
The Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions directly managed the trade union staff and workers party history knowledge contest was held

author:China Industry Network

Source: Zhonggong Network

On October 19, the Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a party history knowledge contest of the directly managed trade union "Welcoming the Party Congress and Rising up a New Journey", which attracted 17 industry trade unions such as the Provincial Postal Trade Union, the Trade Union of the Anhui Branch of China Eastern Airlines, and the Trade Union of the Provincial Prison Administration, among which there were many first-line workers such as courier brothers and flight attendants. Hu Donghui, vice chairman of the Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and relevant responsible persons of the Propaganda Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Port and Shipping Group and the Provincial Salt Industry Group attended the event.

The Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions directly managed the trade union staff and workers party history knowledge contest was held

The content of the party history knowledge contest mainly includes the "four histories" focusing on party history, and the answer groups of various trade unions have carried out fierce competition and competed for points through the links of compulsory answers, preemptive answers, and risk questions.

"Our team actively prepared for the competition for one month, and carried out two weeks of efficient training, and the team members continued to deepen their deep understanding of the glorious course of our party in the past century on the basis of fully reading party history books and watching party history videos." The Group also specially selected outstanding preemptive contestants, who always created a key advantage for our team in the preemptive session. Before the game, Zheng Qinwen, the leader of the provincial investment group union, shared their team's experience in the game. In the preemptive answer session, they repeatedly scored points, and locked in the victory in advance with an absolute score advantage before the risk question session.

Guo Nan, winner of the "National Technical Expert" and "Anhui Province May Day Labor Medal", also participated in the competition. As a courier brother who is busy on the front line, he uses his rest time in the evening to seriously study party history in addition to his intense work. "Not only me, but also more workers in new employment forms have also actively joined trade unions and participated in various activities organized by trade unions. In particular, this year's party history study and education has a strong atmosphere of study. We also continue to feel the strong spiritual force brought to us by 'learning history and practicing', so as to better serve the masses." His provincial postal union won the second prize in the competition.

The purpose of this activity is to take the contest on party history knowledge as an effective method for studying party history; through the method of promoting the study of party history, let the knowledge of party history become a compulsory content in the study and education of staff and workers, strive to transform the study results into work results, attract and organize the broad masses of staff and workers, especially peasant workers and young workers, into the competition activities, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, consciousness, and initiative of the staff and workers in studying party history, and guide the broad masses of staff and workers to know history and love the party and the country. (Ge Wanyao)

Editor-in-Charge: Lin Kaiyi