
Feng Fagui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Tibet-related Office, led a team to Hongyuan to conduct research

author:Market Weekly
Feng Fagui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Tibet-related Office, led a team to Hongyuan to conduct research

On October 18, Feng Fagui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial CPC Committee and director of the Tibet-related Office of the Provincial CPC Committee, led a team to Hongyuan to carry out relevant research and investigation work. Zheng Lei, member of the Standing Committee of the Aba Prefecture CPC Committee, secretary of the Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Prefecture Supervision Commission, Yang Wensong, secretary of the county party committee, Ou Sa, deputy secretary of the county party committee, Wu Jian, member of the standing committee of the county party committee, secretary of the county discipline inspection commission, and director of the supervision commission, Rong Zhongrenqing, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and director of the United Front Work Department, Luo Jun, deputy county governor, Jueba, director of the management committee of Maiwa Temple, and responsible persons of relevant departments accompanied the investigation. By viewing the exhibition board, listening to the explanation, and viewing the materials, the research team focused on the construction of temple infrastructure, the management of activity venues, personnel management, epidemic prevention and control and other related situations. The research team gave high recognition to the work related to Hongyuan.

The research group demanded that, first, the management of temples should be strengthened. It is necessary to standardize the management of temple finances, religious activity sites, religious professionals, Buddhist activities, and religious affairs in accordance with the law, and it is necessary to strictly enforce the examination and approval procedures for entering the temple as monks, so as to ensure that all religious activities are carried out within the scope permitted by laws and regulations. Second, it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and education. It is necessary to continuously strengthen the training and ideological guidance of the policies and regulations of monks and nuns in temples, guide monks and nuns to fully carry forward the fine traditions of loving the country and religion and benefiting all sentient beings, and unite and guide monks and nuns and religious believers to walk with the party committee and government with one heart and one mind, one heart and one direction, and one heart. Third, it is necessary to further enhance the political standing. Persist in making overall plans for the overall situation and advancing Tibet-related work. It is necessary to accurately grasp the connotation of the high-quality development of Tibet-related work, adhere to the people-centered development concept, adhere to the correct path of coordinating the economy and resources and the environment, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness. (Prefectural Media Center)

(Source: Hongyuan County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】