
Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

author:Poster News

Public Network poster news reporter Qin Wen reported from Jinan

Directed by young director Xu Yantao, written by Mou Shangang, young actors Ma Cancan, Yang Lei and older generation artists Qi Jingbin, Fu Xiaona and other female-themed emotional literary and art blockbusters "You are in My World" is a real Shandong local masterpiece, the film was filmed in Zoucheng and Tengzhou, Shandong, and the film is scheduled to be released on Mother's Day on May 9, 2021.

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

Ma Cancan played the costume of his sister in the filming of "You are in My World"

It is worth noting that the main creative team of the movie "You are in My World" can be described as all Shandong people, especially the heroine Ma Cancan, who is also an authentic Jinan girl. In the film, she plays two roles alone, interprets a pair of twin sisters with completely different personalities and life experiences, completes a true love story of an adoptive mother and child, and interprets the complex and entangled human nature of the role to the heart.

Recently, Ma Cancan said in an exclusive interview with the public network poster news reporter that she liked it when she first got the script, and it was very challenging to play two roles by one person. Moreover, this shooting is the first time to work with the Shandong team, and it is very intimate during the shooting.

One person plays two roles

Shaping twin sisters with very different personalities

In this film, one person plays the younger sister Qin Xuejuan and the female number one Ma Cancan of the sister Qin Yujuan, born in Jinan. In the interview, Ma Cancan told reporters that she began to study the art of quyi in Jinan Black Tiger Spring at the age of 10, graduated from the Peking Opera Huadan Performance Major of the Affiliated Middle School of the China Academy of Drama, and entered the Film and Television Drama Major of the People's Liberation Army Art College of Chinese to continue her studies.

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

The movie "You are in my world" tells the story of an abandoned child Qin Maomao and a pair of twin sisters with very different personalities, Qin Xuejuan, Qin Yujuan, twenty years of unforgettable remembrance, expectation, and final return, in the film, Qin Xuejuan in order to raise the child abandoned by her sister, sacrificed her youth and youth, through human nature and affection, lust and affection, simple and flashy personality contrast to tell the true feelings of an adoptive mother and child. In the end, Qin Maomao returned to the Qin family courtyard with doubts and memories, reminiscing about his childhood, and the mother and son finally recognized each other and returned.

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

Ma Cancan plays the role of her sister Qin Yujuan in the play

In the film, the personalities of the two sisters are completely different, the sister's domineering, realistic, selfish and sister's selflessness, simplicity, and gentleness form a strong contrast, Ma Cancan switches back and forth between the two very different personalities, "For a few days, even I was acting alone against the other myself, and one could act for fifteen or six hours. "In the previous screening, most of the audience did not expect that the two sisters were played by one person.

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

Ma Cancan plays the role of his sister Qin Xuejuan in the play

Talking about the difficulty of one person playing two roles, Ma Cancan told reporters, "When I first got the script, I felt particularly excited, and it was still very challenging for one person to play two roles, but this was a challenge full of special significance. ”

"From the perspective of the two characters, I prefer a simple, pure sister, and the difficulty of the sister's performance is also her simplicity. We all live in the city, and we are more familiar with the role of the sister who entered the city life in college, and it is easier to play. And in searching for the role of my sister who lives in the village, I did a lot of homework. Analyze the character's growth, personality, and analyze the things she encounters to get close to the character. ”

For example, because he has not been a mother, Ma Cancan deliberately "learned the scriptures" from his friends who have already been mothers before filming, to feel the feelings of a mother for the child, and the efforts of raising the child.

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

Stills of sister Qin Xuejuan and her child Mao Mao and father

On the shooting scene, it is not easy for one person to play the opponent scene of two roles. "It was actually quite nervous when shooting, and it could take an hour or two to change outfits." The sister's mature and capable hairstyle, red lips, high heels and sister's double ponytail, plain dress and almost plain makeup all add to the character development of two different characters.

In the film, the sisters have a big contrast in personality, and there are many opponent scenes, how does Ma Cancan switch on the shooting scene?

"First of all, the help of modeling is quite large, through makeup will bring you into the role, but more importantly, it is still necessary to grasp the heart of the character. For example, the sister's heart is material and full of desire, while the sister is more simple and full of emotions, which is very important. ”

The Jinan girl returned to her hometown to shoot a drama

Almost all the crew members of Shandong feel very kind

"You are in my world" is produced and produced by Qingdao Langtao Culture and Arts Center, co-produced by Shandong Shangjiu Tourism Development Co., Ltd., co-produced by Shandong Guoshanling Cultural Industry Co., Ltd. and Shandong Bosen Culture Media Co., Ltd. The main creative team of directors, screenwriters, photographers, producers and other main creative teams can be described as all Shandong filmmakers, and the filming location is also in Tengzhou and Zoucheng, Shandong, which makes Ma Cancan, who was born in Jinan, feel very kind.

"When this movie was preparing in Beijing, I had a very speculative chat with the director, although I am from Shandong, but this is the first time I have worked with the Shandong team, everyone is very affinity, in addition, everyone's taste is the same, and the crew's meal is appetizing!" Ma Cancan said with a smile that after shooting in Zoucheng, Shandong for 21 days, she was deeply impressed by the local characteristic fried chicken, and the harmonious atmosphere of the Shandong crew and the enthusiasm of the local villagers made her feel "home".

Interview with Ma Cancan, the heroine of "You are in My World": Jinan girl returns to Shandong to shoot a drama One person plays two roles to stage an emotional drama

The film was filmed in The Nine Mountains in Zoucheng, Shandong Province

"Shandong people do a lot of TV dramas, and the cultural atmosphere in Shandong is also particularly good, there are also a lot of excellent Shandong actors, as soon as we met, we began to chat in Shandong dialect, feeling very kind."

Not long ago, the producer of the film invited some media and audience representatives to hold a film viewing party in Jinan, which was unanimously praised and praised by everyone: "Shandong's emotional blockbuster tells the glory of innocent motherhood and love, touching and profound", "Small people have big feelings and can sing and cry" "Really deeply moved." It is reported that on May 9, 2021, Mother's Day, "You are in My World" will be released in theaters nationwide.

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