
Why do community leaders come here to learn from their experience?

{"info":{"title":{"content":"社区干部为啥来这里学经验?","en":"Why do community leaders come here to learn from their experience?"},"description":{"content":"新华社长春7月23日电题:社区干部为啥来这里学经验?新华社记者赵丹丹位于吉林省长春市东北角的宽城区团山街道长山花园社区,...","en":"Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, July 23 Title: Why did community cadres come here to learn experience? Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Dandan is located in Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Street, Kuancheng District, the northeast corner of Changchun City, Jilin Province,..."}},"items":[]}