
A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

author:Stranger to the smell of books

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A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

If we compare life to a game of cards, we will find that some people play a good hand of cards, but some people can turn defeat into victory and play a bad hand better and better.

If we pay attention, we will find that people who play bad cards better and better, do things, the pattern is often relatively large, not entangled in trivial things, not easy to be confused by the fame and fortune in front of us, know how to choose, have a high vision, follow their own inner wishes, and have a resolute and decisive attitude when making life choices.

A person is not born with a large pattern, but has experienced the wind and rain of the years, and after experiencing various tests in life, he has a calm and calm attitude towards life.

A person with a large pattern, in life, is a relatively powerful master, they usually have their own thoughts, have their own unique vision. Do things with their own rhythms and steps. When the pattern is getting bigger and bigger, they often have these signs on their bodies.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

<h1>First, be able to regulate their emotions and not lose their temper. </h1>

A person with a large pattern can always regulate his emotions very well. It always gives people the impression of "gaining displeasure and losing without worrying".

No matter what happens, they can show a "don't be alarmed" attitude.

Friend Wang Jing, when she found that her husband had a lover outside, she did not go home and quarrel with her husband, but did not say a word, and there was no abnormality in the past.

However, in private, Wang Jing quietly moved. She took her husband's bank card, went to the bank, and transferred all the money on her husband's card to her own bank card.

Then, she showed off to her husband, and she gave him two ways, to go or to stay. If you leave, you will leave the house and leave the property to her and her daughter, if you stay, you can choose to forgive and see your husband's future performance.

At first, the husband still wanted to deny that he had a lover outside, but in the face of Wang Jing's aggressiveness, he seemed to have mastered everything. The husband shook his head.

The husband suddenly became very well-behaved and weak. Money emboldens people. Men without money suddenly became very weak.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

Most men have raised a little three outside and have a lover because of the trouble caused by money. The wise Wang Jing is well aware of this, and when she knew that her husband had a lover outside, she did not cry, did not hysterical, but quietly transferred his savings. Men have no money, and they can't get up at once.

Later, Wang Jing's husband returned to the family, Wang Jing chose to forgive, and from then on, she did not mention this matter to her husband again. It was as if it hadn't happened.

The same thing about the husband cheating, different women, the performance is so different. When her colleague Wei Meng found that her husband had a lover outside, she went home crying, making trouble and hanging herself, so that everyone in the whole building in their community knew that her husband had cheated. Her husband felt very faceless. Vowed to divorce Wei Meng.

Originally, her husband cheated on her first, and when she was disturbed by Wei Meng, she threatened to divorce Wei Meng, and Wei Meng couldn't stand it even more, her temper became worse and worse, and she couldn't control her behavior more and more.

Every day when she came home from work, she did not spare her husband. Deeper into the middle of the night, I also noisily did not let my husband rest. In bed, she tore and bit her husband. In the end, her husband was tossed around, and one night, her husband beat her up. She was heartbroken.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

Soon, they divorced. In fact, Wei Meng did not want to divorce. For so many years, she has been supported by her husband. After the divorce, Wei Meng regretted it, the child was sentenced to her husband, the house was also given to her husband, and she was left with only a mess.

Wei Meng, 40, said: The blame can only be blamed on his small pattern, facing accidents, unable to stabilize emotions, and no long-term vision.

Every adult world has its own pain, but people with large patterns can always quietly hide their grief and make their own decisions silently.

Friend Ame is a sensual woman, she once said: she is particularly envious of those rational people in life, do anything, decisive, never drag mud and water.

May we all "quit" our emotions and be a silent adult, with the ability to win and the courage to lose.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

<h1>Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". </h1>

Some people say that those who can achieve great things have already "quit" their emotions.

Some people say: a successful person, there is no time to chat with you. Only bored people have so much time to chat with people.

A successful person rarely forwards messages in the circle of friends and posts beautiful pictures of life, because their energy is not here. All of their time is spent on their careers.

A person, a lifetime, eats according to his ability. A person with a big pattern will cultivate his own skills all his life, delve into his own business, and go on the road of chasing his dreams step by step.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

They are often more and more courageous, not afraid of difficulties, and insist on deep ploughing in the field of their careers. Over time, silently and silently, he made glittering and enviable achievements.

A person with a bigger pattern slowly walked out of the "children's love", and rarely immersed himself in male and female love, Qingqing and me. In the passage of time, they value the companionship of family and friendship more.

Because a person with a large pattern gradually wakes up: no matter how deep the feelings are, they cannot withstand the drift of time, and there are fewer and fewer people who stay around. And in a long life, the most reliable person can only be himself. The love of others, the money of others, can only be used to feed youth, and the money and self-love earned by career can accompany us to grow old slowly.

A person with a larger and larger pattern often has these 3 signs on his body, can regulate his emotions, and does not lose his temper. Second, pay attention to career development, and rarely indulge in "children's love". Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things.

<h1>Third, do not worry about small things, and be careful in big things. </h1>

A person with a big pattern may not be so successful or necessarily rich, but they must have their own position in doing things, distinguish between right and wrong, and treat big things and small things differently.

Our former faculty and research staff have always dreamed of being a principal, but for many years, this wish has not been realized. A principal commented on him behind his back: the pattern is not big.

This faculty member's own business is very good, and various teaching awards are also soft. However, he was always immersed in his own world, in the collective, lacking the spirit of leadership, conservative and selfish, and it was difficult for young people to learn a skill from him.

Also, he always likes to amplify the shortcomings of others, likes to make a fuss about small things, and nitpicks. And turn a blind eye to the merits of others. I always feel like I'm superior.

A person with a big pattern must be an informal, but pay attention to details.

A person has talent and art, if the pattern is not large, it is also difficult to get the favor and respect of others, the road to the career will generally not go too far, even if because of some luck or special reasons to sit on a high position, if you do not improve the pattern, one day, it will fall very heavy, and there will be disasters if you are not worthy of the position.

Some people say: Vision determines the pattern, and the pattern determines the victory.

Therefore, a person with a broad vision, sloppy in small things, and a heart for big things will have good luck in his life.


A person's pattern is not born to be large, and can rely on the efforts and cultivation of the day after tomorrow. A person's fate is in his own hands, then, a pattern is also cultivated over time and slowly.

In life, facing difficulties, overcoming one difficulty after another, being a strong person in life, being a wise person in life, slowly, will improve their own pattern.

A successful person is not necessarily a person with a big pattern, but a person with a big pattern must be more likely to be successful. Because how big a person has, how big a mind is.

Introduction to Mo Shang Shuxiang: Contracted author of Tianya Literature, author of the novels "Shang Hai Ups and Downs: Her Wrong Married Life" and "This Year I Am Ten Years Old". Life is not easy, I accompany you. Read books, talk about life, write emotional words that heal the heart, grow up with you, witness the sweat all the way, all the way to the fragrance of flowers.