
Gallinari on 2-3 behind: We've faced this situation and we're confident

author:Tiger Basketball

Tiger Punch July 02, 2019 In the Battle of King Mountain in the Eastern Conference Finals that ended today, the Bucks beat the Hawks 123-112 to give them a 3-2 lead in the series. After the game, Eagles player Danilo Gallinari was interviewed by the media.

Speaking about the team's performance, Gallinari said: "I think it's a matter of mentality, we know they're going to be aggressive, we know they're going to stay intense, they're going to play at home, we have to match their intensity and urgency, we just didn't come up with that performance at the start of the game. We played pretty well in the second three quarters, but it was tough in the first quarter. ”

Speaking about the team's 2-3 deficit, Gallinari said: "We have confidence, it's something we've had since the start of the season, we've faced this before, we have a lot of games to play and it's clear that we need to win the next game, we'll do it, we'll be ready for the next one. ”

In this game, Gallinari played 23 minutes, shooting 5-of-11, with 19 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist.

(Editor: Yao Fan)

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