
The Contest Between Good and Evil in the Bianjia Shop - Jin Bo Recalls "May Day" and "Sweeping" (II)

author:Wei Jiangtao 261

Author: Jin Bo

For an author's bio, see above

By June 23, the "May Day" anti-"sweep" in Jizhong had been going on for a month and 23 days. At night, we jumped out of the enemy's combined attack circle from Liu Zhuang, a big tree on the edge of Baiyangdian, and arrived at Bianjiapu Village in Wen'an County. For the safety of the sub-district organs, the Twenty-ninth Regiment lived in Houjiapu, southeast of Bianjiapu Village, and the regiment's first company followed the sub-district organs.

At 9:00 a.m., the Twenty-ninth Regiment was attacked by more than 800 Japanese troops at Houjia, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

At about 10 o'clock, the enemy situation was discovered west of Bianjiapu, and Liu Bingyan, chief of staff, immediately went to the forefront to observe the enemy situation and command the battle. The mass base in Bianjiapu Village is very good, the militia has rich combat experience, and there are preset outer trenches and two fence positions on the edge of the village, which is a good place to fight village warfare. When Liu Bingyan found that the enemy only had a hundred or so people and no follow-up troops, he consulted with Deputy Chief of Staff Cui Wenbing, and when the fighter plane came, our troops were 3 times larger than the enemy, and we could eat it, so we made up our minds to destroy this enemy.

It has been almost two months since the Japanese army "swept up," and it has been burning and looting everywhere, and its arrogance is very arrogant, and it has not paid attention to our army at all. Under the cover of artillery fire, the Japanese army directly occupied the trenches and reed pits west of the village, preparing to charge our army.

The Contest Between Good and Evil in the Bianjia Shop - Jin Bo Recalls "May Day" and "Sweeping" (II)

The divisional guard company, the teaching team and the first company of the twenty-ninth regiment are the most elite companies in the division and have long been waiting for them. In accordance with the chief of staff's order not to shoot within 100 meters," when the enemy marched to within 100 meters, 8 machine guns opened fire at the same time, so that the enemy could not lift his head, and could only scream in the reed pit with a plaster flag, and the charge could not be organized.

Liu Bingyan seized the opportunity, ordered the troops to put on the bayonet, load the bullets, and launch a counter-charge against the enemy! Suddenly, the troops rushed over like a tide and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese around the reed pit. Before fighting the bayonet, the soldiers first gave the enemy a shot to weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness; while the Japanese army acted according to the "code of conduct," and the bayonet was not bulleted, and our army had a great advantage.

Only to hear the shouts of killing, the sound of gunfire, grenade explosions, bayonets red, hate bullets shooting at the enemy, to avenge the martyrs! Avenge the death of the father and fellow countrymen! The anger that accumulated in the heart, the hatred for the enemy spewed out like a volcano, and the battle formed a climax.

I charged with a company commander Zhang Yupu and instructor Wang Jinling, and when we crossed a ditch to attack the enemy, an enemy suddenly jumped out of the ditch and stabbed a platoon leader of our army, the platoon leader was under the ditch, the enemy was on the ditch, and the enemy provoked the eyes of the dusty platoon leader.

I saw that the platoon leader was very dangerous, so I ran over and shot the enemy from behind, and the bullets passed by. The enemy saw that a small eight-way came from behind (I was not yet 18 years old at the time), turned his head and pounced on me, and at the moment of a thousand gunshots, the platoon leader jumped up from the ditch, gave the enemy two bayonets from behind, and I fired another shot, resulting in the death of the Japanese soldier.

From him we captured a combat knife, a box gun, a wallet, and a pen, which turned out to be the japanese squad leader. When we handed over the spoils of war, Director Fang said, "This little officer has made meritorious contributions in battle, and the pen will be awarded to you!" Since then, this pen has followed me to defeat Japan, overthrow three mountains, and participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Although the pen has long been "retired", I still cherish it. Whenever I see it, I think of the time when I was fighting with the Japanese army.

The Contest Between Good and Evil in the Bianjia Shop - Jin Bo Recalls "May Day" and "Sweeping" (II)

The Bianjiapu Annihilation Battle, which lasted only two hours, eliminated a "culling" team of the 2nd Company (Guangchao) of the Japanese Twenty-seventh Division. During the great "sweeping", the Japanese army's "culling" team specially followed the main force to carry out "clearance and suppression" door to door, doing the most bad things and hating the masses the most. With Izu Fumio as the squadron leader, except for a few who ran away, more than 80 people were annihilated, and 12 people under Izu Fumio were captured (including 4 seriously injured).

When Izu Fumio was wounded and pretended to be dead, he threw away his pistol, combat knife, and epaulettes, leaving only a Buddhist rune on his body. After carrying him back to the village, the chief of staff, Liu Bingyan, called an interpreter to interrogate him immediately, and he hung his head and said nothing. When Liu Bingyan told him about the anti-popular nature of the Japanese rulers, the injustice of the war of aggression, and the preferential treatment of prisoners by our army, Izu Fumi jumped up and bit down Liu Bingyan's arm to show his Bushido spirit and loyalty to the emperor. This sudden move caught us off guard, and immediately went up to several people to hold him down and hold him down.

The people present were very indignant when they saw this kind of trapped beastly behavior, some advocating this, some advocating that, and some saying that such stubborn captives were not among the preferential treatment. Liu Bingyan smiled and said, "Because the Japanese army's poisoning education is too deep, there is such a foolish behavior, which is pitiful ignorance!" He went on to say: "We Communists are the most humane, or to carry out our old policy, as long as we lay down our weapons, we will give preferential treatment to prisoners, adhere to the 'four noes' (no beatings, no scolding, no abuse, no search for money), food is eaten, and wounds are treated." ”

Seeing that the chief of staff is so lenient and has such a strong sense of policy, although everyone is indignant in their hearts, they resolutely implement the party's policies.

After cleaning up the battlefield and just finishing dealing with the post-war affairs, the scouts reported that the main force of the second Japanese attack was only more than 3 kilometers away from us, and was coming from all sides to "encircle" the border shop.

The enemy must have taken revenge for the loss, and as soon as it got dark we detoured to Baiyangdian, ready to hide in the hinterland of Dian, the area around Duancun. Everyone was naturally happy to win the battle, but these 12 Japanese prisoners became a big burden at that time, because the troops had to be ready to fight at any time. The decision to hide the captives on the spot was made by the chiefs during the march: except for the 4 seriously wounded prisoners (including Izu Fumio) who went into Baiyangdian with their troops to hide, the remaining 8 captives were divided into 3 groups to find a place to stand up, each group was equipped with two soldiers and two cadres, and the location could be selected in the area of Haozhuang south of Yanzhou, where the mass conditions were good and the enemy had just "swept through".

I and the enemy engineer were assigned to a group, and we came to Haozhuang with our prisoners. The central question discussed between the two of us on the road was how to explain to the village cadres whether they should tell the truth about the Japanese prisoners and that their relatives had just been killed, and could they accept it? Will he take revenge on the captives to pay off the blood debt? In the end, it was decided to speak truthfully, as long as the policy was clear and believed in the consciousness of the masses. But with the exception of the village chief, no one else expanded.

The Contest Between Good and Evil in the Bianjia Shop - Jin Bo Recalls "May Day" and "Sweeping" (II)

Japanese prisoners under the guard of the Eighth Route Army

We hid the captives outside the village and opened the door of the house of Hao Dabo, the secretary of the branch and the head of the village. When he heard that we had won the battle, he danced happily, saying that he could avenge the villagers, and I was eager to stab him to death in the line of fire! Only the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army are our saviors.

When we told him that the Japanese prisoners were not easy to carry, affecting the combat of the troops, and wanted to hide in Haozhuang for a while, his dark face suddenly turned iron blue, and he bowed his head and did not say a word, but just smoked a cigarette. At this time, we can fully understand what Uncle Hao was thinking: his daughter-in-law was raped by Japanese soldiers and opened his stomach, his 3-year-old grandson lost his mother, and more than 20 people in the village were killed in the "sweep". Now that he wanted to hide the Japanese soldiers who were killing people, how could he accept it for a while?

At this moment, when the son of the guerrilla leader returned, hearing that the Japanese soldiers were to be hidden, he immediately jumped violently, pulled out his "one-eyed dragon" (which could only hit one bullet) and rushed out, "Where are the devils?" Where are the devils? I went to crash him!"

The Contest Between Good and Evil in the Bianjia Shop - Jin Bo Recalls "May Day" and "Sweeping" (II)


We stopped the father and son and repeatedly enlightened, saying, "Who doesn't hate when a loved one is killed?" Your vendetta is also our enemy, and the battle at Bianjiapu wiped out more than 80 Japanese soldiers, that is, to avenge the sister-in-law, the villagers, the people of Jizhong and the whole country. However, the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army have a policy of taking prisoners, as long as they lay down their weapons, they will not kill, scold, abuse, or search their pockets.

After patient explanation, the father and son slowly raised their heads, and the village chief Hao said while prostrating the smoke pot: "Okay! I listen to the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party, and you are our saviors, telling me to do what I want. ”

After doing the work of father and son, the 3 captives were arranged in the sweet potato cellar of his family, which was kept secret from the outside world, and his wife made meals for the captives to eat every day.

From the moment they were captured, they were ready to be executed at any time with great fear, and they did not believe in the Eighth Route Army's policy of preferential capture. It turns out that they enjoy preferential treatment, and their spirits slowly relax. The enemy work officer educated them that the food you ate was the grain buried by the common people during the "sweeping" of the Japanese army, and the daughter-in-law of Uncle Hao, who delivered the meal, was brutally killed by the Japanese army. Are these captives silent, and are they also condemned by their conscience?

Once, when Uncle Hao was delivering food, a captive named Tanaka suddenly fell at Uncle Da's feet, howled and cried, and shouted, "Guilty! Guilty!" The enemy workers quickly explained that seeing the reality of these past few days, they had some conscience and found that most of them were also the children of Japanese peasant families, who had been recruited by the emperor to China to serve as cannon fodder for the emperor.

At this time, Uncle Hao's mood was much calmer, and he said in a loud voice that he should wake up quickly and stop working as cannon fodder for the emperor! Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's peasants have shaken off their narrow peasant consciousness, and they not only have a strong spirit of opposing aggression against evil and evil, but also have good character of being kind and generous, understanding the overall situation, and taking into account the overall situation. Uncle Hao is such a typical example of a farmer.

After hiding in the Haozhuang area for several days, the captives were gathered in Baiyangdian and transferred to the Jin-Cha-Ji base area.

The Bianjiapu annihilation war was carried out under extremely complicated and sinister conditions during the Japanese army's "May Day" "sweep," and the fighters were captured in a timely manner and the battle was fought crisply and neatly, showing the command art of Commander Zhou Biao and Chief of Staff Liu Bingyan in controlling the complicated situation. This victory greatly increased the morale of our army and destroyed the prestige of the Japanese army.

In 1980, when Liu Bingyan was the governor of Hebei Province, I went to see him and talked about the Battle of Bianjiapu, but he was still excited and said happily: "The Battle of Bianjiapu is a flower of victory in the 'May Day' anti-'sweep'. ”

This article is selected from "Blood In The Blood" Jin Bo's "Battle between Good and Evil in the Side Shop",

The numerous crimes committed by the Japanese aggressors in jizhong and the tragic and magnificent scenes of the anti-Japanese soldiers and people fighting the enemy in the smoke of artillery fire and gunfire in jizhong will never be forgotten. It has been more than seventy years since the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, but the Japanese have not really reflected on their crimes, and the right-wing forces continue to rise. How can we forget history?

Someone once said: There is not a single hill in the Jizhong Plain, but the masses of the people are a majestic mountain. This is the most apt statement. The deeds of the heroes and martyrs of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Hebei are innumerable, and they can be recorded in the annals of history to a very small part. With the passage of time, people who have experienced that era are rarely alive, and many have become legends, stories, and untestable. Even if they are included in the book, they are only disseminated in a limited circle, and it is a pity that the heroes' deeds have not been revealed.

Recently, I have taken the time to sort out the articles I have read that reflect the deeds of the characters of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Hebei and share them with the princes, so as to commemorate the martyrs and enlighten future generations. Welcome to follow

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