search, and many netizens directly called "Grandpa Qingjie". We have the impression that the children are happy and happy, and suddenly become fathers.

It's just that Ding Kaile is a person who is excellent from the play to the outside of the play.

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

Growing up child stars either surprise or frighten people, and Wei Minzhi belongs to the former.

At the 2010 sharing meeting of the movie "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" directed by Zhang Yimou, the new girl Zhou Dongyu was sitting on the stage, and sitting under the stage was Wei Minzhi, the girl of eleven years ago. When she asked questions offstage, Zhang Yimou was very surprised and sighed for a while:

"I haven't seen Wei Minzhi in many years, you've grown up, like a story, when you were making a movie with me, you were only fourteen years old, and now you're sitting here, giving me a feeling like a dream." 」

Later, on the interview program, Wei Minzhi also expressed her gratitude to Zhang Yimou: "The experience of shooting "No One Can Be Less" has changed the trajectory of my life, I may have the opportunity to go to college and study abroad, without this movie, I may raise pigs at home, get married and have children, and be a housewife. ”

22 years ago, the "Mou Girl" who was persuaded by Zhang Yimou to quit the entertainment industry is now what?

If it were not for her childhood filming experience, perhaps Wei Minzhi would still be a rural woman.

Entering the entertainment industry to shoot dramas is an opportunity for child stars to increase their experience and improve themselves, but it is also a good choice to retire after becoming famous.

Child stars are not necessarily unlearned people, there are always people who do not enter Vanity Fair and prefer to be ascetics.

Some sources:

1. What happened to Wei Minzhi, the protagonist of the movie who can't be left behind? " know

2. "Remember the mother's girl after spring?" She was admitted to Tsinghua"Tangerine Entertainment

3. "This post-95 childhood drama is all the gray secrets of adults" vista to see the world

Author: Song Juhan

Editor-in-Charge: Willow Leaf Nagging

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