
Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

author:International football cold snow

Spanish commentator Loncero recently wrote a special article pointing out that the "Ashraf effect" is fermenting in Spanish football, which will also bring other help to teams such as Inter Milan.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

What do players care about most in the world of football?

Income, of course. Professionals, breadwinners, no one will be unable to live with money.

Ashraf has become a role model for many players in Spanish football as he could achieve a rocket jump of eight times his earnings in over a year.

In the first half of 2020, Ashraf also played for Borussia Dortmund.

According to Bild, Hakimi's annual salary at that time was less than 1.5 million euros, ranking 18th in the team.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

He has since moved to Inter Milan, where his annual salary has jumped to €5 million after tax.

In the Nerazzurri, Ashraf attracted the attention of Paris Saint-Germain and Chelsea with his outstanding performance, and Inter has made it clear that "sell if the price is good" because of financial difficulties.

If Ashraf completes the transfer, his annual income will double again – Paris offered him a five-year contract with an after-tax base salary of 8 million euros, which would reach the tens of millions if the bonus activation.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

If Ashraf can really complete a huge change in salary increases of eight times in more than a year, what are the key factors?

Performance, ability, and talent are of course important.

But in football, there are many players who play well, have excellent abilities and talents, but few people can achieve such a salary increase.

The key, perhaps, lies in Ashraf's two key choices.

First, when Ashraf performed well at Borussia Dortmund, the Hornets refused to pay for it, only wanted to renew the loan, and did not want to promote his salary to the first and second gears of the team, Ashraf decisively chose to part ways with Dortmund.

Once the decision is made, there will be no more talks.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Second, when Ashraf learned that Zidane would not even give him the status of first substitute if he returned to Real Madrid, he began to seek transfer opportunities. He and his agent carefully evaluated all the teams in football that played three-back, decided that Inter Milan was the most suitable, and once the decision was made, Ashraf's agent went directly to Inter headquarters.

Be decisive and decisive.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Ashraf's agent company is a footfeel company owned by Martin Camano, Laureano Camano, Alberto Camano and others of the Spanish Camano family.

Just a few years ago, the company's most famous players were Mayoral and Borja Valero.

But Ashraf's success gave Camano a great deal of prestige.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

This year Lautaro changed agents, fired his predecessors and joined the Camano umbrella.

The first thing Camano did after taking over was to reject inter's contract extension and use an interview to put the player on the front page of Barca's mouthpiece media.

This is to fight for better treatment for his players.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Nowadays many Spanish players want to join Camano's company.

Spanish players are of a high standard in europe in terms of quality and quantity – there are six Spaniards from both teams in this season's Champions League final.

Among the five major league champions, there are more than a dozen players of Spanish nationality, and even more players from Spanish youth training.

Among these players, there are not many real high-earning players, many of whom are called "power factions" by Europe – a title that also means that their incomes are lower than they expected.

This is the key to Camano's growing corporate voice today.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Famous Spanish commentators believe that Ashraf will bring some help to Inter Milan regardless of whether he moves away from Meazza or not.

For example, the agent of 1999 Barça full-back and Brazilian international Emerson Royal is at Inter headquarters, hoping to persuade the Nerazzurri to sign him as Ashraf's successor after the transfer.

In this matter, the players are the more active side, of course, because the players want to replicate Ashraf's rise, both in fame and income.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Lonseiro also revealed that not only Barca stars, but also Real Madrid players are concerned, and it is expected that this month, people from the agent company Best of You will also visit Inter's headquarters, which has more than 10 Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid and two team echelon players, among which it is worth mentioning Álvaro Odriozola, the Real Madrid substitute full-back who has the intention of making a transfer to change the situation after learning that he is difficult to become a main and backbone rotation player under Ancelotti.

This is the Ashraf effect. The power of example is infinite.

Ashraf's help to Inter goes far beyond goal assists or big cash

Good players are like talented dancers.

Dance skills are important, but the stage is also extremely critical.

If Ashraf's experience can make more powerful players start to pay attention to the stage of Inter, then if Ashraf leaves the team, people can say that he will bring Inter not only goals, assists, transfer fees, but also more.