
Singer Xu Jiahui also blessed the launch of the yuanqi meng main tea shop?


It is said that the opportunity to officially start meeting with everyone recently, in fact, is because many star partners send blessings in friendship, which makes the exposure rate get a further increase, and in fact, it has met with everyone last year, but each stage of meeting with everyone is also progressing, this stage we call it the official start of it ~

Singer Xu Jiahui also blessed the launch of the yuanqi meng main tea shop?

Yuanqi Meng Lord

Xu Jiahui blessing original words: Hello everyone, I am the singer Xu Jiahui, here I wish the yuanqi meng main VR game theme tea shop to open a lucky, thriving, red to the end, the vitality of the tea tour from now on, I hope that you who love food more support Oh, I praise you. With the companionship of these star partners, I hope to thrive like her blessings.

By the way, I would like to introduce Xu Jiahui: born on December 10, 1987 in Xuyi County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, Chinese mainland pop singer, in 2006 for recording the Anhui Television Station "Binge Qun Sister Joy Club" Spring Festival Gala program and officially debuted, representative works: "premeditated", "the end of the horse", "tolerance", "one beat and two scatters".

Singer Xu Jiahui also blessed the launch of the yuanqi meng main tea shop?

Yuanqi Meng main tea shop

Seeing the multi-channel multi-channel multi-platform of the Yuanqi Meng Lord have star friends to send blessings, the real feeling of strength is really not generally strong, it is very strong, in addition to Xu Jiahui There are many stars to send blessings, from now on, it is estimated that you will see the tea and food shops that line up for a long time.

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