
The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

author:Constant Fitness

It was an era of beauty, and both men and women were attracted to beautiful faces and figures. While men are fascinated by the vase of beauty in the entertainment industry, women are also sighing and screaming for the muscles and smiles of handsome male stars. In Hollywood, the United States, where commercial film production is most mature, producers never let go of handsome men with angelic faces and seductive figures, even if their acting skills are average and the drama path is very narrow. As long as the box office is all red, even harsh film critics dare not criticize the male color vase in the film, and their significance is to attract female audiences to buy tickets and then rush into the cinema madly.

Chris Evans of the Male Color Vase

The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

Chris Evans is also an American handsome guy who is in Hollywood by virtue of his outstanding body shape. When Chris first starred in the youth sex comedy "Inappropriate for Children", he appeared naked and smeared cream on his chest and lower body! Since then, almost every director who has worked with Chris has said to him, please take off your shirt. Chris is also a fitness maniac. "When I was filming 'Inappropriate for Kids,' the director told me to go topless, and I felt extremely panicked, desperately running around the stadium in order to lose weight." Since then, Chris has been fascinated by fitness. He believes that in Hollywood, only healthy muscles can bring people a sense of security and make the performance more confident.

In the new North American film Captain America, Chris Evans explodes so forcefully that everyone's attention is focused on his muscular muscles. In order to create the appearance of the comic book character "Captain America", Chris exercised for two hours a day and insisted on getting in shape for half a year. "The whole training process was brutal, my personal coach used to serve NFL players and I wondered if he also thought of me as a strong rugby player. He used the circuit training method to deal with my muscles, there was no rest time between the groups, and I could even watch my excess fat being slowly eliminated. ”

Chanin Tatum of the male color vase

The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

Channing Tatum, who has little professional training as an actor, still thinks his success is like "winning the lotto jackpot". In order to survive, he had a good figure and was dug out of the crowd by the modeling company. With his bodybuilding physique, Channing was fortunate to be selected to star in the box office dark horse of that year, "Dance Out of My Life". In the play, with his amazing handsome dancing skills and sparkling perfect figure, he became the dream lover of many American girls. Since then, Chanin Tatum has faithfully fulfilled his "muscle vase" duties, always completed difficult actions naked... In the movie "Special Forces", Chanin independently proved his super "vase" appeal and became a supernova who saved the action movie box office market that year.

In his 9th year, Chanin Tatum used his spare time to attend physical training at the military academy, joined the high school football team, and after receiving a sports scholarship, he was able to enter the university. Although called a vase by critics, Chanin Tatum was a very hard-working actor, always studying the best of the game so intently that audiences thought he was a professional basketball player, soccer master and hip-hop master. Chanin Tatum also once went to learn kung fu for filming, and got the Brazilian jiu-jitsu "black belt" position. An American magazine once did an interesting survey: Who is the man that American girls want to be close to most recently? As a result, Chanin Tatum was elected first place. Chanin Tatum said: "The body is my way of communicating with the world, and I enjoy it. ”

Paul Walker of the Male Color Vase

The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

Paul Walker came from a legendary family, his grandfather was a World War II veteran who competed in two middleweight championships, and his father served in the U.S. Airborne Forces, fought in the Vietnam War, and participated in amateur boxing tournaments. Paul Walker grew up with speedballs and sandbags in the backyard. The unique family environment gave Paul Walker the perfect body shape, and his sunshine boy vigor and charm were selected by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 2001. Whether it's "Fast and Furious" or "Blue Sea Tracking", Paul Walker's appearance can always cause fans to scream.

After becoming famous, Paul Walker was not carried away by the world of Vanity Fair flowers, he was fascinated by surfing and maintained healthy lifestyle habits. Paul Walker, who doesn't hire any nutritionists or personal trainers, has a simple and easy way to get fit, which boils down to having to do a little exercise every day, basketball, volleyball, surfing, water skiing... whatever. In addition, he is also very passionate about martial arts, judo, Muay Thai, taekwondo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, kickboxing and so on.

Paul Walker also has his own opinion on the muscle content of the body. He once tried gaining weight while filming School Blues: "I started a weight gain program, took protein powder, creatine, and gained 205 pounds. "After the film, Paul went on a surfing trip to El Salvador, and the excess muscles not only hindered his speed of sliding on the water, but also greatly reduced his ability to maintain balance on the surfboard." So I lost 180 pounds again and said goodbye to the big muscles. ”

Brandon Rose of the Male Vase

The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

Brandon Rose, who soared because of "Superman Returns", successfully took over the mantle of "Old Superman" Christopher, allowing fans to see the glorious image of Superman again. Most critics believe that Brandon Rose's appearance is too handsome — his exquisite features, mighty body, and righteous temperament make people think that he is the perfect hero.

Brandon Rose, known as the "young version of George Clooney + tall version of Tom Cruise", has enjoyed various sports since he was a child, and rugby and swimming are quite successful. In order to better play the role of Superman, Brandon spent six days a week in the gym for muscle gain training, gaining 10 kilograms more weight than before, and improving his strength. In addition, Brandon also received special physical training from ballet teachers, and the situation of "some slightly hunched back" has also been improved.

However, playing Superman does not seem to give this super handsome guy some good luck, but because his appearance is too zhouzheng and his temperament is too clean, it affects the opportunity to play more different types of roles. Brandon has not had many film invitations recently, and has to be reduced to starring in American dramas to make a living. In his new film "Supermarket Agent", Brandon continues to appear "naked", and the female audience response is still strong.

Rodrigo Santoro of the Male Vase

The male color is turbulent, and the vase is innocent

Brazilian supermodel Rodrigo Santorro, with the titles of "Brazil's first handsome guy" and "Brazil's first idol", also has a good performance on the big screen. He competed sexy with three beautiful babes in "Thunderbolt Baby 2", played the "ten thousand fans" neighbor David in "Graduate Survival Guide", and in "True Love Supreme", he even overpowered the British beauty Hugh Grant to become a dream representative of the typical Latin lover.

The shy Rodrigue Santoro is a Hollywood vase man who wins with a flowing temperament, but this does not mean that he is an emaciated and pale "bamboo pole". He is not very interested in indoor basic sports in the gym, but he is extremely passionate about surfing, fishing, long-distance running, horse riding and other outdoor sports. During the filming of the super American drama "Lost", Rodrigo Santoro's first thought was: "Thanks to the location team of the crew, the filming location of "Lost" is simply a perfect surfing resort. ”

However, the delay in struggling with Hollywood's second-tier standards forced Rodrigue Santoro to pay more attention to his body, hiring top personal trainers, going to gyms he didn't like very much, training three times a week, and focusing on the upper limb muscles. In "I Love You Morris", when Rodrigue Santoro walks toward the camera with his chest muscles exposed, such a gorgeous picture makes the world seem to suffocate.

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