
"Double subtraction" puts forward higher requirements for teachers

author:Nine factions view the world
"Double subtraction" puts forward higher requirements for teachers

Teacher Yang Hong explained traditional cultural knowledge to the students.

◎ Text/Xu Bao Rong Media reporter Li Xiaowei

Photo / Xu Bao Rong Media reporter Qin Yuan

The autumn semester, for Teacher Yang Hong, who has been teaching for 34 years, is as tense and orderly as usual, but it is a little different. In the first semester after the "double subtraction" policy landed, Yang Hong had more thinking about teaching and the identity of teachers.

Yang Hong is the second class teacher and Chinese teacher of the sixth grade of Hanqiao Primary School in Xuzhou. In her eyes, the "double subtraction" is both subtracted and added, subtracting homework, extracurricular training, and adding comprehensive and healthy development. "Double subtraction requires our teachers to teach as much as they can in the classroom, and students learn well." Let school education return to its original intention, let education be civilianized, and let education serve the people. ”

After the "double reduction" policy landed, Yang Hong's classroom has also undergone great changes. She puts the preview as an important homework assignment, so that students think about "what knowledge should they master through the study of a text?" What literacy needs to be improved? "Let the child think deeply about these questions and then walk into the classroom with goals." In classroom teaching, Yang Hong makes these problems become the internal driving force of students' learning, strengthens students' active participation, stimulates students' desire for active inquiry, encourages students to actively express and speculate, and fully respects every student's point of view. Therefore, in her class, the students are very excited, not only the applause is continuous, but also often can see the high frequency of "quarrels" between classmates.

Last week, after Yang Hong and her classmates studied the text "Bamboo Knot Man", in order to let the students feel the fun brought by traditional toys, she arranged an operational homework on the weekend: "Make your own traditional toys, and write about the production process and the fun you bring to yourself." When they came to school on Monday, the children not only brought exquisite handmade works such as rabbit lights, chicken feathers, bamboo dragonflies, etc., but also prepared wonderful articles, so that the children could get a three-dimensional and comprehensive improvement. After learning the text of the Palace Museum, Yang Hong let the students use the text resources to be a tour guide for their families and write a tour guide, and the children not only deeply understood the text, but also improved their language expression ability. Yang Hong said that through the arrangement of such homework, the children's interest in learning has been improved and their language expression ability has been exercised. More prominently, the relationship between teachers, parents and students is more harmonious. In the past, because of various reasons for children, the phenomenon of teachers being anxious and parents being anxious was less, and the cohesion was stronger.

During the interview, the reporter learned that Hanqiao Primary School started from the idea of "allowing students to better return to school", and did a good job of "double reduction" from the four aspects of classroom, detailed homework, accurate push, and after-school service. In the solid classroom, the school is based on the "four learning classrooms", with the core concept of "accurate and effective learning" in the classroom teaching efforts; in the refinement of homework, the school from the implementation of homework management, optimization of homework design, strengthen homework guidance three aspects to ensure that homework is not excessive, to ensure that homework quality, to ensure homework completion rate. Grades 3 to 6 have no homework days a week, so that students can really put down the burden of homework; the school implements a daily "1+1" curriculum. In addition to daily reading and tutoring assignments, teachers of each subject guide students to explore the mysteries of science, accept artistic influence, exercise healthy physique through a wealth of courses, and cultivate children into excellent Hanqiao students who are diligent and disciplined, good at learning, able to be healthy and ambitious, and innovative and reiki.

In the face of "double subtraction", what can we do to meet new challenges? Yang Hong has unique insights. She believes that: First, it is necessary to establish a purposeful classroom. Under the "double reduction" policy, improving the efficiency of classroom teaching is the primary task, how to improve the efficiency of classrooms? That is to start from a clear teaching goal, in the preparation of lessons I from the actual situation of my own class, on the basis of research and learning, determine the teaching objectives, design the teaching plan. Do not do "cramming" teaching, do "point with noodles", concise lectures and conciseness. The guidance and refinement of heavy methods, the transmission and teaching of light knowledge, so that most students can "learn well" in the classroom.

Second, in the arrangement of homework, reduce the "quantity" while improving the "quality". Whether it is the study of in-class articles or extracurricular reading, it is the author's life experience and experience, and the text is born from the heart. Teachers are encouraged to actively develop and utilize curriculum resources, creatively use teaching materials, and increase "experiential" assignments such as practicality and operability. While attaching importance to the assignment of homework, we pay more attention to the feedback of homework, on the one hand, we strengthen face-to-face explanation and Q&A counseling for students with difficulties, and on the other hand, we encourage and praise students who are serious about homework to continuously enhance their self-confidence.

【Source: Xuzhou Daily】

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