
As you get older, doing so helps with dental care! Authoritative experts strongly recommend

author:The majority of oral dentists Wang Wei

With age, teeth will also be affected to a certain extent, but as long as the daily use of the right method, protect the teeth, to a certain extent, can prevent our teeth from loosening and falling out! Today I will teach you how to protect your teeth!

First, diet is very important!

We must maintain good eating habits, the elderly should eat more coarse grains and high-fiber foods, which will help us clean our teeth and reduce tartar; try to avoid biting into hard foods and reduce the symptoms of tooth allergies after aging.

As you get older, doing so helps with dental care! Authoritative experts strongly recommend

Second, teeth also need to insist on exercise

Many people only know how to exercise, in fact, our teeth also need to exercise, periodontal healthy people recommend learning to percussion (gently tapping up and down, about 100 times in the morning and evening, do not use too much force), gum massage and other dental health care methods.

As you get older, doing so helps with dental care! Authoritative experts strongly recommend

Third, brush your teeth with warm water

Some elderly people will have a certain degree of tooth surface wear and periodontal atrophy, resulting in dentin exposure, the emergence of tooth sensitivity symptoms, at this time our factory brushing can try to stimulate our teeth, use warm water for brushing.

As you get older, doing so helps with dental care! Authoritative experts strongly recommend

Fourth, repair teeth in time

For the teeth loose and fall missing teeth must be repaired in time, because a non-repair can easily lead to the tilt of the healthy adjacent teeth on both sides, followed by the situation of loose together, so it is recommended that the elderly teeth problems should also be repaired in time!

As you get older, doing so helps with dental care! Authoritative experts strongly recommend

The above 4 points hope that everyone must be seriously implemented, and good dental care is the best way to save money and treat teeth! A good tooth needs to be carefully cared for, just like our body!