
She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

author:Chinese and foreign events are fast looking

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

In today's seemingly equal age of men and women

It has to be said that women are still in a weak position

Some women choose to be silent, stubborn and steal

And some women even have broken heads and bleed

We must also fight to the death and fight to the end

The former can only contribute to more and more injustice

And the latter, even if unsuccessful, will give the world a little echo

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

The woman in the picture

Maybe many people don't know

But in the international film industry, it is a legendary existence

She became famous since childhood, and became popular at a young age

Who expected that when the stars were shining, they were expelled by the motherland

Listed as "the most undesirable person in the country"

He was even threatened with "cutting off his breasts" as punishment

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

She is Gershfi Farahani

One will always fight for women's rights

Women who shout "don't feel guilty about being sexually aroused"

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Born into an artistic family

From an early age, he was influenced by his parents

It shows a high degree of artistic talent

Since his father was a famous theatrical actor and director in Iran

So at the age of 6, she was led by her father

Step into the show business circle and become a household name child star

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

In addition to being extremely talented in acting

She's more "hands on it" for music.

He began learning music and piano playing at the age of 12

At the age of 14, he was admitted to the prestigious Tehran Music School

At the age of 25, she is the heroine of more than 20 films

Later, with the spy war film "Body of Lies"

It has spread all over the world and become a dazzling new star in the world's attention

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Although this girl

From childhood to youth, life has been hanging all the way

But in the eyes of the Iranian public

She is a "rebellious girl" who does not know how to follow the rules.

In Iran, where men are inferior to women

A woman's life is subject to many constraints and persecution

But by nature brave and free of her

In childhood, you already know how to fight back

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Faced with the constraint that Iranian girls cannot play in the streets

She even insisted on shaving her hair

Also walk freely on the street like a boy

In the eyes of the people around me, this is simply a "big rebellion"

Faced with numerous criticisms and questions

Not only did she not back down

Instead, he bravely and firmly asked a loud rhetorical question

"Why can't women and men be treated equally"

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Maybe it's this "bravery" in her bones.

That makes her whether it is in life or work

Can live "wind and fire"

Even the actors who worked with her on filming said

"This girl has a kind of courage and momentum in her bones

Whatever you do, do your best."

So, desperately filming her

Even if you are injured, you are not pretentious

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Because she is both beautiful and dedicated

So there are a lot of people who appreciate her

Even the major directors in the world

They also began to throw olive branches at her

This not only keeps her film dating in Hollywood constantly

It has also made her go to the stage of international awards many times

Even won the Berlin Silver Bear Award

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Just when she was complacent about what she had achieved

But I didn't know that a series of blows had quietly arrived

As she prepares to travel from her home country airport to the United States to study the script

However, it was obstructed by officials in every way

She was even told that she had been blacklisted by the state prohibiting departures

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Faced with such a sudden message

Gershfield was stunned

She did not know why the state had banned her from leaving the country

I don't know how I angered the government

After working together with friends, I finally learned about it

It turned out to be because I was in a movie

There are no national regulations for women

Wear a headscarf strictly and show your face in the movie

This seriously hurts what the government calls "women's morality."

It is a symbol of national shame

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Maybe in many countries

It doesn't hurt for women not to wear headscarves

But in extremely conservative Iran

Women shouldn't have shown their faces

Not to mention appearing on the big international screen without a headscarf

So, her approach

It was not only met with strict resistance from the local government

Even friends and family

Also see her as a "scum" who corrupts a woman's reputation

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

If anything, the blow of not allowing her to leave the country freely is already serious

But who knows, her next encounter is even more shocking

The state not only decided not to show all her films anymore

Even further restrictions on her freelance and career

This caused Gershfield and his friends to panic

They have repeatedly mediated with the government

Finally the government agreed to let her leave the country

But the price is never being able to return to the motherland

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Gershfi who fled abroad

Finally realized the imprisonment and backwardness of the national ideology

There was always a voice in her heart asking her and asking others

Why am I wrong? Why do this to me

The unsolvable problem once again inspired her to resist

She decided to speak out for unequal women's treaties in the country

It is even more necessary to use their own efforts to fight for thousands of women

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

In 2012 she worked for a French magazine

A set of photos was taken, but this time

But it infuriated the Iranian authorities and the domestic residents

Because of the photo, she is completely naked

Just cover your chest with your hands

It is seriously contrary to the conservative traditions of Muslims

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

But her intentions were clear

It is to tell the women who are still imprisoned

Women are born with curves that should not be hidden

"Sexual desire" is an instinct, not a sin

Those so-called women can not show their faces

It's even more of an extreme inequality

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

When she bravely posted her photo on Facebook

In less than an hour, she received tens of thousands of messages

Some people angrily denounced her as a "vulgar woman"

Some people scolded her for being shameless and letting the country follow suit

But there are also people who support her bravery

She said she had unveiled taboos for Eastern Muslims

It tells the tragic fate of thousands of women

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

As the events fermented more intensely

Iranian officials even informed her directly

"Iran doesn't need actors,

You will be expelled from the country forever."

And more intense Muslims

Even threatened her family at home

Claimed to have her breasts cut off and given them to her father

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

In addition to the threats and harm she was directly subjected to

Even the marriage she had always valued had problems

Her husband, who loves her very much on weekdays

Finally can't withstand such a lot of pressure

To end the 11-year marriage with her

In the face of broken feelings, her heart ached

But it didn't hold back

Because she knew she wouldn't give up fighting

Rather, it will fight this inequality to the end

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

At this time, she is 31 years old

Alone abroad, it is difficult to return home

Not only was the marriage lost, but also separated from the parents

Everybody thought she was going to collapse

Those who had hit her were finally relieved

Think she must be aware of her mistake

Then submit to the government and the people

But to everyone's surprise

This strong girl was not defeated

On the contrary, it has strengthened its determination and courage to resist

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Since the state does not recognize her identity

She lived in Paris and worked hard

And bravely let go of those shackles that were once there

Since I was born with a good style

Why hide your beauty?

So she dresses herself up beautifully every day

Generously show off your beautiful curves

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

When you show the world your bravery

In order to truly let go of the taboos and timidity in their hearts

In order to truly live your own appearance

So she lived out her beautiful appearance

It has also inspired many girls who are still living under unequal systems

She is finally no longer the "vulgar" woman in the eyes of many people

Rather, they are role models and heroes in the hearts of countless awakened girls

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Every woman, only live out the most authentic self

You will meet people who truly appreciate yourself

And Gershfi, who has experienced setbacks and tribulations

I also met the right person in my life

She is in a sweet love affair with an American photographer

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

She is now

Still working hard at work

Plain and happy in life

She often said that she was particularly grateful for this place in Paris

Because here, she can be brave enough to be herself

Unlike in the East, you will be ashamed of your sexual impulses

In France, you don't need to feel any guilt

You just have to enjoy life well

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

Perhaps the biggest mistake in the world

It is that women often restrain themselves by men's standards

But I don't know, when you're centered on men

You have already lost yourself

Perhaps, in the country we live in

Being a woman is not as constrained as Gershfield is

But I still hope that the girls will be able to be unfair

Be able to summon up the courage to fight for yourself

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

It is better for a woman to look beautiful than to live a beautiful life

May every woman cherish herself well

Encounter unfair treatment

Reflect well and don't be patient

Even with your efforts, nothing can be changed

But it will always bring a little breakthrough to this unfair pattern

She said: Sex drive do not feel guilty!

May each of us be like Gershfi

Even if it hurts a lot

You can also live your own wonderful

Even though there are thorns ahead

Also ride the wind and waves and bravely move forward