
Feelings of osmanthus fragrance

author:Li Zi's summer solstice

I wrote an essay about the late osmanthus flowers today, and I wrote that if it is possible, I would like to make some sugar osmanthus flowers by myself this year. The article was seen by a friend, the phone I must personally do a little, she does not want sugar osmanthus flowers, get her some dried osmanthus flowers, what is the situation, dig a pit for yourself? [Cover your face]

It just so happened that the weather was fine today, suitable for drying, so I picked up an umbrella, brought a bamboo sieve, and prepared to go for a flower stolen fairy. It was only because it had been raining some time ago, and there were very few petals left that had been blown off, and the families I knew were all early laurel, which was really difficult for me. Last night, there was a family of flowers blooming late, it was a good season, and it was my hair small, but these two days he was not at home, had to be a flower thief, and then tell him when the hair was small.

In the distance, you can smell the rich fragrance of flowers, and the branches sway in the wind, which is drunk on people's eyes and hearts. Propping open the umbrella, shaking the branches, the elf-like flowers, they swayed and fell into the umbrella I propped open, and when I couldn't shake it, I pinched it down with my hands one by one, and in less than half a day, I actually picked almost a bamboo sieve, and returned with a full load of joy.

Bring well water, wash off the floating ash, dry the water, boil the water in the steamer, pour in the osmanthus flowers, steam for five or six minutes, pour into the bamboo sieve, and wait for him to dry. Because it is the first time to do it, I don't know the specific method, no matter how successful or unsuccessful he is, he always has to try.

At night, I went for a walk to Fa Xiao's house and told me that I had been a flower thief during the day and had come to atone for my sins at night. This hair is small, we actually from the primary school after graduation never saw again, he knows that I came back, but also know that it is me, I almost did not recognize him, if it is not in his home, I think I did not dare to recognize him anyway, the time when I was in elementary school, which day after school, is not all all the way to fight and make trouble, now almost laugh and ask where the guests come from?

He asked me how I made it, and I told him, and his wife replied that what I did should not be the best practice, and took out what she made herself last year, and the bottle cap was opened, and the smell came to the nose. She told me that the simplest way to make the best thing, just two days ago it rained, the osmanthus flowers are clean, the air in the hometown is good, there is no dust on the petals, so there is no need to wash, and do not steam, brush the pot clean, directly low fire slowly baked, water drying, a day or two on success, and the fragrance is not lost at all. Because I only stole half of it today, the little lady said, isn't there still half, you come back tomorrow and do it again in my way.

Well, tomorrow, I can practice my hand again, and I rubbed a cup of osmanthus tea on the big night, excited!

Feelings of osmanthus fragrance
Feelings of osmanthus fragrance
Feelings of osmanthus fragrance
Feelings of osmanthus fragrance