
[Implementing the Spirit of the Central Nationalities Work Conference • Minister Said] Wang Shiyu: Cast a Solid Sense of Community and Bloom the Flower of National Unity

author:Changde release
[Implementing the Spirit of the Central Nationalities Work Conference • Minister Said] Wang Shiyu: Cast a Solid Sense of Community and Bloom the Flower of National Unity

Cast a solid sense of community and bloom the flower of national unity

Wang Shiyu Deputy Secretary of the Dingcheng District CPC Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department

General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Central Ethnic Work Conference, emphasizing that the high-quality development of the party's ethnic work in the new era is promoted with the main line of forging a solid sense of the Chinese national community, which points out the direction for us to further do a good job in ethnic work in the new situation.

[Implementing the Spirit of the Central Nationalities Work Conference • Minister Said] Wang Shiyu: Cast a Solid Sense of Community and Bloom the Flower of National Unity

Dingcheng District is a scattered ethnic minority residential area, with 1 ethnic minority township, 7 ethnic minority villages with a large population, and 34 ethnic groups blooming with flowers, working together in unity and common prosperity and development. The economic and social development of ethnic minority villages has always been an important task to which the regional party committee attaches great importance. We will take advantage of the "east wind" of the Central Ethnic Work Conference, give play to the role of the party's leadership core, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference, accelerate the economic and social development of ethnic minority villages, and build the Chinese dream together.

Vigorously grasp ideological construction, like a swallow nest persevering. At present and for some time to come, we must give prominence to the study and implementation of the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference, and thoroughly study and publicize the spirit of the conference through forms such as the study (expansion) meeting of the theoretical study center group of the party committees (party groups) of all levels and departments and media platforms; strengthen the education and training of cadres, and incorporate the spirit of the central ethnic work conference, especially the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, into the study content of the party school of the district party committee; in particular, ethnic minority villages should adopt the holding of party member meetings, mass congresses, and House meetings and other forms of study and publicize the spirit of the Central Ethnic Work Conference, and at the same time use propaganda windows and village sounds to carry out propaganda.

Pay close attention to organizational construction, such as bees brewing honey never stop. First, we should pay close attention to the building of grass-roots party organizations. As the main body of grassroots ethnic work, ethnic minority villages should adhere to the guidance of party building, comprehensively strengthen and improve the leading role of party organizations, and take the opportunity of party history study education and national unity and progress publicity month activities to enhance the sense of national identity. The second is to give play to the exemplary and leading role of party members. Party members and cadres should set an example with their fine work style and image in accordance with the requirements of enhancing the "four consciousnesses," strengthening the "four self-confidences," and achieving the "two safeguards." They should strengthen the building of the leading bodies of the party branches of the minority nationalities and build the rural party organizations into strong fighting fortresses for the unity and development of the nationalities. The third is to strengthen the building of the contingent of ethnic minority cadres. It is necessary to vigorously train and select minority cadres who are loyal to the party and have strong work ability and control ability, so that they can play an active role in promoting the economic and social development of minority villages.

Vigorously grasp the common prosperity, like a horse galloping forward. The first is to speed up the pace of improving the construction of infrastructure in ethnic minority villages and lay a solid foundation for the development of ethnic minority villages. Xujiaqiao's return to Wei townships and scattered ethnic minority villages should be based on local realities, improve the infrastructure, and improve the production and quality of life of the ethnic minority masses as soon as possible. In particular, Xujiaqiao should speed up the construction of the East Trunk Canal and the Shuangchong High Canal to provide a guarantee for the development of a high-quality and efficient agricultural industry. Second, we must vigorously grasp the development of characteristic industries. Xu Jiaqiao should continue to do a good job in the new manufacture of oil tea and the low-level reform of the village, so as to enhance the economic returns of the masses. In particular, we should give full play to the advantages of the suburbs, cultivate secondary and tertiary industries such as mixing plants and logistics parks, and promote the common prosperity of ethnic minority rural areas.

Source: Changde Daily

Author: Wang Shiyu

First Instance: Hao Danning

Second instance: Zhang Yang

Final Judge: Peng Meijun

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